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Former Member



This is what Walter said:


“The villages were self-governing units….They were not merely units of
production… Primarily, their function was to guarantee that life could be
reproduced within that physical space called a village, and that the Africans themselves had the power to decide how that space was to be policed, and how the rates and taxes that were produced were going to be spent to maintain sanitation and so on within the village.


They exercised this political power for about 25 years after freedom in 1838.


Then in the mid-1860s, the colonial power awoke to the realization that a whole alternative political centre now existed, that local government was in the hands of a different class – the rural proletariat combined with a few peasants. This was untenable because they were coming into conflict with the central government which was still controlled by the planters. At this point in the 1860s, the central government moved to curtail the exercise of local government. But for some 25 years, the working class had organized itself as a political class because it was exercising political power at the local government level.” Published as “From
******yard to Village” by WPA, May 1, 1988

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Walter was writing of the history during slavery.  This is to give it context before the INDO racist on this site start spewing their racism.


In today's context that would read  "Villagers themselves had the power to decide how that village was to be policed, and how the rates and taxes that were produced were going to be spent to maintain sanitation and so on within the village."





But the TALIBANS in the Jagdeow/Ramu cabal "awoke to the realization that a whole alternative political centre now existed, that local government was in the hands of a different class – the rural proletariat combined with a few peasants. This was untenable because they were coming into conflict with the PPP tiefs which was still controlled by the few business tiefs that surrounds the PPP."


So guess what the PPP deflowered and devoured the Local Government system by keeping a PNC THUG like Hammie in place.







PNC = PPP.  All of them a wan family with the same plan, to rape the treasury.


Do you think if the PNC win tomorrow; alright APNU win tomorrow, the treasury will be safe?




HAMMIE and CARBIN and CAMMIE and all them old tief will rise up to tief more and much more than the current PPP tiefs.


OLD people seh, it is better to live with what you know than try what you do not know.


Leff me with Prez ROHEE in 2016 rather than a bund of PNC tief man.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Albeit a weaker Prez ROHEE who will only get 45 percent.

Best solution for Guyana!


No Jaggy with this sticky fingers, no Ramu for his laziness, but a mash mouth Rohee who will be the most ineffective jackarse in office.


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