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Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Trotty was a PNC executive at the time when terror emanating from Buxton paralyzed the East Coast causing deaths and injuries to scores of Indo Guyanese. He never condemned violence against Indo-Guyanese. On the contrary, he called for the overthrow of the PPP gov't. This says a hell of a lot of the man called "Raphael Trotman".

Moses was beaten and left as dead. Look how undignified Jagdeo and his puppet Ramouthar treated him.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Trotty was a PNC executive at the time when terror emanating from Buxton paralyzed the East Coast causing deaths and injuries to scores of Indo Guyanese. He never condemned violence against Indo-Guyanese. On the contrary, he called for the overthrow of the PPP gov't. This says a hell of a lot of the man called "Raphael Trotman".

Moses was beaten and left as dead. Look how undignified Jagdeo and his puppet Ramouthar treated him.

And now the AFC made it clear he is too PPP to trust as speaker of the national assembly. Isn't this outrageous?
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Trotty was a PNC executive at the time when terror emanating from Buxton paralyzed the East Coast causing deaths and injuries to scores of Indo Guyanese. He never condemned violence against Indo-Guyanese. On the contrary, he called for the overthrow of the PPP gov't. This says a hell of a lot of the man called "Raphael Trotman".

Moses was beaten and left as dead. Look how undignified Jagdeo and his puppet Ramouthar treated him.

And now the AFC made it clear he is too PPP to trust as speaker of the national assembly. Isn't this outrageous?

Rather ludickrous, your statement that is. Prove that "the AFC made it clear he is too PPP to trust as speaker of the national assembly".

Why did the PPP not support the AFC in this bid?
Cause Moses is a Dumbo and has been outsmarted by the PNC who stabbed him in the back. Indo Guyanese will have to start packing to leave Guyana as the did in the 70's. Let the PNC destroy Guyana again like they did in the past. It is the same group of guys who raped Indo Guyanese of their wealth and they had to flee Guyana by hundred of thousands. History can repeat itself.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Cause Moses is a Dumbo and has been outsmarted by the PNC who stabbed him in the back. Indo Guyanese will have to start packing to leave Guyana as the did in the 70's. Let the PNC destroy Guyana again like they did in the past. It is the same group of guys who raped Indo Guyanese of their wealth and they had to flee Guyana by hundred of thousands. History can repeat itself.

If Moses had formed his own political party and won just a few seats he and the country would have been better off. He could have used his leverage to become speaker and save the parliament from falling in control of the PNC. But he chose to go with the AFC and now he has nothing to bargain but to go with the program of the Grangers and Trotmans.
Billy Ram Balgobin
There are no ifs or buts. The bottom line is that each party in parliament has one person in a position of political influence.

Guyana can only progress if the voices of all of those who bothered to vote, also have a voice in the way the government is run. It's down to the government how the country is run, and down to the opposition everything is run in an open and transparent manner.

All the talk about who should or should have been speaker seems clearly based along party lines. The final choice was made according to what the majority in parliament considered to be best for Guyana at this moment in time.
The PPP voted along party lines. APNU was sensible enough to vote with its conscious. So any PPPite who want to disagree is just sucking sour grapes.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Why was Moses pushed aside from being the speaker by the AFC???

Why does the PPP have the habit of turning stalwarts in the community and its own members against itself?

Who turned you against the PPP?

Why some coolies are willing to handover their wives and daughters to the PNC stallions.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why some coolies are willing to handover their wives and daughters to the PNC stallions.

Why did you do it? Rum?

WOW! This tells me that you did it and they liked it. That is why you don't want to leave them. The balck pudding must be sweet, batty boy.. Tell us more..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why some coolies are willing to handover their wives and daughters to the PNC stallions.

Why did you do it? Rum?

WOW! This tells me that you did it and they liked it. That is why you don't want to leave them. The balck pudding must be sweet, batty boy.. Tell us more..

Don't forget you and you parents supported Burnham. Did Corbin not spend time at your home?
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why some coolies are willing to handover their wives and daughters to the PNC stallions.

Why did you do it? Rum?

WOW! This tells me that you did it and they liked it. That is why you don't want to leave them. The balck pudding must be sweet, batty boy.. Tell us more..

Don't forget you and you parents supported Burnham. Did Corbin not spend time at your home?

That's what you can come up with.

My parents didn't support Burnham and Corbin never been to my home.

Is this an excuse to hide you involvement with your comrades in the PNC. These people only want your wife and daughter.

How many times were you sent on errands while your wife remain behind at their parties.

You should ask those former Indiam MPs what happened to their wives..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why some coolies are willing to handover their wives and daughters to the PNC stallions.

