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Originally Posted by asj:




Those CLOWNS will never do that. They will cut, cut, cut and talk SHIT daily but to do something worthwhile that is not their cup of tea.  Slo Fiah Mo Fiah they can do daily!!!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


PPP/C will win the next election with more than 51% of the votes, whether it is scheduled for tomorrow, next year or at the scheduled date in 2016.

DG your opinion, your thoughts, maybe your dreams, not necessarily so, but then again you are entitle to fantasize.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:




Those CLOWNS will never do that. They will cut, cut, cut and talk SHIT daily but to do something worthwhile that is not their cup of tea.  Slo Fiah Mo Fiah they can do daily!!!

Nehrubhai, those clowns have The Corrupted PPP/C on their P's and Q's, and they know that to move a no confidence vote agains't Ramotar would be in thier favour, so dont be surprised when they actually do what they are threatening.

Originally Posted by Rev:


Poor asj---desperation and depression setting in---asj now realizes that his beloved PNC/AFC has zero chance of defeating the PPP.


Keep whining and blaming asj---but just don't commit suicide.



Rev, if you are in Guyana, or ever was in Guyana for the past year or so, you would have noticed that the Corrupted PPP/C does not command anykind of support that they had in the last election, the people are very much vexed that the promised that PPP made to them has not and will not materialize, every single village, you have garbage stinking up every street corner, in PPP's stronghold support areas, the streets are laced with potholes, resembling the Atlantic Ocean when you have a hard rainfall. Georgetown is terribly. Many yards are flooded out, as there are no proper drainages.

In the last Elections with a massive support, they could have mustered only 49% of the vote, now with people witnessing the massive corruptions on a daily basis...............are we to assume that the Corrupt PPP/C with less support now will garnered over 50%?


The most I will give them is 41% and that is very generous.

Life is too sweet bai, asj will never ever think of suicide, not when he is thinking of starting a new family, more responsibilities bai.


Originally Posted by asj:

In the last Elections with a massive support, they could have mustered only 49% of the vote, now with people witnessing the massive corruptions on a daily basis...............are we to assume that the Corrupt PPP/C with less support now will garnered over 50%?




* The Rev was in Guyana earlier this year and I saw with my own eyes new construction every place I went. I was pleased with the progress I saw. And in speaking to businesspeople---many were upbeat about Guyana.


* Listen! Ramotar was a weak candidate---definitely not the best qualified--- and yet the PPP received 48.6% of the votes in 2011.


* Your prediction that the PPP will get only 41% of the votes in the next election wreaks of desperation asj.


* In the next election Ramotar will not be an unqualified newbie leading the PPP into an election----he will be the incumbent president with 5 years of experience.


* The question asj is not whether the PPP will win----a PPP victory is 99.99% guaranteed--The question is whether the PPP can regain the majority.


* By the way asj--keep up the good work pointing out corruption in the PPP---there is no question power has corrupted many PPP politicians---but as the Rev keeps saying---Guyana has progressed under the corrupt PPP---on the other hand, the country was ruined and bankrupted under the corrupt PNC.





Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


PPP/C will win the next election with more than 51% of the votes, whether it is scheduled for tomorrow, next year or at the scheduled date in 2016.

DG your opinion, your thoughts, maybe your dreams, not necessarily so, but then again you are entitle to fantasize.

Daily expressions on GNI about the PPP/C are simply your usual wild imaginary expressions which  differs from realities.


Asj I would like the few Remain B@tty Boys & Funny Fellas to tell us if this (Corrupt) PPP govt is as strong and solid as they are claiming why are they caving in to the opposition demands.


Why cut the tolls on the Berbice Bridge?


Why are they doing exactly what the opposition demand......and ignoring the advise of the Private Sector Commission...What happen they ignoring them ******s and funny fellas in the (So call Powerful) Private Sector?


Why them dumping all them Black House of Isreal Thugs them use to boast about????

De Ole Engineer claim the thugs will guarantee PPP 51% Votes.


The corruption so much....they had to give in to the demands of the sugar workers.

De Big godeey man  say not a cent more for the sugar workers.....Walla say he got a Heavier load to carry than them....and he aint de sugar workers should thank god dem don't have a Goooodey to tag along like he.


Rev tell we them thiefing, them corrupt and them practicing buggery.....but Guyana do not need a Decent, Honest and Clean Democratic Govt.

Why Rev ....because that gon clean up the Narco Influence?


Come on funny fellas.....tell us why the Govt caving into the demands of the majority now??????

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Rev tell we them thiefing, them corrupt .....but Guyana do not need a Decent, Honest and Clean Democratic Govt.





* It looks like you have cobweb in your brain and can't think straight.


* Listen! The alternative to the corrupt PPP is the corrupt PNC.


* The Rev has stated that even though the PPP is corrupt Guyana has experienced progress under PPP rule.


* Under the corrupt PNC Guyana was ruined and bankrupted.


* So the Rev will continue to support the corrupt PPP---the alternative(PNC) would be catastrophic for Guyana.





Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev support Corruption and Narco Business.....the Majority of Guyanese want Change.....



