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Jagdeo’s hordes ravaged the Rodney Monument

April 30, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Now that an inquiry into the circumstances leading up to Dr. Walter Rodney’s death is to be undertaken I wish to express my concern for the National Unity Monument– a Walter Rodney memorial which the ruling People’s Progressive Party government has desecrated. It has since made inaccessible to myself and public following the construction of the National Intelligence Centre on the lawns of Castellani House. A few weeks back, I went to check out the monument. I was approached by security personnel who asked me whether I was looking to spend some ‘jail time’. I asked him how so? He responded that I was in the process of committing an act of treason. The man was so damn ignorant that when I responded to him he started cursing me down. So walking on the lawns of Castellani House is now an act of treason! I am a law abiding citizen. I have made repeated requests for a meeting with Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon since 2011 to have some clarification about what will become of the National Unity Monument on the lawns of the National gallery now that the National Intelligence Centre has been built there. In earlier letters to Dr. Luncheon I stated that the National Unity Monument was built as a consequence of an independent initiative by myself, and partly financed from the sale of my works of art. My friends, businessman Hemraj Kissoon, Colombian Ambassador Dr. Hildalgo May Garcia and the late Gobin Dwarka, supported this initiative. The monument was declared open on the 15th anniversary of the death of Dr. Walter Rodney, one of Guyana’s most illustrious sons. The late Dr. Dale A Bisnauth, the Minister of Education, Social Development and Culture in declaring open the monument said- “A better day could not have been chosen for the handing over of the monument. It is a day which commemorates the sacrifice of one of Guyana’s greatest sons. “A man, who lived for racial harmony, struggled for peace and justice and who paid the price for these fine human endeavours with his life.” Dr. Bisnauth expressed the hope that the monument launched on the anniversary of the June 13, 1980 death of Dr. Walter Rodney would also inspire Guyanese to live and struggle for the things he did. The ceremony was attended by President Cheddi Jagan, United States Ambassador to Guyana Mr. George I Jones, Canadian High Commissioner Mr. Simon Wade, Mrs. Philomena Sahoye-Shury, members of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) and artists. The National Unity Monument was endorsed by the late president Dr. Cheddi Jagan, a man who spent his lifetime advocating National Unity. The Castellani lawn was given over to the artists by the late Chairman Mrs. Janet Jagan to beautify with outdoor sculptures. However, upon her death the then President Bharrat Jagdeo took possession of the lawns to build his institution for the surveillance of the political opposition and the local population, just a few feet away from the monument. And in the manner reminiscent of the barbarian horde, ravished the monument sites of its bronze plaques, claybricks that made the walkway and plants. Fully aware of the significance of the monument but of course his action was deliberate and well calculated. These people are hostile to the ideal of national unity, to Guyanese coming together to forge their own destiny. These PPP rules don’t know what it is to take your own money and do something for your country. All they have ever done over the years is to plunder the human and natural resources of our country. They have constructed villas in Prado Ville I and II, are given to an ostentatious lifestyle, the acquisition of more and more wealth, the display of vulgarity hitherto unseen in Guyanese politics. Their intention simply put is to suck Guyanese dry, dry. The cruel imposition of the 16 per cent VAT had shown how hard hearted these rulers have become; low income Guyanese have become paupers, people have nothing put aside for ‘rainy days’. This 16 per cent VAT has since had severe sociological repercussions. Under their rule over, 700 Guyanese have been brutally murdered by marauding criminal gangs, phantom squads, and members of the Guyana Police Force. Thousands of young men and women without jobs or opportunities whose lives are ruined before it began. Others seek out devious ways of existence and are ensnared and criminalized by the authorities. Now these PPP rulers, shabbily dressed in the 1980 Burnham fraudulent constitution, which Walter Rodney militantly opposed in his lifetime have commissioned an inquiry into the circumstances leading up to Walter Rodney’s death at the request of the Rodney family. The PPP claim that they are not motivated by partisan political interest, that they do not seek to use the Rodney family request to further their own political agenda, which has absolutely nothing to do with the ideals of Walter Rodney of a free, just and humane society. Walter Rodney’s contribution helped to heal the open wounds of Guyanese Nation. He should be so remembered! Desmond Alli

Now these PPP rulers, shabbily dressed in the 1980 Burnham fraudulent constitution, which Walter Rodney militantly opposed in his lifetime have commissioned an inquiry into the circumstances leading up to Walter Rodney’s death at the request of the Rodney family.


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