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The Rev did his civic duty early this morning----looks like the turnout will be healthy---NY is 100% guaranteed to vote for Obama.


Anyway there is some good news:


Nov 6th 2012 is the beginning of the end of the B. Hussein Obama reign of terror on the American people.


Hopefully around 10PM tonight Obama will be making his concession speech.





Originally Posted by Chief:

This is wjhat that make America great. We are all entitled to our views and then we cast our votes...


The  Rev is 100% confident Mitt Romney will be our new president---and promises not to gloat after Romney's overwhelming victory tonight---90% of the folks here are Obama supporters---tomorrow will be a gloomy and traumatic day for most---but life goes on.


The Rev has pi$$ed off many of his PPP friends here with his over the top support of Romney and his hammering of Mr. Obama---tomorrow the Rev makes peace with all his PPP brothers and sisters.



Originally Posted by Chief:

Democrats all the way.

Bro Obama got my vote!!

When I first came to this country, I was told it is wise to keep your political preference a secret. They say when you announced who you voted for it's like walking with your pants down. Over the years, I found out that's not the case today. People are open to their choices. Did you have similar experience when you first came to the U.S., Chief?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Democrats all the way.

Bro Obama got my vote!!

When I first came to this country, I was told it is wise to keep your political preference a secret. They say when you announced who you voted for it's like walking with your pants down. Over the years, I found out that's not the case today. People are open to their choices. Did you have similar experience when you first came to the U.S., Chief?

Almost asks why the voting booths, no need to hide our choices.


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