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Former Member

(Eyewitness)The war drumbeats from Linden are beginning once again. Or more properly, the drumbeats never really ended …just their intensity decreased. The complaints are putatively about the committees that were to be formed after the Linden protests in July 2012. But this is the occasion for the war and not the cause of the war.


Take the Economic Development Committee. This was supposed to be constituted and have its report for the development of Region 10 WITHIN 90 DAYS!! We’re talking about by last November. Yet a year and a half later, the committee chairperson – selected by the opposition and the Region 10 administration (is this a redundancy?) just resigned. And get this – for personal reasons and with no report. Now mind you, when the chairperson took on the job last March, she’d demanded six months and we don’t have a report after 10 months.


And the government’s getting the blame!!! Why? Well, the region won’t agree on a chair of the technical committee – to look into the electricity rates that brought on the whole shebang. You can have economic development without a cost for electricity?


So you tell us who’s dragging their feet?

Replies sorted oldest to newest




* Linden should become a ghost town.


* Monies would be more wisely spent by the PPP government in region 5, 6 and 8.



Originally Posted by Rev:




* Linden should become a ghost town.


* Monies would be more wisely spent by the PPP government in region 5, 6 and 8.



And every Lindener should move to region 6.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And every Lindener should move to region 6.

* Excellent! Excellent!


* They would finally become civilized.



Region 6 very uncivilized.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many residents of Linden are of the false opinion that they must enjoy the economic benefits of the state, being spoon fed to them.

* That is 100% correct.


* And that's why the time has come for the PPP government to starve their a$$ economically.




* It was a blessing in disguise when amaila was killed by the PNC.


* Linden would have received enormous benefits.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

Over 2 billion of tax-payers monies are being used yearly to subsidies electricity for Lindeners, while coast-landers have to pay full.

That is nicil Accounting bullshit. It is a mark up and reselling what was the Peoples company.


Sugar got 4 billion last year. That is a subsidy to a smaller population than linden.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And every Lindener should move to region 6.

* Excellent! Excellent!


* They would finally become civilized.





No they will beat up every single PPP supporter who they can find for revenge against the PPP turning Linden into a ghost town.


But this doesn't mean every Indian, as they will have the AFC/PNC Indians join them as they too are angry with the PPP over the Berbice Bridge.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many residents of Linden are of the false opinion that they must enjoy the economic benefits of the state, being spoon fed to them.

I see.  Only the 9 PPP elite families who own 50% of Guyana ought to receive subsidies.



When electricity everywhere else is being subsidized 20% by the government LINDEN is being subsidized 90%. TAX payers (YOU AND ME) payed $204,000 dollars in subsidy (PER HOUSEHOLD) for Lindeners last year!!!....Add up all of the years we have been doing this......those are the facts! Yet after pimping us for so many years the opposition and Lindeners are asking us to join them in their struggle for almost free electricity by staying home or come out in protest on Saturday......we say NO!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

They will burn feathers. Won't that be funny.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Lindeners say that the only people who benefitted from these projects are PPP contractors who only hire Indians.  A hungry man has no need for any of this.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

Yes they will do so in Region 6, but only to those who still support the PPP.

Originally Posted by Conscience:


When electricity everywhere else is being subsidized 20% by the government LINDEN is being subsidized 90%. TAX payers (YOU AND ME) payed $204,000 dollars in subsidy (PER HOUSEHOLD) for Lindeners last year!!!....Add up all of the years we have been doing this......those are the facts! Yet after pimping us for so many years the opposition and Lindeners are asking us to join them in their struggle for almost free electricity by staying home or come out in protest on Saturday......we say NO!

Nobody believes this lie.  Chris Ram gave us the facts last year, so quit.  You all wanted to punish Linden because they didn't vote PPP in 2012, but they didn't allow you.


Now run along and calculate all the subsidies which Guysuco gets and then tell us why the vast majority of Guyanese who don't work in sugar must pay for it.


Sell Guysuco to the Chinese and let them lay off 90% of the employees as they did in Linden.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

Yes they will do so in Region 6, but only to those who still support the PPP.

But there is a solution for this errant behavior, a good dose of phantomizing. ahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

Yes they will do so in Region 6, but only to those who still support the PPP.

But there is a solution for this errant behavior, a good dose of phantomizing. ahahah


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

They will suffer in region 6. They will not want to work and will starve. They will want everything free as they do now in Linden.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

They will suffer in region 6. They will not want to work and will starve. They will want everything free as they do now in Linden.

bleatings of ignorant, ungrateful PPP refugees and waste persons . . . the poor education shows



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

They will suffer in region 6. They will not want to work and will starve. They will want everything free as they do now in Linden.

as usual with his racist remarks no wonder his mother die in shame the fool is a low life racist thief.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

Yes they will do so in Region 6, but only to those who still support the PPP.