* You are right! The majority of Guyanese---51.4%---voted against the PPP in the 2011 election.


* But the Burnham constitution gave the election to the PPP with their 48.6%


* Keep bawling and screaming jalil----it's your right.


* But the PPP will rule Guyana until 2016----and then Ramotar will be re-elected in 2016.


* That means jalil---you'll get a chance to bawl and scream PPP corruption until 2021.





Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev support Corruption and Narco Business.....the Majority of Guyanese want Change.....



* You are right! The majority of Guyanese---51.4%---voted against the PPP in the 2011 election.


* But the Burnham constitution gave the election to the PPP with their 48.6%


* Keep bawling and screaming jalil----it's your right.


* But the PPP will rule Guyana until 2016----and then Ramotar will be re-elected in 2016.


* That means jalil---you'll get a chance to bawl and scream PPP corruption until 2021.





rev go to guyana and meet the village people you might get a supprise

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev support Corruption and Narco Business.....the Majority of Guyanese want Change.....



* You are right! The majority of Guyanese---51.4%---voted against the PPP in the 2011 election.


* But the Burnham constitution gave the election to the PPP with their 48.6%


* Keep bawling and screaming jalil----it's your right.


* But the PPP will rule Guyana until 2016----and then Ramotar will be re-elected in 2016.


* That means jalil---you'll get a chance to bawl and scream PPP corruption until 2021.





rev go to guyana and meet the village people you might get a supprise

Rev is an uppity up GT kulli.

Originally Posted by asj:





The opposition are scared of calling an election. They have a majority in parliament and can do so if they wish but are too chicken to call one. PNC is quite content in being the opposition since they have accepted the fact that they cannot form a government in ANY free and fair election.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:





The opposition are scared of calling an election. They have a majority in parliament and can do so if they wish but are too chicken to call one. PNC is quite content in being the opposition since they have accepted the fact that they cannot form a government in ANY free and fair election.

guyana will always be a country divided with a minority government how long their is burham constitution the ppp is a too power hungry to share or involve the opposition and this is one of the main reason for corruption the government feel that they are untouchable 

Originally Posted by warrior:

rev go to guyana and meet the village people you might get a supprise

* You're 100% correct.


* People in villages like Buxton, Plaisance, Bee Vee, Vigilance, Clon-Brook, etc, etc, etc----they hate having an East Indian as President.


* And let's not forget the Dirty PNC Indians----they are dying for a black man to rule Guyana.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by warrior:

rev go to guyana and meet the village people you might get a supprise

* You're 100% correct.


* People in villages like Buxton, Plaisance, Bee Vee, Vigilance, Clon-Brook, etc, etc, etc----they hate having an East Indian as President.


* And let's not forget the Dirty PNC Indians----they are dying for a black man to rule Guyana.



a black man ruling you right now 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
 PNC is quite content in being the opposition since they have accepted the fact that they cannot form a government in ANY free and fair election.



* The only thing I am curious to know is if the PNC and AFC will form a coalition prior to the 2016 election ?


* A coalition between the PNC and AFC would make for an interesting election.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
 PNC is quite content in being the opposition since they have accepted the fact that they cannot form a government in ANY free and fair election.



* The only thing I am curious to know is if the PNC and AFC will form a coalition prior to the 2016 election ?


* A coalition between the PNC and AFC would make for an interesting election.




That scares me. A combined AFC/PNC will spell trouble for the PPP. At the end of the day, Guyanese sadly vote race during elections and many Indo Guyanese are scared of a PNC government given the past dictatorship rule with Granger and Carl Greenidge still being around.


Afro Guyanese do not feel comfortable with an Indo led government. That is the problem with politics in Guyana. Will we ever see an end to race voting ? I honestly do not have an answer to that.

Originally Posted by Rev:
* A coalition between the PNC and AFC would make for an interesting election.

Individuals were of the view in the last election that the AFC was a political organization with a vision for the betterment of Guyana and working independently of other political entities.


However, immediately after the elections, the AFC publicly aligned itself with the PNC.


Whether the AFC merges with the PNC or it continues as a separate organization for the next election(s), it is unlikely that they will gather the number of votes they received in 2011.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
* A coalition between the PNC and AFC would make for an interesting election.

Individuals were of the view in the last election that the AFC was a political organization with a vision for the betterment of Guyana and working independently of other political entities.


However, immediately after the elections, the AFC publicly aligned itself with the PNC.


Whether the AFC merges with the PNC or it continues as a separate organization for the next election(s), it is unlikely that they will gather the number of votes they received in 2011.

Well said DG. The KFC has become an embarrassment and People realise they are simply Snakeoil Salesmen.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
* A coalition between the PNC and AFC would make for an interesting election.

Individuals were of the view in the last election that the AFC was a political organization with a vision for the betterment of Guyana and working independently of other political entities.


However, immediately after the elections, the AFC publicly aligned itself with the PNC.


Whether the AFC merges with the PNC or it continues as a separate organization for the next election(s), it is unlikely that they will gather the number of votes they received in 2011.




Interesting observation. Will the AFC be able to shake off the PNC arm in arm politics ? I thing that it will hurt them at the next election. The PPP may just shave a majority at the next election.


