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Was Minister Rohee’s mission to deliberately cause panic in the nation?

June 25, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,

The Demerara Waves reported in a news item on Saturday 23rd June 2012 that Minister Rohee announced that police officers will not get their full leave because of the ‘political climate’ in the country. According to the news report Minister Rohee justified this decision with these reasons:

1. Guyana is currently in some “potentially delicate period of national security”
2. “We have just come out of the elections”
3. The country is in a mood where certain things are not settled in the parliament.
4. “There is a lot of talk about snap elections”, his exact words.

Unfortunately, these reasons advanced by the Home Affairs Minister raise some serious national concerns and should put not only put the opposition parties on high alert but, rather all of Guyana should be on that alert.

I believe the comments were deliberately made to do two things; first to conjure up fear and anxiety in the nation by using language to arouse and create a certain psychological mindset in the PPP/C constituents.

Secondly, they were used to initiate a certain kind of reaction from the opposition and the wider Guyanese society, for which they hope to use as their means for initiating their sinister plots.

What Rohee has done, by proffering these reasons is to lay the ground work for the PPP/C to take a certain course of action.  I wonder if the opposition parliamentary parties are aware of what constitutes this ‘period of delicate national security’.

If they don’t it might be a good question for Minister Rohee to answer at the next sitting of the National Assembly.

The representatives of the people must know of this grave national security threat that looms over their lives, and that of the people they represent.

Should Mr.Rohee fail to provide this information he should be cited for making statement to cause unnecessary fear and panic in the nation, a fear capable of putting the life of every citizen at incalculable risk.

Other people might have been charged with treason for making such statements. On his point of just having had an election, fact is we are more than half a year into Donald Ramotar’s presidency and yet the Minister is telling us that we have just come out of an election.

When does Mr. Ramotar’s honeymoon period end? He has promised many things to be done in his first year, doesn’t that first year count from day one when he got the job? I believe there is a larger collateral benefit, the PPP/C calculated they will get from telling the nation that ‘we have only just come out of an election’, and this benefit, they reason, is necessary to help to advance the psychological aspect of their plot.

The number four point I believe, is the PPP/C’s biggest auction item. They are hoping to sell the Guyanese bidders, whom they feel they can play like a deck of cards. Note that most of the leading members of the PPP/C party and government have taken time out to attempt to lure the nation into this snap elections plot.
The president had his say; the attorney general Anil Nandalall had his say, Ralph Ramkarran gave his comments and practically all the PPP/C budget cut presenters hinted at the PPP/C desire to call snap elections. But like I have said before, the people will reject them soundly this time around.

What was very strange is that while making the same announcement, Minister Rohee hinted that it would be unreasonable for four top cops to all take leave at the same time.

Now this, I believe, might be a reasonable cause for asking officers to split their leave, but one can imagine why Rohee just could not state this as the reason?
The answer is that to do this would be to negate the opportunity of achieving all the other sinister motives, mentioned earlier, and therefore the ground work would not have been laid, for them to aid their sinister plot.

It is very unfortunate that the PPP/C continues to view the citizens in as their unintelligent subjects.

The Minister of Home Affairs has taken action to deliberately cause panic and fear in the nation. He should be held accountable.

 Lurlene Nestor



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The PPP is having a lot of troubles with gaining access to and hiding stolen money as easily as they have been able to do when they were in the majority in parliament. Rohee is fex that he is having to take home so little. The PPP is deliberately stoking up a potential civil war. This is no longer about racial divide. This is clearly a government instigated social and political upheaval. With all dem drugs bust by the US and Canadian government, the PPP ministers are losing their investment. They paid the drugs lords for delivery to Guyana. But the interception of the delivery to the US and Canada has put them out of pocket. So now they want to fabricate turmoil and carry out  apolitical coup. 


