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Nehru posted:

When Uncle Nehru was warning Al YUh bout PNC Criminals and Barbarians and a NEEMAKARAM DAAG who is in it only to suck the BLOOD of the Guyanese People(Uncle Tom) Yuih did not listen, NOW hundreds of thousands of Guyanese are suffering. I hope Al YUh dumb, naive, inept people sleep well knowing the destruction you are causing the Guyanese people.!!!!!1

Bhai Nehru changes are needed for true democracy to function,the people of Guyana are divided,some have mentioned they are tired of the division,the politicians have to resolve this,will they ??

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

When Uncle Nehru was warning Al YUh bout PNC Criminals and Barbarians and a NEEMAKARAM DAAG who is in it only to suck the BLOOD of the Guyanese People(Uncle Tom) Yuih did not listen, NOW hundreds of thousands of Guyanese are suffering. I hope Al YUh dumb, naive, inept people sleep well knowing the destruction you are causing the Guyanese people.!!!!!1

Bhai Nehru changes are needed for true democracy to function,the people of Guyana are divided,some have mentioned they are tired of the division,the politicians have to resolve this,will they ??

You are not making sense brother. You have to be naive and inept if you are advocating jumping from the Frying Pan directly into the Fire(Remember those words, I wrote them over and over and over but it never sunk into some Al Yuh HAAAAAAAD head!!!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

When Uncle Nehru was warning Al YUh bout PNC Criminals and Barbarians and a NEEMAKARAM DAAG who is in it only to suck the BLOOD of the Guyanese People(Uncle Tom) Yuih did not listen, NOW hundreds of thousands of Guyanese are suffering. I hope Al YUh dumb, naive, inept people sleep well knowing the destruction you are causing the Guyanese people.!!!!!1

Bhai Nehru changes are needed for true democracy to function,the people of Guyana are divided,some have mentioned they are tired of the division,the politicians have to resolve this,will they ??

You are not making sense brother. You have to be naive and inept if you are advocating jumping from the Frying Pan directly into the Fire(Remember those words, I wrote them over and over and over but it never sunk into some Al Yuh HAAAAAAAD head!!!!

Being bloody stupid and inordinately consumed  by your racist metrics you missed completely what the man said.

Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

When Uncle Nehru was warning Al YUh bout PNC Criminals and Barbarians and a NEEMAKARAM DAAG who is in it only to suck the BLOOD of the Guyanese People(Uncle Tom) Yuih did not listen, NOW hundreds of thousands of Guyanese are suffering. I hope Al YUh dumb, naive, inept people sleep well knowing the destruction you are causing the Guyanese people.!!!!!1

Bhai Nehru changes are needed for true democracy to function,the people of Guyana are divided,some have mentioned they are tired of the division,the politicians have to resolve this,will they ??

You are not making sense brother. You have to be naive and inept if you are advocating jumping from the Frying Pan directly into the Fire(Remember those words, I wrote them over and over and over but it never sunk into some Al Yuh HAAAAAAAD head!!!!

Being bloody stupid and inordinately consumed  by your racist metrics you missed completely what the man said.

Now it is proven that you are a BIGGER ASS than we all thought. Your stupidity has been displayed for all to see.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Nehru, when you going to visit Guyana? It's compulsory to walk with you own body bag. 

Came back from a 4 day trip,visited family and friends after 20yrs stay was ok,until departure at GEO too many checks for a morning flight approx 200 passengers,counted 8 checks normally it's 3 at JFK,at the entrance of the stairway was a 7th check,I was so pissed stepping on the stairway I turn and said to a crew standing hopefully i don't have to come back here.

'...hopefully I don't have to come back here.'?!  Someone stole Jango's nick!  He's been a steadfast PNC defender and now this.  Wonders never cease.

Lennox posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Nehru, when you going to visit Guyana? It's compulsory to walk with you own body bag. 

Came back from a 4 day trip,visited family and friends after 20yrs stay was ok,until departure at GEO too many checks for a morning flight approx 200 passengers,counted 8 checks normally it's 3 at JFK,at the entrance of the stairway was a 7th check,I was so pissed stepping on the stairway I turn and said to a crew standing hopefully i don't have to come back here.

'...hopefully I don't have to come back here.'?!  Someone stole Jango's nick!  He's been a steadfastPNC defender and now this.  Wonders never cease.

Let me reiterate i am not affiliated with the PNC,my support for the coalition gov't remains.Living in New England for the past 20yrs and interacted with thousands of people on a face-to -face basis,people of different class and race we treat other with respect,condescending behavior are not acceptable.

Maybe my expectations were too high on the quality of service provided at different stages of embarkation,some of which were double checks,security personnel are rude and authoritarian.

At he entrance of the stairway a group of people was standing,one individual want to see the boarding stub,i overheard one them told him you don't have to do that his replied was "bhai wha wrong with you" and he continues with the check,you still have to show boarding stub entering the aircraft which is a requirement.

That fool who want to see the stub I does call "show off" he didn't heed the other person suggestion,they were of different ethnicity.That piss me off,after going thru the previous unwanted checks,Guyanese have a long way to go developing their work ethics,especially at airports people must feel welcome.

I am cool now suh i will go back.

Last edited by Django

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