But there is a solution for this errant behavior, a good dose of phantomizing. ahahah

And when the phantoms kill off some Indians who join the Lindeners to deal with the simpletons who still insist in voting PPP just think what will happen.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

They will suffer in region 6. They will not want to work and will starve. They will want everything free as they do now in Linden.

bleatings of ignorant, ungrateful PPP refugees and waste persons . . . the poor education shows



How you doing Ms. Redux? Had a panty party lately?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

Yes they will do so in Region 6, but only to those who still support the PPP.

But there is a solution for this errant behavior, a good dose of phantomizing. ahahah

And when the phantoms kill off some Indians who join the Lindeners to deal with the simpletons who still insist in voting PPP just think what will happen.

Indians know their place in Linden, they hide when Blacks riot, the didn't forget the 60's.  But note that Jagdeo figured out that phantomizing is the cure for the ills afflicting wrong and strong PNC/AFC types.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hopefully they will commence burning and looting. Wouldn't it be funny if they burnt their own homes as well as those of the afc Indians?

Yes they will do so in Region 6, but only to those who still support the PPP.

But there is a solution for this errant behavior, a good dose of phantomizing. ahahah

And when the phantoms kill off some Indians who join the Lindeners to deal with the simpletons who still insist in voting PPP just think what will happen.

Indians know their place in Linden, they hide when Blacks riot, the didn't forget the 60's.  But note that Jagdeo figured out that phantomizing is the cure for the ills afflicting wrong and strong PNC/AFC types.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Indians know their place in Linden, they hide when Blacks riot, the didn't forget the 60's.  But note that Jagdeo figured out that phantomizing is the cure for the ills afflicting wrong and strong PNC/AFC types.

You don't seem to get the point.  When you and the other PPP racists succeed in turning Linden into a ghost town, as you threaten, then they will move to Region 6, and ally themselves with Indos who are hostile to the Berbice bridge, and together they will deal with the idiots who voted PPP in 2011.

Originally Posted by caribny:

You don't seem to get the point.  When you and the other PPP racists succeed in turning Linden into a ghost town, as you threaten, then they will move to Region 6, and ally themselves with Indos who are hostile to the Berbice bridge, and together they will deal with the idiots who voted PPP in 2011.

Linden should have become a ghost town a long time ago just as other towns in the US when industry fails. The Guyanese tax payers artificially propping up Linden with free electricity and other subsidies. The free market should be allowed to determine the fate of Linden, not politicians. And it will be noted that once a racist is taken out of his racist environment and dispersed among the population, the racist tendency diminishes.  This is what will happen to racist Lindeners when they move out of the failed bauxite mining area. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

You don't seem to get the point.  When you and the other PPP racists succeed in turning Linden into a ghost town, as you threaten, then they will move to Region 6, and ally themselves with Indos who are hostile to the Berbice bridge, and together they will deal with the idiots who voted PPP in 2011.

Linden should have become a ghost town a long time ago just as other towns in the US when industry fails. The Guyanese tax payers artificially propping up Linden with free electricity and other subsidies. The free market should be allowed to determine the fate of Linden, not politicians. And it will be noted that once a racist is taken out of his racist environment and dispersed among the population, the racist tendency diminishes.  This is what will happen to racist Lindeners when they move out of the failed bauxite mining area. 

You are selling a lie. Linden get its electricity from a different company that has learnt to manage its grid well. GPL is a poorly managed company with losses of some 40% and is constantly at the nations till for billions in subsidy. 


The idea that the rest of the nation pays and Linden gets its "free" is the racist scheme the PPP sells. The fact is GPL re sells the low cost electricity it gets from the Chinese at an  escalated price pro rated at the cost of its poor management prices GPL customers are forced to pay. This is actually a tax on Lindeners for GPL's mismanagement and incompetence. Comparing the rates of BOSAI and GPL is Brazzington's nefarious accounting scheming.


Blaming Lindeners for refusing to subsidize his failures in managing GPL ( remember, 40% inefficiency rates!) is  dog whistle bigotry practiced by the PPP. They sell this idea of Lindeners wanting something free rather than Brazzington as a corrupt incompetent bastard who mismanages GPL

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Linden should have become a ghost town a long time ago just as other towns in the US when industry fails.

Ok so Rosehall and other sugar districts should also be abandoned because sugar is a huge drain.


But in your little racist head Indians will suffer so you apply different standards.


