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Former Member
AS an overseas Guyanese who is interested in what goes on in Guyana, I wish to urge the Guyanese electorate to vote for Mr. Donald Ramotar for the Presidency of Guyana in the coming General Elections.
Mr. Ramotar is a well liked personality for those who have interacted with him over the years. He is always eager to listen to your problems and more willing to help where possible. Moreover, Mr. Ramotar has been quite close to what has been going on in Guyana for several decades now and consequently, only he is in a position to see the pros and cons of various situations in the country.
He had closely worked with the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan for the longest possible while, thus he will be the most suitable person to honour Dr. Jagan by seeking to implement some of Dr. Jagan's ideas to benefit the whole Guyanese nation. The people will lose if Mr. Ramotar is not the next President of Guyana.


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The P.P.P/C will continue to invest billions in the social sectors

Investment in People

a. Education.


 Government expended a sum of $21.8 billion over the last year in the sector.

 The National School Feeding programme which cost over $900 million and benefited more than 63,000 students.

 The National School Uniform Assistance Programme which benefited over 200,000

 $923 million was expended on construction works at 2 new technical institutes in Regions 3 and 5, along with the procurement of furniture, tools, and equipment for all institutes,

 $129 million was expended on the Secondary Competency Certificate Programme implemented in 18 additional secondary schools.

 $875 million has been expended on teacher education towards the operations and renovation works at the Cyril Potter College, which added a total of 364 trained teachers to the education system in 2010.

 $2.4 billion was also expended in 2010 towards the maintenance, rehabilitation, extension and construction of educational facilities throughout Guyana

 78 information technology laboratories were completed at primary and secondary schools


 $24.3 billion has been allocated towards the continued successful implementation of the National Education Strategic Plan in 2011

 US$4.2 million Guyana Improving Teacher Education Project of which $200 million is budgeted for 2011

 $919 million has been budgeted for teacher training towards the medium term target of achieving 70 percent trained teachers in the system by 2013.

 Work has commenced and will continue during 2011 on the design of a US$10 million project to strengthen the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Guyana as a permanent academic and research institutional

 University of Guyana has been allocated $769 million towards the operations and maintenance of the Turkeyen and Tain campuses.

 $450 million has been provided for student loans.

 The National School Feeding programme has been allocated over $1 billion and will continue to deliver a snack to every student in all nursery schools and grades 1 and 2 of primary schools.

 School Uniform Assistance Programme will continue to be implemented in 2011, and will see every school child provided with one school uniform during the year.

 $1.6 billion has been budgeted for technical vocational education and include the completion of construction works at the vocational centres in Regions 3 and 5, the construction of a student dormitory at Essequibo Technical Institute.

 $2.8 billion has been allocated for the continued maintenance, rehabilitation, extension and construction of educational facilities countrywide.

b. Health


 Government expended $13.4 billion in 2010 towards the implementation of the National Health Sector Strategy 2008-2012.

 $1.3 billion was expended for the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of health care facilities in 2010.

 Over $280 million was expended on training, while more than 150 new health workers entered the public health sector contributing to improved doctors and nurses’ population ratio.


 $14 billion has been allocated to the health sector

 Government has budgeted to inject $345 million into training activities, which will provide for an additional 250 professional nurses being trained and 140 clinical and technical staff, while over 280 students in various health disciplines are currently in training across the various schools.

 1 billion has been budgeted for the construction and maintenance of health sector buildings and infrastructure nationwide

 Storage bond in Diamond will be completed in 2011

 $235 million has been budgeted for the completion of the GPHC inpatient facility. Additionally, facilities at Enmore Polyclinic, West Demerara Hospital, Leguan, and Oscar Joseph District Hospitals will be upgraded.

c. Housing


 Over $9.6 billion was expended in the housing sector in 2010

 Allocated of 6,331 house lots as well as the distributed 4,591 land titles surpassing our targets of 5,500 house lots and 3,750 land titles

 $343.7 million was expended over the last year for the successful completion of a $2.2 billion housing project which has realised the construction and upgrading of roads, drains and structures benefiting 4,636 lots in areas such as Cummings Lodge C&Y, Sophia, Westminster, Belle West, Glasgow and Onderneeming.

 $680 million was spent on the construction of roads, drains and structures in areas such as Block 8 Mon Repos, Plantation Schoonord, Anna Catherina, Hope Estate


 $3.6 billion is allocated to the housing sector to facilitate the development of housing schemes which is expected to result in the allocation of 7,500 house lots and the processing and distribution of 4,000 land titles.

 $700 million will be spent on improving the road network and water distribution systems to the benefit approximately 1,500 households.

 Under the Second Low Income Settlement Programme, 148 core houses are expected to be completed

d. Water


 $3.4 billion was expended in the water sector

 Completion of the water treatment plants at Lima, Vergenoegen, Cotton Tree, Central Ruimveldt, Sophia and Corriverton benefiting over 100,000 persons with improved water quality.

 15,000 service connections were upgraded and in excess of 5,000 water meters were installed.


 $1.5 billion has been allocated to the water sector to achieve its objective of ensuring improved water supply

 $850 million is allocated for improving water distribution in areas such as Hope, Calcutta, Lochaber, Anna Catherina, Diamond, DeHoop and Bartica.

 In Linden, $75 million is budgeted to improve transmission and distribution systems at Amelia’s Ward and Wisroc from which over 7,000 residents will benefit.

