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Originally Posted by warrior:

why did burham not work with jagan you think the ppp is making the same mistake not working with the oppisition

Jagan screwed that opportunity, then the PNC took us down the path of racist slo Fiah, mo fiah, terrorism, murder and mayhem, it will take some time to build trust.  In the end, the only formula for true and sustained progress in Guyana would be the PPP and PNC working better together.  It is not only a PPP issue, but also a PNC issue.  It will come, but not through bullyism and intimidation. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Burnham made alot of businessmen in Guyana rich because the consumers had no choice but to buy their products.

Some of Burnham's policies were not bad had they not been tainted with racism.  Burnham over-reached with "going local" though the concept in itself was not bad.

I forgot, you were a Burnham stooge, now you are a PPP stooge.



Stoogism is your ideology, being a stooge is your forte!


it is already here fool the ppp is going down and fast they are travelling in the footsteps of burham you see when burham start off he was a good man but he was scare to lose power and he turn a dictator  the ppp is doing the same thing why you think their is no local government election they are scare to give linden a TV station all these ringing a bell

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Burnham made alot of businessmen in Guyana rich because the consumers had no choice but to buy their products.

Some of Burnham's policies were not bad had they not been tainted with racism.  Burnham over-reached with "going local" though the concept in itself was not bad.

I forgot, you were a Burnham stooge, now you are a PPP stooge.



Stoogism is your ideology, being a stooge is your forte!

You are boring and lack depth.  I was a lil bai in high school the days of fatt boy.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

he only had nice words but little substantial action to help the people?

Burnham was a developmental failure, was a poor leader who lead his people into poverty.


WHY DID HE NOT work with JAGAN more?

 Dude, Jagan would have failed no less and for similar reasons.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

he only had nice words but little substantial action to help the people?

Burnham was a developmental failure, was a poor leader who lead his people into poverty.


WHY DID HE NOT work with JAGAN more?

Burnham was a hero to 99% of Afros.

 No less than the crook jagdeo and the rest of the PPP butthole surfers who facilitated his looting of our national treasury.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Burnham had some good policies but he follow that communist stooge Jagan and became a  dictator!!


Burnham rose to power as a dictator based on killings, rape, plunder and looting.  Jagan did not make him that, he was that.  Burnham did not follow, he appeased and tricked Jagan into "critical support" to allow himself absolute control over the national economy.  Jagan, in is ideological cocoon, fell for it.


Burnham was a crook, Jagan was a fool, Jagdeo was a savior.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Burnham had some good policies but he follow that communist stooge Jagan and became a  dictator!!


Burnham rose to power as a dictator based on killings, rape, plunder and looting.  Jagan did not make him that, he was that.  Burnham did not follow, he appeased and tricked Jagan into "critical support" to allow himself absolute control over the national economy.  Jagan, in is ideological cocoon, fell for it.


Burnham was a crook, Jagan was a fool, Jagdeo was a savior.

Those were different times.  The country was on the verge of invasion from Venezula. I remember I was standing in Regent street next to bata store in 1975 and a GDF soldier was standing there waiting for someone and he told me to buy extra food and save it because there may be war. Also there was trouble from Surinam on their border with Guyana.  And we must never forget this.  Some Guyana border guards on the Brazilian border were murdered.  It was a signal that the ruling Brazil military Junta is not going to accept a socialist state in Guyana.  So Dr Cheddi was no fool he knew that there was going to be trouble against the young socialist state. The great man cared about all Guyanese people.


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