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Originally Posted by Prashad:

Not the PPP but the gang of eight who continue to prevent Joey from joining the party created by his parents and that Burnham his godfather.



Joey is a loose cannon and have no real leadership qualities. Is the PPP really preventing him from joining the party ?


Last time I checked, he was campaigning for the PPP.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

skeltonman need to go to the hospital he was just beaten up

I accomplished what I set out to do.

That is all anyone can ask for but to contemptuously speak of others as lesser than is something you need to get to terms with. It is a curse of many Indians and one hear these disgusting racist opinions expressed   openly by so many seemingly intelligent people that it has to come from a guyanese source of manufactured self delusion.


It is the reason I feel it is necessary to remind Indians that we are (some 86 percent of us) sourced not from some rajput clan but from the subaltern dredges of Indian society. Gladstone said  our ancestors "no religion, no education, and, in their present state, no wants, beyond eating, drinking and sleeping". If you acknowledge that such was the belief system of our lineage why now have the audacity to say the same of others?


Worse, the reality of Indian existence in Guyana is hardly better than Africans in general. The majority are poor and have little possessions and are  constrained to subsistence living. Note some 25 thousand are in someway associated with sugar, and of these the majority work there because they are the bottom of the barrel in the society sharing similar poverty statistics  with Amerindians.



The ppl u referred was Dhangurs from the Plateau plains of the Ganges-many were shipped to Mauritius and also many went to Assam to pick tea leaves.


The English declared war on these tribal ppl for the possession land and the opportunity for taxation-by the Muslim Nawabs.


Landless and without their way of life-they lived from day to day.


Very very few came to British Guiana.


However, from Bihar, UP, Orissa, Jharkand and Bengal the other castes migrated to BG. Ofcourse the Brahmins and Rajputs were employed by the East India Company, later the British Raj. They never migrated, it was against their castes because of pollution of the soul away from India.  


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