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February 2 ,2021


Kaieteur News – We are providing some unsolicited guidance to His Excellency, President Ali, which we believe to be wise and is a must. Just say No! Mr. President. We speak not of war on drugs, which is a problem for Guyana. Or war on leadership oil mismanagement and political oil corruptions, which are so far gone that it may be a futile effort, if the will, sincere and constant, was present. We urge Guyana’s president: Just say, No! sir, to declaring war on the independent local media.
We can be critical and revealing and embarrassing and inconvenient and untimely, and all the rest of what goes along with our presence, mandate and obligations in the Fourth Estate. We just have to be, and that is not up for debate or negotiation, regardless of which political party is in power. As President Ali should know, a free, unfettered, and fearless media is one of the underpinnings and hallmarks of a true democracy, and where democratic ideals are the norms held dear and practiced. We also take the opportunity to remind the president that freedom of speech is a provision enshrined in our constitution. That means freedom of access, freedom to inquire and acquire, and freedom to disseminate. There was and is nothing unpatriotic or undemocratic of seeking information by asking questions, of opening the door to clarity by an uninhibited media presence.
Yet this is what President Ali participated in, and whether it was willingly or unwillingly, he is the leader of this country of ours, and the responsibility for this snafu rests squarely on his head and shoulders. We would like to give the new and young president a pass, but we are unable to do so. Truth be told, we are unwilling to do so, as there is a growing sense of media disrespect (through silence and secrecy on oil), selective and hazy leadership postures (on the West Berbice murders and ensuing road outrages), and now this premeditated and prearranged media farce, where only the state agencies were invited and admitted, and one entity with historic links to the ruling party power apparatus.
It is incredibly perplexing, almost mindboggling, that after the raging tempests of close to 19 months around the no confidence motion and national elections, that matters have so quickly degraded to this outrage in the span of a mere six months into President Ali’s government. We are troubled and agitated that we have to remind His Excellency that it was sections of the same independent media that spoke to democratic and electoral truths in a nonpartisan manner during that period. Yet, now there is this horrid and inexcusable development that negatively impacts the same media that does its job. Well, we at this paper have no intention of changing our ways, or ceasing to do what we have always done, which is speak to truth and speak it accurately and courageously. It is how we have to be, as presidents and parties come, and as they go.
Having said all of this, there is neither interest nor effort on our part to figure out what was going on in the president’s mind, who was behind his independent media blocking action, or what could have been his objectives in the action taken and at such a very sensitive time. Venezuela and its detention actions of our fishermen and fishing boats, in violation of all standing legal and civilized standards, are on the lips and in the hearts of all Guyanese. They want to know as much as possible. They need to know, and we need to know from presence and probing questions, so that we in the media can enlighten our fellow citizens.
It is now history that President Ali put up his barricade, which was bad enough. He followed that outrageous action, by refusing to furnish any answers to questions that were outside the range of his script. We will not condemn him for that, or for embarrassing the whole of Guyana, as he did a magnificent job at those all by himself. The man is president and leader, and believed to be the proud holder of a sheepskin parchment that attests to his doctoral standing. It is obvious that His Excellency, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, has some self-healing to engage in first and very early. His actions did not humiliate the independent media locked out, he humiliated himself.
In parting, we leave a little gift with Guyana’s president. It is a Gallic proverb that goes like this: “L’adversite fait l’homme, et le bonheur les monstres,” which in English translates to: “adversity makes men; good fortune makes monsters.”

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The Media should reveal how the oil Industry is mismanaged and what is political oil corruption. It took the media a long time to admit that Ali is the president and not Jagdeo.  what we need is responsible Media, not generalization. We need proof of any wrongdoing which the media failed to provide.


‘I am open to constructive criticism’

-President tells media brunch

President Irfaan Ali addressing the media brunch [Office of the President photo)
President Irfaan Ali addressing the media brunch (Office of the President photo)

President Irfaan Ali on Sunday says that he is open to constructive criticism and committed to engaging all stakeholders for the development of Guyana.

“As President, I’m open to constructive criticism; I’m open to ideas and I’m open to sharing of responsibilities for the development and advancement of our country”, Ali told media workers from across the country during the Annual Media Brunch held at the Baridi Benab at State House.

In attendance, according to a release from the Office of the President, were First Lady Arya Ali, Prime Minister Mark Phillips, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, several Ministers of Government as well as the President of the Guyana Press Association, Nazima Raghubir. In his address, Ali cautioned that while the society is free to openly express their views on various matters, this must be done in a responsible manner.



The press is not very responsible when they publish news without verifying the facts. Then you have the enemies of the PPP picking up the fake news and ran with it, cursing anyone and everyone who calls them out.


Irfaan Ali is of limited intellect.  I watched a brief segment of his national address on COVID and Venezuelan aggression.  At one point he said that Venezuelans were seeking refugee in Guyana.    At that point I stopped watching.  This is the man who supposedly has a doctorate from UWI. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

The press is not very responsible when they publish news without verifying the facts. Then you have the enemies of the PPP picking up the fake news and ran with it, cursing anyone and everyone who calls them out.

That's the MO of the PPP.

@Totaram posted:

Irfaan Ali is of limited intellect.  I watched a brief segment of his national address on COVID and Venezuelan aggression.  At one point he said that Venezuelans were seeking refugee in Guyana.    At that point I stopped watching.  This is the man who supposedly has a doctorate from UWI.

He may not be much intellectually but who would you prefer? Jagdeo? I'm still willing to give him a chance! I'll keep on waiting and watching! It's his legacy he will be concerned about!


Constructive criticism, please. How many times this forum is going to bring up the President's qualification?  He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by a recognized University, so what? Lots of people are given the same recognition.

Another thing,  The President was right when he said that There are many Venezuelans crossing the border into Guyana because they were afraid for their lives. This was reported in the Press.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Totaram posted:

Irfaan Ali is of limited intellect.  I watched a brief segment of his national address on COVID and Venezuelan aggression.  At one point he said that Venezuelans were seeking refugee in Guyana.    At that point I stopped watching.  This is the man who supposedly has a doctorate from UWI.

How about his degree from UWCD? Rama is still trying to prove its existence.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Constructive criticism, please. How many times this forum is going to bring up the President's qualification?  He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by a recognized University, so what? Lots of people are given the same recognition.

Another thing,  The President was right when he said that There are many Venezuelans crossing the border into Guyana because they were afraid for their lives. This was reported in the Press.

I'm afraid for Guyanese lives! Keep them out! Charity begins at home! What if Manuro told them to go settle on THEIR land? This is what China did to the Russians in Outer Mongolia!

@Mitwah posted:

How about his degree from UWCD? Rama is still trying to prove its existence.

He is also trying to prove the existence of bigfoot.  The more one thinks about it the more infuriating it becomes.  Irfaan Ali with the backing of Bharat Jagdeo had a diploma printed for him so that he could get in to a fly by night outfit in India.   Then miraculously he gets a doctorate from UWI.  Now the sycophants are saying it is an honorary degree despite being told ad nauseum that it is not.  These are the people who complain when they are called stupid.  Chupidness na gat cure  and as me muma used to say if you mek you bed you gat for sleep pan am. 


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