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By Tracey Khan – Drakes

US Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt

US Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt:


[] – United States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt has announced that the way has been cleared for the office of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to be established in Guyana.


At a joint press conference at the Office of the President today between President Donald Ramotar and the US Ambassador, it was revealed that the office will be stationed at the US Embassy in Georgetown.


Ambassador Hardt said they are looking forward to working closely with the Narcotics agencies here to dismantle the drug trade. The equipment for the office are already being shipped to Guyana and personnel ‎have already been identified. He could not give a timeline for operations to begin but said because of the approval by the US Congress, the project will move swiftly.


Meanwhile, President Ramotar welcomed this move that government has been calling for. This he said will strengthen cooperation between the US and Guyana.

The President also said he wants to make Guyana inhospitable to drug traffickers and listed the Anti Money Laundering Bill as another way in doing this.DEA


The DEA will have to vet local agencies and build its collaborations since it will only focus on gathering intelligence and sharing it with law enforcement agencies that will make the necessary arrests and busts.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP is working according to the laws of Guyana. They work expeditiously when the need becomes necessary. The SWAT team is currently in training, and the DEA office is soon to be in Guyana. The use of the contingency fund has been proven and cleared by Minister Ashni. President Ramotar cannot sign an unconstitutional bill into law as APNU & AFC wanted. The joint opposition only knows of bullyism, and the president will not give into creepy politics.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP is working according to the laws of Guyana. They work expeditiously when the need becomes necessary. The SWAT team is currently in training, and the DEA office is soon to be in Guyana. The use of the contingency fund has been proven and cleared by Minister Ashni. President Ramotar cannot sign an unconstitutional bill into law as APNU & AFC wanted. The joint opposition only knows of bullyism, and the president will not give into creepy politics.

Another bit of nonsense from you. The PPP is more than a decade late with the DEA office all because the PPP were afraid of the US being able to see what they were doing or not doing. The rise of the drug culture that so presently dominates every facet of the society would be greatly lessened and its by product, violence would not have been able to get a toehold.


The Contingency fund is not the PPP piggy bank. No democratic government get its own piggy bank with which it can do as it will.


Ramotar  looks to the constitution only when it facilitates the kleptocrtacy he heads.


By Tracey Khan -Drakes

The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), today (June 26), met with Airline and Hotel Operators to discuss the boom in the hospitality and airline industries as a result of several new airlines entering the local market.


Head of the GTA Indranauth Haralsingh said improving the tourism sector is key as government continues to push the sector in overdrive and make it more accessible to the rest of the world. The GTA Head also said the spin off effects of these new airlines is already manifesting and as such those in the hospitality sector have to upgrade their standards.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

By Tracey Khan -Drakes

The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), today (June 26), met with Airline and Hotel Operators to discuss the boom in the hospitality and airline industries as a result of several new airlines entering the local market.


Head of the GTA Indranauth Haralsingh said improving the tourism sector is key as government continues to push the sector in overdrive and make it more accessible to the rest of the world. The GTA Head also said the spin off effects of these new airlines is already manifesting and as such those in the hospitality sector have to upgrade their standards.

Knuckle head, what does this have to do with the OP? When caught with your pants down you seek to derail the thread!


Like you hate air planes? Guyana have them in abundance now. Tourism is growing. Hotel accommodation must improve. Guyana is moving ahead against the opposition obstacles.


BTW, it's my thread. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Like you hate air planes? Guyana have them in abundance now. Tourism is growing. Hotel accommodation must improve. Guyana is moving ahead against the opposition obstacles.


BTW, it's my thread. 

I detest knuckleheads who try to derail threads


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