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That's all the attendees ? Downloaded the video ,will watch later, briefly heard lots of lies quoting figures from the rat. That skunk didn't tell the audience approx US$611 million debt was written off. Can't believe these educated people in North America will buy in to the bullcrap comes out of the

Will create a thread , with 1992 document on Guyana Economic Recovery program and other documents with debt write off. Actually these documents are on line.

Baseman posted:

Bai, me nah know!  Me chose wan lil Lagoo-Bagoo swarie Saturday night in Liberty Palace!  Me and mi "lil whale" dance-up!  But suh Lagoo-Bagoo dozz roll!!

He told them to spread the word for Guyanese New Yorkers to go back to vote in the upcoming elections . Yeah they are going to spend about US$1000 to go and vote.The PPP should charter a plane and fly them in for free. Oh skites i forget lots of rich Guyanese in RichmanHill , they can afford.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That skunk didn't tell the audience approx US$611 million debt was written off.

PPP inherited US$2.1 billion debts in 1992.

Billions were left in the national treasury when PPP left office. 

Good so far, from 1992 US$611 million was written off ,now tell how much debt the Coalition Government inherited in 2015.


The event's illustrious Organizing Committee who managed to muster up that rag-tag group of friends and family to pay $100 per head to cuss Jagdeo interrupting the event some seven (7) times causing him to make a quick exit after the hurrah.

Who was the 300 pound elephant prowling behind the scenes?  And where is Dr Irfaan anyway?


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Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Bai, me nah know!  Me chose wan lil Lagoo-Bagoo swarie Saturday night in Liberty Palace!  Me and mi "lil whale" dance-up!  But suh Lagoo-Bagoo dozz roll!!

Why are you calling the woman “lil whale?” She might be fat and ugly but at least she has a job.  So you getting couple dollars to spend.  Be grateful.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That skunk didn't tell the audience approx US$611 million debt was written off. 


PPP inherited US$2.1 billion debts in 1992. Billions were left in the national treasury when PPP left office. 

Dave , remember PNC teach Dem at Sophia that 33<32 so nah waste time. The greatest Guyanese President was Statesmanlike, intelligent, articulate and spoke without a script. That Man is beyond intelligent and knowledgeable!! Dr Bharat Jagdeo IS indeed Guyana REAL President.

Nehru posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That skunk didn't tell the audience approx US$611 million debt was written off. 


PPP inherited US$2.1 billion debts in 1992. Billions were left in the national treasury when PPP left office. 

Dave , remember PNC teach Dem at Sophia that 33<32 so nah waste time. The greatest Guyanese President was Statesmanlike, intelligent, articulate and spoke without a script. That Man is beyond intelligent and knowledgeable!! Dr Bharat Jagdeo IS indeed Guyana REAL President.

Hey hey hey...suh ayoo accept de Putin ting? Hey hey hey...

Nehru posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That skunk didn't tell the audience approx US$611 million debt was written off. 


PPP inherited US$2.1 billion debts in 1992. Billions were left in the national treasury when PPP left office. 

Dave , remember PNC teach Dem at Sophia that 33<32 so nah waste time. The greatest Guyanese President was Statesmanlike, intelligent, articulate and spoke without a script. That Man is beyond intelligent and knowledgeable!! Dr Bharat Jagdeo IS indeed Guyana REAL President. know who to fool , you does seh facts and figgah don't lie.He suh smaat why the NDS from 2001 to 2010 wasn't accomplished ?

Here is a projection from NDS

The country as a whole If all our strategies are followed, it is forecast that the average annual growth of the country's Gross Domestic Product, between 2001 and 2010, would be 9 percent. We are convinced that, even if the strategies are notfollowed optimally, at the very worst, barring a series of cataclysms, the average GDP growth would be of the order of 6.0 percent. It should be stressed that because of the currently low level of our economy, Guyana at the end of the "strategy period", could not by any means be described as an affluent society.

Last edited by Django
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Miss Ivy how was de event gurl? A hear wid all de wall street big conneckshun yuh have yuh will sell Guyana aile foh Bharrat and Irfaan...hey hey hey. 

I will post some FB feedback from an attendee later today!  He wanted me to go with him but I had the other event in the evening and Christmas shopping too priority!

But, according to him, from the paid attendance, was a disaster!

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dave , remember PNC teach Dem at Sophia that 33<32 so nah waste time. The greatest Guyanese President was Statesmanlike, intelligent, articulate and spoke without a script. That Man is beyond intelligent and knowledgeable!! Dr Bharat Jagdeo IS indeed Guyana REAL President. know who to fool , you does seh facts and figgah don't lie.He suh smaat why the NDS from 1999 to 2010 wasn't accomplished ?

