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The man was an agent of the PPP engaged in suppression of enemies of the PPP.  He knows where the bodies are buried. While I doubt they took him out it is not unlikely. Given the exposure of being caught with arms we have a parallel to the last time they stock piling arms. Like RK got off with being caught red handed with arms, ( and even had them returned to him!)


This creep maybe thought he could be given the easy road in the legal system a no less was given his boss. The PPP has as much to loose with him free to talk if given jail time. Note they never touch him before despite the entire nation knowing he was a hired killer. It is equally likely they took him out as did those in the criminal world among whom he negotiate his business life.


My complaint is that there are countless posts where Albert et all directly links the AFC and others of criminal participation and none of those were ever closed or the openers of the thread cautioned. Moderate the board even highhandedly and sanction all who break the rules. Doing so in partisan ways is hypocrisy.

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On the issue of phantoms and the Buxton terror APNU and AFC are operating in ways similar to those in Third Reich who blamed Polish gun men for attacks on German border posts and leftists for setting fire on the Reichtstag.

Ya'll go tek a waak. People have already seen you true colors. The AFC has disappointed those who voted for them. They naively voted for Change and got something more like Chains.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

On the issue of phantoms and the Buxton terror APNU and AFC are operating in ways similar to those in Third Reich who blamed Polish gun men for attacks on German border posts and leftists for setting fire on the Reichtstag.

Ya'll go tek a waak. People have already seen you true colors. The AFC has disappointed those who voted for them. They naively voted for Change and got something more like Chains.

You are talking pure crap. The Reich was a puritanical racist strain of individuals who organized under that banner and acted with impunity. The only group we ever hear fear mongering on the idea of contamination of the race or duglarization are a fringe group of indian racists who identify with the PPP as their salvation.


I do indeed doubt the PPP are anything like the Reich but I am quite sure they utilize  racial levers to push Indians into fear and trembling so they do not dare question their corrupt rule. And yes, it is a foregone conclusion that they govern in the tradition of the great corruptocrats as Marcos, Suharto and Bird.


Since the AFC held a balance of power in the system, their criminal enterprises has  sprung a leek. Stories of their parasitic leeching of the nations resources have now come to light. We have NICIL, seen the misuse of funds in NCN, know that NIS and now GuyOil are all hemorrhaging funds due to poor management. This is is but the tip of the 'berg.


These crooks have managed to built a patronage system of contracts for petty work that they have at their disposal an entire dependent slave class in what was previously the African professional administrative culture. The PPP are a great evil akin to a biblical plague that has been let loose on the land. Yes, they must reform or be made to change.


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