Rhoee was right, it seems, APNU/AFC are planning wickedness in Linden, the country is in high state of emergency. Police can not go on leave as they will be needed to calm down the natives. ahhahahaha


The Demerara Waves reported in a news item on Saturday 23rd June 2012 that Minister Rohee announced that police officers will not get their full leave because of the ‘political climate’ in the country. According to the news report Minister Rohee justified this decision with these reasons:

1. Guyana is currently in some “potentially delicate period of national security”
2. “We have just come out of the elections”
3. The country is in a mood where certain things are not settled in the parliament.
4. “There is a lot of talk about snap elections”, his exact words.


I wonder if this a good time to visist Guyana?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Was Minister Rohee’s mission to deliberately cause panic in the nation?

June 25, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,

The Demerara Waves reported in a news item on Saturday 23rd June 2012 that Minister Rohee announced that police officers will not get their full leave because of the ‘political climate’ in the country. According to the news report Minister Rohee justified this decision with these reasons:

1. Guyana is currently in some “potentially delicate period of national security”
2. “We have just come out of the elections”
3. The country is in a mood where certain things are not settled in the parliament.
4. “There is a lot of talk about snap elections”, his exact words.

Unfortunately, these reasons advanced by the Home Affairs Minister raise some serious national concerns and should put not only put the opposition parties on high alert but, rather all of Guyana should be on that alert.

I believe the comments were deliberately made to do two things; first to conjure up fear and anxiety in the nation by using language to arouse and create a certain psychological mindset in the PPP/C constituents.

Secondly, they were used to initiate a certain kind of reaction from the opposition and the wider Guyanese society, for which they hope to use as their means for initiating their sinister plots.

What Rohee has done, by proffering these reasons is to lay the ground work for the PPP/C to take a certain course of action.  I wonder if the opposition parliamentary parties are aware of what constitutes this ‘period of delicate national security’.

If they don’t it might be a good question for Minister Rohee to answer at the next sitting of the National Assembly.

The representatives of the people must know of this grave national security threat that looms over their lives, and that of the people they represent.

Should Mr.Rohee fail to provide this information he should be cited for making statement to cause unnecessary fear and panic in the nation, a fear capable of putting the life of every citizen at incalculable risk.

Other people might have been charged with treason for making such statements. On his point of just having had an election, fact is we are more than half a year into Donald Ramotar’s presidency and yet the Minister is telling us that we have just come out of an election.

When does Mr. Ramotar’s honeymoon period end? He has promised many things to be done in his first year, doesn’t that first year count from day one when he got the job? I believe there is a larger collateral benefit, the PPP/C calculated they will get from telling the nation that ‘we have only just come out of an election’, and this benefit, they reason, is necessary to help to advance the psychological aspect of their plot.

The number four point I believe, is the PPP/C’s biggest auction item. They are hoping to sell the Guyanese bidders, whom they feel they can play like a deck of cards. Note that most of the leading members of the PPP/C party and government have taken time out to attempt to lure the nation into this snap elections plot.
The president had his say; the attorney general Anil Nandalall had his say, Ralph Ramkarran gave his comments and practically all the PPP/C budget cut presenters hinted at the PPP/C desire to call snap elections. But like I have said before, the people will reject them soundly this time around.

What was very strange is that while making the same announcement, Minister Rohee hinted that it would be unreasonable for four top cops to all take leave at the same time.

Now this, I believe, might be a reasonable cause for asking officers to split their leave, but one can imagine why Rohee just could not state this as the reason?
The answer is that to do this would be to negate the opportunity of achieving all the other sinister motives, mentioned earlier, and therefore the ground work would not have been laid, for them to aid their sinister plot.

It is very unfortunate that the PPP/C continues to view the citizens in as their unintelligent subjects.

The Minister of Home Affairs has taken action to deliberately cause panic and fear in the nation. He should be held accountable.

 Lurlene Nestor



For Janam years this louse Rohee have been using racial fear.  Do not expect him to stop now.


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