 Another $103 million is budgeted for provision of water to hinterland communities such as Sand Hills, Wiruni, Calcuni, Kariabo, Kwebanna and Mahdia where over 5,000 residents will benefit.
Ramotar is a lame duck, he is one of the most disliked person in the sugar industry for causing hundreds to lose their jobs. He sat on the Guysuco board while the sugar industry went down the drain.
He might be a good listener, but dam short in doing anything about it.
His track record shows he will make a terrible president and do the same or worst than Jagdeo.
He is Jagdeo's puppet, who will control him as is shown presently by hanging on to Jagdeo's shirt-tail.
Originally posted by warrior:
with all those information about the ppp i will not sent for my cousin to come to canada back track the man is begging but i think i will go to guyana back track

I magine, in these hard time in NA, people still want back-track away from the Guyana success story. This sentiment is widespread among the youths I happen to interact with there. And BJ hoping people run back to his utopia.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:


Donald Romatar is an electable candidate....and has what it takes to run a country he's a trained economist....years of experience as General Secretary for the P.P.P/C....the largest and oldest political party in the regional, among other high profile portfolios....Donald Romatar will inevitably be Guyanese next president...

This outstanding son of the soil...Donald Romatar...went through the struggle, fought for free and fair elections...and the return to Democracy...he's has vast knowledge of the concerns of the Guyanese people and with his inevitable ascension to Office..the working class interest will remain on the front burner of the P.P.P/C...
Originally posted by albert:
This outstanding son of the soil...Donald Romatar...went through the struggle, fought for free and fair elections...and the return to Democracy...he's has vast knowledge of the concerns of the Guyanese people and with his inevitable ascension to Office..the working class interest will remain on the front burner of the P.P.P/C...

He was on Czechoslovakia editing World Marxist Review when Burnham's goons including Taps and Lumumba were beating the hell out of low ranked PPP guys and WPA folks. Ramotar did not suffer and never went to the lock up. He was well rewarded by being on the Guysuco and OMAI boards.
Originally posted by albert:
TK_REDUX....don't try to assassinate the man's character...he sent most of his time fighting for free and fair elections and the return to Guyana

And so did many others. Does telling the FACTS = assassinating character? It is a fact he spent years in a communist country.
Originally posted by albert:
TK_REDUX....don't try to assassinate the man's character...he sent most of his time fighting for free and fair elections and the return to Guyana

No one has to attack this mans character I am PPP and I am telling you now this man has not given me any reason to vote for him.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by albert:
AS an overseas Guyanese who is interested in what goes on in Guyana, I wish to urge the Guyanese electorate to vote for Mr. Donald Ramotar for the Presidency of Guyana in the coming General Elections.
Mr. Ramotar is a well liked personality for those who have interacted with him over the years. He is always eager to listen to your problems and more willing to help where possible. Moreover, Mr. Ramotar has been quite close to what has been going on in Guyana for several decades now and consequently, only he is in a position to see the pros and cons of various situations in the country.
He had closely worked with the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan for the longest possible while, thus he will be the most suitable person to honour Dr. Jagan by seeking to implement some of Dr. Jagan's ideas to benefit the whole Guyanese nation. The people will lose if Mr. Ramotar is not the next President of Guyana.


Yeh right!
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by albert:
AS an overseas Guyanese who is interested in what goes on in Guyana, I wish to urge the Guyanese electorate to vote for Mr. Donald Ramotar for the Presidency of Guyana in the coming General Elections.
Mr. Ramotar is a well liked personality for those who have interacted with him over the years. He is always eager to listen to your problems and more willing to help where possible. Moreover, Mr. Ramotar has been quite close to what has been going on in Guyana for several decades now and consequently, only he is in a position to see the pros and cons of various situations in the country.
He had closely worked with the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan for the longest possible while, thus he will be the most suitable person to honour Dr. Jagan by seeking to implement some of Dr. Jagan's ideas to benefit the whole Guyanese nation. The people will lose if Mr. Ramotar is not the next President of Guyana.


Yeh right!

Here is the actual letter, note the caps.

AS an overseas Guyanese who is interested in what goes on in Guyana, I wish to urge the Guyanese electorate NOT to vote for Mr. Donald Ramotar for the Presidency of Guyana in the coming General Elections.
Mr. Ramotar is a NOT A well liked personality EVEN for those who have interacted with him over the years. He WAS NOT always eager to listen to your problems and NOT willing to help where possible. Moreover, Mr. Ramotar has NOT EVEN been quite close to what has been going on in Guyana for several decades now and consequently, he is NOT in a position to see the pros and cons of various situations in the country.
He had closely worked with the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan for the longest possible while, AND YET he will NOT be the most suitable person to honour Dr. Jagan by NOT seeking to implement some of Dr. Jagan's ideas to benefit the whole Guyanese nation. The people will NOT lose if Mr. Ramotar is not the next President of Guyana.
One step forward with Jagdeo and two steps back with Donald. We need vibrant young people at the helm, not old has been whose only claim to fame is fighting the PNC which has been out of power for the past 19 years. Is Donald as savvy with technology as Jagdeo? Does he see technological improvements as a waste of money and want to revert back to the days of the abacus and typewriter?

Hopefully Jagdeo will play the role of Putin where he is behind the scenes directing Donald until he can run again in 5 years.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
One step forward with Jagdeo and two steps back with Donald. We need vibrant young people at the helm, not old has been whose only claim to fame is fighting the PNC which has been out of power for the past 19 years. Is Donald as savvy with technology as Jagdeo? Does he see technological improvements as a waste of money and want to revert back to the days of the abacus and typewriter?

Hopefully Jagdeo will play the role of Putin where he is behind the scenes directing Donald until he can run again in 5 years.


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