Why did you do it? Rum?

WOW! This tells me that you did it and they liked it. That is why you don't want to leave them. The balck pudding must be sweet, batty boy.. Tell us more..

Don't forget you and you parents supported Burnham. Did Corbin not spend time at your home?

That's what you can come up with.

My parents didn't support Burnham and Corbin never been to my home.

Is this an excuse to hide you involvement with your comrades in the PNC. These people only want your wife and daughter.

How many times were you sent on errands while your wife remain behind at their parties.

You should ask those former Indiam MPs what happened to their wives..

lol Bhaiji, medication and alchohol don't mix. You are too drunk to comprehend your halucination.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why some coolies are willing to handover their wives and daughters to the PNC stallions.

Why did you do it? Rum?

WOW! This tells me that you did it and they liked it. That is why you don't want to leave them. The balck pudding must be sweet, batty boy.. Tell us more..

Don't forget you and you parents supported Burnham. Did Corbin not spend time at your home?

That's what you can come up with.

My parents didn't support Burnham and Corbin never been to my home.

Is this an excuse to hide you involvement with your comrades in the PNC. These people only want your wife and daughter.

How many times were you sent on errands while your wife remain behind at their parties.

You should ask those former Indiam MPs what happened to their wives..

lol Bhaiji, medication and alchohol don't mix. You are too drunk to comprehend your halucination.

You can do better than that... You sound like a retard.. I am not the one who is drunk. Why is you don't remember what happened at the Socila gatherings of your comrades..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Why some coolies are willing to handover their wives and daughters to the PNC stallions.

Why did you do it? Rum?

WOW! This tells me that you did it and they liked it. That is why you don't want to leave them. The balck pudding must be sweet, batty boy.. Tell us more..

Don't forget you and you parents supported Burnham. Did Corbin not spend time at your home?

That's what you can come up with.

My parents didn't support Burnham and Corbin never been to my home.

Is this an excuse to hide you involvement with your comrades in the PNC. These people only want your wife and daughter.

How many times were you sent on errands while your wife remain behind at their parties.

You should ask those former Indiam MPs what happened to their wives..

lol Bhaiji, medication and alchohol don't mix. You are too drunk to comprehend your halucination.

You can do better than that... You sound like a retard.. I am not the one who is drunk. Why is you don't remember what happened at the Socila gatherings of your comrades..

I was not at any Socila gatherings and I don't have comrades.. Tell us since you were there... but then again you must have under the influence of substance abuse.

You are a disgrace to the Graduates of Cove and John.

Your feeling of inferiority is a reflection of your retardedness of your social development at 70.

I will pray for you. I can forgive you but can you forgive yourself for what you have done to yourself?
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by albert:
Trotman as Leader of the A.F.C has completed out foxed Ramjattan and Moses, and secure the Speaker's Chair for the A.P.N.U....

If your logic that Speaker Trotman is still in the PNC party that he left some 8-9 years ago, then it should hold that MP Nagamootoo is still in the PPP that he left some 4 months ago? Is this correct?

I just don't understand what your are so upset about, I'm sure before this elections you did not even care who the Speaker of Parliament was. Why are so mad about the decisions the parties that you probably didn't even vote for make?!

"Be a leader, not a follower based on race" - Khemraj Ramjattan.

albert isnt upset. He is just playing the race card to upset the Indos who refused to vote PPP. He screams "you see wan black man get Speaker, because you nah vote PPP".
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by albert:
Was Moses and Ramjattan shafted by Trotman?...did they now realise he was P.N.C all along?
you do not worry about the AFC,the AFC is on top of things,you worry about what the ppp will do with that poor fool ramkarran they assure him the speaker the fool is nothing

To tell people not to worry or be concerned about the AFC's actions is not in keeping with good democratic principles. It's frightening to see how the AFC is acting today. The party that promised "Change" seems to be giving us something other than that... sounds like they're giving as "Chains".
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by albert:
Was Moses and Ramjattan shafted by Trotman?...did they now realise he was P.N.C all along?
you do not worry about the AFC,the AFC is on top of things,you worry about what the ppp will do with that poor fool ramkarran they assure him the speaker the fool is nothing

To tell people not to worry or be concerned about the AFC's actions is not in keeping with good democratic principles. It's frightening to see how the AFC is acting today. The party that promised "Change" seems to be giving us something other than that... sounds like they're giving as "Chains".
you might be in chain because you is a insecurty indian,but almost most of the indians i know is not scare of the black people and is willing to live amount them if you is a racist collie and think god give you the right be superior over a next race that your problem,i suggest you go back to indian and there you can be a untouchable

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