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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

You ever see a Jew or Chinese marrying a black person?

In Guyana a Chinese woman is married to a black man. She is officially and legally Mrs David Granger.

Now, to respond to your initial post:

Love is blind. Lovers don't see colors.

Brown-skin Cheddi didn't see Janet white skin.
It's a matter of individual choice. Free choice, made by consenting adults.

You, ABIDHA, are entitled to feel hurt or angry when different races mingle, but no one is obligated to share your hurt or anger. Walk safe.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think interracial marriages can be used to strenghten Cultures and Traditions. People usually get married because they are in love. People in love usually are inclined to respect each other in totallity. In conclusion, I am saying tht it is very possible to have interracial marriages and keep our Culture and Tradition alive and well.

Muss invite abie to yuh daata que-que wedding.  Abie goa come and dance laka rass.

Originally Posted by Prashad:


Ras Tafari was like Gerhard (a popular young political leader with a young following of hundreds of youth).  That is the reason why he was selected by the Emperor to marry the Emperor's widowed young daughter.   Also if there is a DNA test by his children it will say if this Oromo man was right about Selassie's real father being a young Indian trader from India who ran away (from Ethiopia and his responsibility) after he got a Chief's daughter pregnant.

theres' no truth to that ...


Oi turkeytan banna, here's what I found.


The Bible does not forbid interracial marriages.  It does, however, forbid a Christian from marrying an unbeliever:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Cor. 6:14.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

According to the Bible Intercial relationships are wrong.  Its a sin, the bible further stresses that it  destroys roots.  It kills peoples natural herritage.

Whereabouts in the Bible could I ketch this?

the Old Testament, but a  similar principle is laid out in the New Testament, but at a much different level: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

According to the Bible Intercial relationships are wrong.  Its a sin, the bible further stresses that it  destroys roots.  It kills peoples natural herritage.

Whereabouts in the Bible could I ketch this?

the Old Testament, but a  similar principle is laid out in the New Testament, but at a much different level: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.

All this talk about "yokin" I really think they meant, "poking"

What says you?

Originally Posted by cain:

Oi turkeytan banna, here's what I found.


The Bible does not forbid interracial marriages.  It does, however, forbid a Christian from marrying an unbeliever:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Cor. 6:14.

Some churches have a policy prohibiting interracial marriage BANNAZ, God forbidding the Israelites from marrying people of the nations around them. kind of weird, caw , my boss Jesus Christ was a jew! still... 


Our skin colour is just an outer dress, the Bible informs that God created man in his own image and Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita instructs that he is the seed giving father of all living entities. He did not say that he is the father of Indians. He clearly stated that he is the seed giving father of ALL living entities.






not possible for any one to see lORD KRISHNA'S form in its entirety with the human eye and that he therefore gave a special eye to see his true to ARJUNA,. the special eye referred t o here was the eye of eye of knowledge , thus the color of one'S skin is knowledge...

The blue represents  infinity ( both the sky and ocean are blue). The blue color  of Lord  Krishna  suggests the Infinite reality reduced to a finite human being.


 the totality is nothing but the UNIVERSE Since the colour of the sky is blue , that .colour is represented in the body of the God and since the deep space is dark , Lord krishna(God )  is also depicted as one of black colour

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

You ever see a Jew or Chinese marrying a black person?

In Guyana a Chinese woman is married to a black man. She is officially and legally Mrs David Granger.

Now, to respond to your initial post:

Love is blind. Lovers don't see colors.

Brown-skin Cheddi didn't see Janet white skin.
It's a matter of individual choice. Free choice, made by consenting adults.

You, ABIDHA, are entitled to feel hurt or angry when different races mingle, but no one is obligated to share your hurt or anger. Walk safe.

Granger wife said in an interview that she is of mixed race.  She said that she has every Guyana race in her except East Indian.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oi turkeytan banna, here's what I found.


The Bible does not forbid interracial marriages.  It does, however, forbid a Christian from marrying an unbeliever:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Cor. 6:14.

Some churches have a policy prohibiting interracial marriage BANNAZ, God forbidding the Israelites from marrying people of the nations around them. kind of weird, caw , my boss Jesus Christ was a jew! still... 

You are deficient in your understanding of biblical break down of peoples. The categories we use to local ize our prejudices and prohibitions are not the same as then. Even tribes have nothing to do with race but parental decent. The Israelite are the children of Israel, the name given to Jacob by god.The tribes of Israel are the names of his children.


Jesus was a Jew so what of it?


Originally Posted by criminal#1:

other claims that Abraham was a white. But adam was black, and jesus is a decentant of Adam's generation.


Where did Indians came from? not natives. Hindustani' Indians?

Abraham was born in Ur so clearly he was not white as we use the term. Indians, hindustani or otherwise are many peoples and saw themselves as such. India was never historically one country but many tribal enclaves and principalities.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Mi nah know bout all diss rass, but mi lil dugla gyaal sweet sweet baad baad.  Shi loaded up wid sweetness.

It is pitiful that you would not be as uninhibited with your wife as you would understand the "sweet" in her other than her function as a domestic care giver. She is no different from any woman except as you would invest your lustful inclinations. Be  careful another does not find her sweetness that you fail to discover because it is clear what you fail to find in here is what she obviously need for you to discover.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

other claims that Abraham was a white. But adam was black, and jesus is a decentant of Adam's generation.


Where did Indians came from? not natives. Hindustani' Indians?

Abraham was born in Ur so clearly he was not white as we use the term. Indians, hindustani or otherwise are many peoples and saw themselves as such. India was never historically one country but many tribal enclaves and principalities.

Good, I was accurate in my assumption, the five scrolls are all idiots, and you are right, there's no white people in the bible.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

other claims that Abraham was a white. But adam was black, and jesus is a decentant of Adam's generation.


Where did Indians came from? not natives. Hindustani' Indians?

Abraham was born in Ur so clearly he was not white as we use the term. Indians, hindustani or otherwise are many peoples and saw themselves as such. India was never historically one country but many tribal enclaves and principalities.

Good, I was accurate in my assumption, the five scrolls are all idiots, and you are right, there's no white people in the bible.

 I would infer by"five scrolls" you mean the Pentateuch. I do not know why you associate the Pentateuch with idiocy but those are your words not mine.  I feel comfortable to say there are no white people in the bible but people ranging from brown to black.That is deductive given the color of the people living there and not from biblical accounting.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Quote by: caribny
There is no longer any such as "Indian" or "African" culture in Guyana.

Says who? Indians and Africans have a long tradition of distinctive cultural background. Only Guyanese Black people love to inter mingle with Indians to bring forth Douglas.
Firstly there is no such thing as "African" culture. You are Yoruba, Ibo, Ashanti, Mende or what ever.

Then I invite any Guyanese of Indian or African ancestry to go back to their ancestral vilage...some poverty stricken hel hole most likely, and then report back as to how "at home" they felt.  Startingwith their inability to communicate with the locals whose command of English/Creolese was rudimentary most likely. 

Now in Africa the Pidgin English is related to Guyanese creolese, but of course this is a product of African-European trading ties developed in the 17th and 18th centuries.

While Guyanese of Indian and African ancestry have distinct cultural patterns, existing on various parts of a cultural continuum, both have been very culturally modified over time, and both are noted for their cuktural flexibility in negotiating different cultural spaces based on the context.

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