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Vryheid’s Lust Primary honours first QC student

July 6, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


Fifty-two students of the Vryheid’s Lust Primary School on Thursday, officially completed their primary education at a prize giving and graduation exercise.

The event saw many students performing a number of cultural dances and a group song entitled “to teachers with love”, which was dedicated to the individuals who helped them to their success.


The students posing with their certificates.


Being the first student in the history of the school to place in the top one hundred and securing a spot at Queen’s College, Jasmine Lall said, that she remembered the first day she started school. The Valedictorian in her speech added that she was greeted by her then first grade teacher who gave her the nickname “Princess”.

She added that while going through the different levels at school, she was given the opportunity to work with some of the “best teachers”.

“As I entered grades five and six I decided that I had to pull my socks up and work harder,” the 12-year-old said. She added that her teacher, Andrea Thornton, played a pivotal role in her success.

“Ms Andrea… she is the teacher who inspired me and helped me through the two best years of my life,” Lall said.

Guest Speaker Pastor David Warner said that he was pleased with the overall performance of the students. “You have done well; you have begun a great journey and a great road to success”, Warner said.

The pastor told the students that education is vital to the future and urged them to exercise a more mature lifestyle while being humble.

“I want to thank the students for their hard work, sacrifice, dedication and commitment. I see this as a great team of success and victory”, David said.

He also advised them to study hard and to achieve success wherever they go.” Take the same mentality into the next phase of your life and in the next five years apply the same sacrifice and obedience to their parents that you do now”.

He also told the students that the next five years in Secondary School will have challenges but urged them to be brave as they enter a new environment and new friends.

“The next few years will crown you and make you the man or the woman you will be in the future”, Pastor Warner said.

Meanwhile, the head teacher of the school Rajmanie Mohanlall said that she was elated because this was the first time in history that a student from the school made the top hundred.

The top student Jasmine Lall scored 529 marks walked away with most of the awards including highest marks in Social Studies, Mathematics, English and Science.

The second place student was Shaniyah Moore who scored 514 and settling for third was Shiyan Moore with a total of 513 marks. Both Moore’s secured a spot at St Rose’s High School.

Thornton said that preparing her students for the exam demanded a lot of work and commitment. “I feel great because I had to work hard with them, although sometimes I felt a bit down but they motivated me to go on”, the teacher said.

The woman who has been a teacher for the past 21 years said that the school has been progressing through the years and that it looks forward for a next top student.

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