Bai, wake up!  No one cares about NDS!  PNC don't have much of a leg to stand on either!  So it's a race to the bottom!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dave , remember PNC teach Dem at Sophia that 33<32 so nah waste time. The greatest Guyanese President was Statesmanlike, intelligent, articulate and spoke without a script. That Man is beyond intelligent and knowledgeable!! Dr Bharat Jagdeo IS indeed Guyana REAL President. know who to fool , you does seh facts and figgah don't lie.He suh smaat why the NDS from 2001[Edited] to 2010 wasn't accomplished ?

Bai, wake up!  No one cares about NDS!  PNC don't have much of a leg to stand on either!  So it's a race to the bottom!

So no one cares about strategy for development ? no wonder from 1996 to date the country is in the backwater category. There is a new policy paper  for twenty-year, national development, lets see what will play out.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Miss Ivy how was de event gurl? A hear wid all de wall street big conneckshun yuh have yuh will sell Guyana aile foh Bharrat and Irfaan...hey hey hey. 

I will post some FB feedback from an attendee later today!  He wanted me to go with him but I had the other event in the evening and Christmas shopping too priority!

But, according to him, from the paid attendance, was a disaster!



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Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dave , remember PNC teach Dem at Sophia that 33<32 so nah waste time. The greatest Guyanese President was Statesmanlike, intelligent, articulate and spoke without a script. That Man is beyond intelligent and knowledgeable!! Dr Bharat Jagdeo IS indeed Guyana REAL President. know who to fool , you does seh facts and figgah don't lie.He suh smaat why the NDS from 2001[Edited] to 2010 wasn't accomplished ?

Bai, wake up!  No one cares about NDS!  PNC don't have much of a leg to stand on either!  So it's a race to the bottom!

So no one cares about strategy for development ? no wonder from 1996 to date the country is in the backwater category. There is a new policy paper  for twenty-year, national development, lets see what will play out.

hey hey hey...development strategy na...dem bais gat to find way foh pay dem mattie, tek kickbacks and sabatoge who win de eleckshun. Dat is development right dere. Hey hey hey...

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted: know who to fool , you does seh facts and figgah don't lie.He suh smaat why the NDS from 2001[Edited] to 2010 wasn't accomplished ?

Bai, wake up!  No one cares about NDS!  PNC don't have much of a leg to stand on either!  So it's a race to the bottom!

So no one cares about strategy for development ? no wonder from 1996 to date the country is in the backwater category. There is a new policy paper  for twenty-year, national development, lets see what will play out.

Banna, as I said wake up! 

The Coalition destroyed the livelihood of 7,000 families, 35,000 mouths and indirectly impacted a total of 50,000!  Who the hell cares about any failure of the NDS strategy?

People are focused on their breakfast table, the here and now, not on some pie-in-the-sky this or that which they questioning if they will survive to see!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Ray, on Monday I have to be on line at Sybill's to purchase an

Aniseed Bread for 8 friggin dollars.

I  tell the old lady leh we soak up the Pepperpot with plait Bread and FRIG Sybills but she ears haad.

How big is that bread for $8.00 ?

Regular size but Sybill's taking advantage.

Bake the bread !!!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted: know who to fool , you does seh facts and figgah don't lie.He suh smaat why the NDS from 2001[Edited] to 2010 wasn't accomplished ?

Bai, wake up!  No one cares about NDS!  PNC don't have much of a leg to stand on either!  So it's a race to the bottom!

So no one cares about strategy for development ? no wonder from 1996 to date the country is in the backwater category. There is a new policy paper  for twenty-year, national development, lets see what will play out.

Banna, as I said wake up! 

The Coalition destroyed the livelihood of 7,000 families, 35,000 mouths and indirectly impacted a total of 50,000! 

Who the hell cares about any failure of the NDS strategy?People are focused on their breakfast table,

the here and now, not on some pie-in-the-sky this or that which they questioning if they will survive to see!

When there is no plan , how food will be on the table ?

Baseman posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Miss Ivy how was de event gurl? A hear wid all de wall street big conneckshun yuh have yuh will sell Guyana aile foh Bharrat and Irfaan...hey hey hey. 

I will post some FB feedback from an attendee later today!  He wanted me to go with him but I had the other event in the evening and Christmas shopping too priority!

But, according to him, from the paid attendance, was a disaster!



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  • C0EAF9BB-4B8D-4730-929B-4371B854929D
Bibi Haniffa

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