The AFC made a few critical political mistakes.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
* A coalition between the PNC and AFC would make for an interesting election.

Individuals were of the view in the last election that the AFC was a political organization with a vision for the betterment of Guyana and working independently of other political entities.


However, immediately after the elections, the AFC publicly aligned itself with the PNC.


Whether the AFC merges with the PNC or it continues as a separate organization for the next election(s), it is unlikely that they will gather the number of votes they received in 2011.



Interesting observation. Will the AFC be able to shake off the PNC arm in arm politics ? I thing that it will hurt them at the next election. The PPP may just shave a majority at the next election.


The AFC made a few critical political mistakes.

For the term of this government, the PNC cum AFC has the majority of MPs and indeed they will do as they wish regarding voting and other issues with their one-vote majority.


However, the next election will be quite a surprise for the AFC as from all that is evident, the PNC and AFC are solidly united.


The items where the AFC voted with the PPP/C is of no importance.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 That scares me. A combined AFC/PNC will spell trouble for the PPP.



* The numbers don't lie.


* 51.4% of the Guyanese voters did not vote for the PPP in 2011.


* And a coalition between the PNC and AFC could spell trouble for the PPP.


* Poster Demerara_Guy seems confident that the PPP will win back the majority.


* But did D-G expect the PPP to lose the majority in the first place ?


* If there is no PNC/AFC coalition, then there is a 99.99999% chance the PPP will win the next election.


* But a PNC/AFC coalition could spell trouble for the PPP.


* Both you and the Rev are solid supporters of the PPP---and if we are saying a PNC/AFC coalition could spell trouble----then the PPP better be careful.



Originally Posted by Rev:
* Poster Demerara_Guy seems confident that the PPP will win back the majority.


* But did D-G expect the PPP to lose the majority in the first place ?

Generally, political parties' fates are based on the election results, whether a governing or opposition parties.


Indeed, I did expect the PPP/C to win with a majority in the 2011 elections.


However, after the 2011 elections and the expectations of those who supported the AFC, conditions have significantly changes as the PNC and AFC, though two organizations, have become united as one.


With the current issues, it is unlikely that the AFC will retain the votes received in the 2011 elections, whether as an independent organization or united with the PNC for the next election.


Each election is a completely new process, though one may make projections on past results.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Each election is a completely new process....



* You are spot on about each election being "a completely new process..."


* And if the PNC and AFC were to form a coalition---that coalition with its newness and novelty---could catapult the PNC/AFC into the executive branch.


* The PNC needs to put up a new leader---Granger is a proven failure.


* The presidential candidate in the PNC/AFC coalition will come from the PNC; the PM candidate will be from the AFC---and that will either be Moses or Ramjattan.


* Keep in mind that Ramotar is not a charismatic leader---he lacks charm---he lacks appeal----the man is BORING.





The newness and novelty of a PNC/AFC coalition could defeat the PPP---remember 51.4% of Guyanese in 2011 were ready for a change---they did not vote for the PPP.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Asj I would like the few Remain B@tty Boys & Funny Fellas to tell us if this (Corrupt) PPP govt is as strong and solid as they are claiming why are they caving in to the opposition demands.


Why cut the tolls on the Berbice Bridge?


Why are they doing exactly what the opposition demand......and ignoring the advise of the Private Sector Commission...What happen they ignoring them ******s and funny fellas in the (So call Powerful) Private Sector?


Why them dumping all them Black House of Isreal Thugs them use to boast about????

De Ole Engineer claim the thugs will guarantee PPP 51% Lo-lo.


The corruption so much....they had to give in to the demands of the sugar workers.

De Big godeey man  say not a cent more for the sugar workers.....Walla say he got a Heavier load to carry than them....and he aint de sugar workers should thank god dem don't have a Goooodey to tag along like he.


Rev tell we them thiefing, them corrupt and them practicing buggery.....but Guyana do not need a Decent, Honest and Clean Democratic Govt at this time.

Why Rev ....because that gon clean up the Narco Influence?


Come on funny fellas.....tell us why the Govt caving into the demands of the majority now??????

Asj.....These Funny Fellas keep Skinning up and exposing themselves...not one of these fellas who condone Buggery can tell us why the Govt is caving in to the demands of the majority?????


Mitwa.....De PNC engineer cannot understand we do not care what he thinks or what he feels will happen.....all that garbage he must stuff up his backside and Lamumba will make sure he get a 55% or better result. one believe anything you say anymore....

everyone know you do not want to end Corruption or Narco Business.....

and yuh comfortable with Lamumba Pole up yuh hole.....

so yuh see nothing wrong with Dem Black House of Isreal long as they take care of business.


All of us on GNI want to know...What type of Business these Black Thugs teking care of????....


Talk de truth....Corruption & Narco wha else dem Black Thugs can do fuh aya.


We cannot say Teking dem Laar and Buggery is any Business....

That is aya pleasure......


Just Imagine Rev counting fuh walk round with Lamumba larwa firmly in place until 2021.These chap shameless 

Last edited by Former Member

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