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Global Post
The Obama administration and European allies congratulated the Libyan people as Libya's interim rulers declared formal victory in their nine-month struggle against the recently killed strongman Moammer Gadhafi on Sunday.

Still, underneath the surface festivities, it seems that some forces aligned with Libya's interim leaders may be mimicking brutal aspects of the unmourned Gadhafi's repressive style, even as they seek to distance themselves from his legacy.

Investigators with the international human rights advocacy group Human Rights Watch reported Monday that they had discovered the dead bodies of 53 Gadhafi supporters apparently executed with their hands tied behind their backs at an abandoned hotel in Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte.

Meanwhile, Global Post reported that its analysis of video images of Gadhafi taken before his execution last Thursday apparently shows him being sodomized by a member of Libyan National Transition Council forces wielding a weapon.

The allegation came as the bodies of Gadhafi and his son Mo'tassim were put on public display in a cold storage facility for two days in the Libyan city of Misrata.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton--who on a visit earlier last week to Libya expressed the wish that Gadhafi be captured or killed--said on the Sunday talk shows that it would be appropriate for Libyan authorities to pursue an investigation of Gadhafi's death.

Libya's interim rulers took up the suggestion on Monday, saying they would proceed with such an investigation, the New York Times reported.

"In response to international calls, we have started to put in place a commission tasked with investigating the circumstances of Muammar Qaddafi's death in the clash with his circle as he was being captured," Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, chairman of the National Transition Council, told journalists in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi Monday, the Times' Adam Nossiter and Rick Gladstone reported.

But past such pledges--to investigate, for instance, how the Libyan rebels' military commander Abdel Fattah Younes was assassinated in July, apparently at the hands of one Islamist militant rebel faction--have so far gone nowhere.

In the meantime, Western officials got another stiff reminder Sunday that Libya's victorious rebels plan to steer the country toward greater public observance of Islam. Libya's interim leader Abdul-Jalil pledged at Sunday's festivities commemorating the successful struggle to topple Gadhafi that Islamic Sharia law would be the basis of the new government.

"We are an Islamic country," Abdul-Jalil told crowds celebrating in Benghazi Sunday, the Times reported. "We take the Islamic religion as the core of our new government. The constitution will be based on our Islamic religion."

Abdul-Jalil promised that "Islamic banks would be established in the new Libya," the Times' Nossiter and Kareem Fahim reported. "He also talked of lifting restrictions on the number of women Libyan men can marry."

His comments "reflected not only the chairman's personal religious conservatism and the country's, but also the rising influence of Islamists among the former rebels," Nossiter and Fahim wrote. "The Islamists, who include some influential militia commanders, have warned that they will not permit their secular counterparts in a new government to sideline them."

"Any law that violates sharia is null and void legally," Abdul-Jalil said, according to Agence France Press's Simon Martelli, who added that the NTC leader specifically referenced plans to void Gadhafi's former ban on polygamy. "The law of divorce and marriage . . . . This law is contrary to sharia and it is stopped."

Abdul-Jalil's pronouncements are already provoking sharp rebukes from feminists and teir progressive-minded sympathizers in LIbya. "It's shocking and insulting to state, after thousands of Libyans have paid for freedom with their lives, that the priority of the new leadership is to allow men to marry in secret," a Libyan feminist who gave only her first name Rim told the AFP's Martelli. "We did not slay Goliath so that we now live under the Inquisition."

The specter of Islamist rule is provoking "feelings of pain and bitterness among women who sacrificed so many martyrs," Adelrahman al-Shatr, a Libyan opposition politician, told the AFP. "By abolishing the marriage law, women lose the right to keep the family home if they divorce. It is a disaster for Libyan women."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Obama's controllers knew exactly whom they were bringing to power in Libya. Soon they will launch a new campaign for "regime change" in that country. The plan is for perpetual conflict.

Look at the recent history of Iran. The Brits install a regime, overthrow it, install another, overthrow it. That's the way the game is played.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Sodomy!!! First application of Sharia law in Libya. Country off to a great start. The US ain't got to spend 800 billion to get rid of Gaddaffi. Just armed a few jihadists and promised them your support. They will blew up anything including themselves.

The issue in Libya today is more to do with tribal rivalry that Islamic fervor. It will stabilize.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The US does not want to be short-changed in this Arab spring. They want to make sure if they lose Egypt they must have some other standing on their side. Libya is vast country with huge oil reserves and small population that can easily be suppressed. It is no wonder they worked so quickly to win it.

The US/West not getting short-changed when it comes to oil. They control Iraq, now Libya, Algeria, Saudi, Quwait, South Sudan, Nigeria, etc, etc. Egypt is very important for other reasons.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Yes, we know Egypt is very important since it sits on the border with Israel and has an awful history of waging war with the Jewish State. They can fall under the influence of Islamic extremism and pose a serious threat to America's closest and most trusted ally, Israel.

So what are you suggesting, we should have egged Mubarak to unleash the military against the protestors like Gadhafi did? The Israelis, on the other hand, needs to work on a "just settlement" for the Palestinians, not "just more Settlements" on their lands.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by baseman:

The US/West not getting short-changed when it comes to oil.

They control Iraq, now Libya, Algeria, Saudi, Quwait, South Sudan, Nigeria, etc, etc.

Oil control/security .. the prime objective.

True, no one usually gets involved without some benefit. However, remember Haiti back in the 90's and look at Uganda today with the LRA. Little to do with security or oil.
Originally posted by caribj:
Hmmmmm. Libyans over throw Gaddaffy. Libyans dance in the streets. Yet the little slaves on massa's plantation bleat "white man did it, white man did it!!!"

Poor things dont understand that lots of things happen in this world that have nothing to do with whites.

Libya is in a civil war. GET OVER IT!!!!!

Irrational anti-western hatred. The Spring uprising is an Arab affair, the Libyan uprising in a Libyan affair. The fact that the West intervened is just bad luck for Gadhafi. They do need to GET OVER IT!!!!
Baseman, you delude yourself, as you do often do. The new crowd in charge of Libya has ties to Al Qaeda, which you often cuss down. These are "revolving door" coups, regime change for the sake of regime change. Obama thinks he's playing a video game with his predator drones, and the Brits laugh up their sleeves as they manipulate their pet Islamic fundamentalists.
Obama ushered in a anti-american Libya. just await and c if an islamic state doan emerge. Libya is a complicated country to govern-too many tribes and factions. Another Iraq in the making.

As for Assad, the American should leave him alone. He would be lesser of the evils that could emerge in Syria. If they depose him, the christians in Syria would b slaughter by the muslim fanatics. The islamist r just waiting to take over the country.

Strange how the American thinks. They bomb these countries to free them, but instead they release more enemies to kill the westerners.

Obama got to be the stupidest man ever ascended the White house. He does not think for himself.
Originally posted by Henry:
Baseman, you delude yourself, as you do often do. The new crowd in charge of Libya has ties to Al Qaeda, which you often cuss down. These are "revolving door" coups, regime change for the sake of regime change. Obama thinks he's playing a video game with his predator drones, and the Brits laugh up their sleeves as they manipulate their pet Islamic fundamentalists.

Even with that, Al Qaeda would have respected Islamic law regarding his burial.

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