And yes I will agree with you that to the extent that Lindeners move to Region 6, and encounter Indians who hate the PPP as much as they do, this will  lead to any racism that they have towards Indians diminishing.  The Lindeners and the AFC/PNC Indians will deal with the idiots who vote PPP only because of race.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Linden should have become a ghost town a long time ago just as other towns in the US when industry fails.

Ok so Rosehall and other sugar districts should also be abandoned because sugar is a huge drain.


But in your little racist head Indians will suffer so you apply different standards.

he is happy in his section 8 housing, collecting food stamps.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Indians know their place in Linden, they hide when Blacks riot, the didn't forget the 60's.  But note that Jagdeo figured out that phantomizing is the cure for the ills afflicting wrong and strong PNC/AFC types.

You don't seem to get the point.  When you and the other PPP racists succeed in turning Linden into a ghost town, as you threaten, then they will move to Region 6, and ally themselves with Indos who are hostile to the Berbice bridge, and together they will deal with the idiots who voted PPP in 2011.

maybe that is what need to happen,gburd will never go back to berbice,he scare of black people

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

You don't seem to get the point.  When you and the other PPP racists succeed in turning Linden into a ghost town, as you threaten, then they will move to Region 6, and ally themselves with Indos who are hostile to the Berbice bridge, and together they will deal with the idiots who voted PPP in 2011.

Linden should have become a ghost town a long time ago just as other towns in the US when industry fails. The Guyanese tax payers artificially propping up Linden with free electricity and other subsidies. The free market should be allowed to determine the fate of Linden, not politicians. And it will be noted that once a racist is taken out of his racist environment and dispersed among the population, the racist tendency diminishes.  This is what will happen to racist Lindeners when they move out of the failed bauxite mining area. 

You are selling a lie. Linden get its electricity from a different company that has learnt to manage its grid well. GPL is a poorly managed company with losses of some 40% and is constantly at the nations till for billions in subsidy. 


The idea that the rest of the nation pays and Linden gets its "free" is the racist scheme the PPP sells. The fact is GPL re sells the low cost electricity it gets from the Chinese at an  escalated price pro rated at the cost of its poor management prices GPL customers are forced to pay. This is actually a tax on Lindeners for GPL's mismanagement and incompetence. Comparing the rates of BOSAI and GPL is Brazzington's nefarious accounting scheming.


Blaming Lindeners for refusing to subsidize his failures in managing GPL ( remember, 40% inefficiency rates!) is  dog whistle bigotry practiced by the PPP. They sell this idea of Lindeners wanting something free rather than Brazzington as a corrupt incompetent bastard who mismanages GPL


This is exactly where the blame lies.  I broke it down a tad using Rev's childlike style with the crayolas hoping it would help the likes of someone like Nehru who doesn't enjoy reading whole articles. They could pick a colour and just read that paragraph to get the gist.





The idea that the rest of the nation pays and Linden gets its "free" is the racist scheme the PPP sells. The fact is GPL re sells the low cost electricity it gets from the Chinese at an  escalated price pro rated at the cost of its poor management prices GPL customers are forced to pay.


This is actually a tax on Lindeners for GPL's mismanagement and incompetence. Comparing the rates of BOSAI and GPL is Brazzington's nefarious accounting scheming.


Blaming Lindeners for refusing to subsidize his failures in managing GPL ( remember, 40% inefficiency rates!) is  dog whistle bigotry practiced by the PPP. They sell this idea of Lindeners wanting something free rather than Brazzington as a corrupt incompetent bastard who mismanages GPL





Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are selling a lie. Linden get its electricity from a different company that has learnt to manage its grid well. GPL is a poorly managed company with losses of some 40% and is constantly at the nations till for billions in subsidy. 


The idea that the rest of the nation pays and Linden gets its "free" is the racist scheme the PPP sells. The fact is GPL re sells the low cost electricity it gets from the Chinese at an  escalated price pro rated at the cost of its poor management prices GPL customers are forced to pay. This is actually a tax on Lindeners for GPL's mismanagement and incompetence. Comparing the rates of BOSAI and GPL is Brazzington's nefarious accounting scheming.


Blaming Lindeners for refusing to subsidize his failures in managing GPL ( remember, 40% inefficiency rates!) is  dog whistle bigotry practiced by the PPP. They sell this idea of Lindeners wanting something free rather than Brazzington as a corrupt incompetent bastard who mismanages GPL

Nonsense, you are the only dummy who never heard of the Linden riots where they were fighting against the removal of subsidies while the rest of the nation paid the market rate for electricity. 


A dummy like you run of and pay our utility bill without complaining about subsidies in the US while holding a different set of standards for the blood suckers in Linden. 

Last edited by Former Member

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