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Former Member

But if this is true, the Government is wrong.


Stranded former CSO rebuffed by Govt

– told to “go to PPP” after seeking help for snakebitten daughter

By Jillicia Pinder

Former Community Support Officer (CSO) Ray Edmond, of South Rupununi is now left at a loss about his next move after he became stranded in Georgetown following a sudden departure from his community when his two-year-old got bitten by a snake.

Ray Edmond

Ray Edmond

Edmond told Guyana Times that on Friday his daughter was bitten by a “bush master” snake in his community. He shared that he was tending to his farm when he heard his daughter cry out. After seeing the cause of her distress, he quickly rushed to her aid.

Edmond added that luckily, a “tour helicopter” was in the village nearby. He pleaded with the persons on board for assistance, and they granted him a ride to Georgetown with his daughter and assisted them to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC).

The man stated that he had left his community with only the clothes on his back and was now at a loss about his next move. Feeling dejected, he shared that he went to the Indigenous People’s Affairs Ministry to see if he could receive payments as he was a member of the CSO programme, only to learn that the programme was terminated.

Edmonds added that for the six months he has been in the programme, he had only received $20,000. When explaining his plight to the Indigenous Affairs Ministry personnel, he was told to “go to the PPP fuh that money”, or to the Labour Ministry , before he was removed from the premises. Edmonds said that he has no idea where the Labour Ministry was or what he should do to return to his community.

He added that he had even visited the Amerindian Hostel in Princes Street, Georgetown, but they turned him away as he could not afford the $500 per night fee.

He said he has three other older children at home who were not even aware that he was leaving the community.  He stated that he has not eaten a meal since he landed in Georgetown and is pleading for assistance from any avenue to return home.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Who is the PPP house slaves?


You all cruoolie bullies think you all have a divine right to rule forever.


You all are Rawans and he did not rule for ever.


TIME UP!  TIME for the Rawans to stay in the opposition for 5 years.


Let us see what the APNUAFC will do and we will choose sides in 2020.


Give it a rest, you cannot move the Granger and Nagas, accept them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Who is the PPP house slaves?


You all cruoolie bullies think you all have a divine right to rule forever.


You all are Rawans and he did not rule for ever.


TIME UP!  TIME for the Rawans to stay in the opposition for 5 years.


Let us see what the APNUAFC will do and we will choose sides in 2020.


Give it a rest, you cannot move the Granger and Nagas, accept them.


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Who is the PPP house slaves?


You all cruoolie bullies think you all have a divine right to rule forever.


You all are Rawans and he did not rule for ever.


TIME UP!  TIME for the Rawans to stay in the opposition for 5 years.


Let us see what the APNUAFC will do and we will choose sides in 2020.


Give it a rest, you cannot move the Granger and Nagas, accept them.

Show me what you can do NOW and not till 2020, this Amerindian needs help ASAP now, if the PNC wants to score points, help this man NOW.

Originally Posted by Georgie:

But if this is true, the Government is wrong.


Stranded former CSO rebuffed by Govt

– told to “go to PPP” after seeking help for snakebitten daughter

By Jillicia Pinder

Former Community Support Officer (CSO) Ray Edmond, of South Rupununi is now left at a loss about his next move after he became stranded in Georgetown following a sudden departure from his community when his two-year-old got bitten by a snake.

Ray Edmond

Ray Edmond

Edmond told Guyana Times that on Friday his daughter was bitten by a “bush master” snake in his community. He shared that he was tending to his farm when he heard his daughter cry out. After seeing the cause of her distress, he quickly rushed to her aid.

Edmond added that luckily, a “tour helicopter” was in the village nearby. He pleaded with the persons on board for assistance, and they granted him a ride to Georgetown with his daughter and assisted them to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC).

The man stated that he had left his community with only the clothes on his back and was now at a loss about his next move. Feeling dejected, he shared that he went to the Indigenous People’s Affairs Ministry to see if he could receive payments as he was a member of the CSO programme, only to learn that the programme was terminated.

Edmonds added that for the six months he has been in the programme, he had only received $20,000. When explaining his plight to the Indigenous Affairs Ministry personnel, he was told to “go to the PPP fuh that money”, or to the Labour Ministry , before he was removed from the premises. Edmonds said that he has no idea where the Labour Ministry was or what he should do to return to his community.

He added that he had even visited the Amerindian Hostel in Princes Street, Georgetown, but they turned him away as he could not afford the $500 per night fee.

He said he has three other older children at home who were not even aware that he was leaving the community.  He stated that he has not eaten a meal since he landed in Georgetown and is pleading for assistance from any avenue to return home.

Lets hope this story is not true. It mattes not who he worked for in the past administration. If he is in need, his need should be bet. This gentleman could not afford a dollar so he was not helped by the PPP so should not be penalized for whatever he had to do for his supper.



Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Georgie:

But if this is true, the Government is wrong.


Stranded former CSO rebuffed by Govt

– told to “go to PPP” after seeking help for snakebitten daughter

By Jillicia Pinder

Former Community Support Officer (CSO) Ray Edmond, of South Rupununi is now left at a loss about his next move after he became stranded in Georgetown following a sudden departure from his community when his two-year-old got bitten by a snake.

Ray Edmond

Ray Edmond

Edmond told Guyana Times that on Friday his daughter was bitten by a “bush master” snake in his community. He shared that he was tending to his farm when he heard his daughter cry out. After seeing the cause of her distress, he quickly rushed to her aid.

Edmond added that luckily, a “tour helicopter” was in the village nearby. He pleaded with the persons on board for assistance, and they granted him a ride to Georgetown with his daughter and assisted them to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC).

The man stated that he had left his community with only the clothes on his back and was now at a loss about his next move. Feeling dejected, he shared that he went to the Indigenous People’s Affairs Ministry to see if he could receive payments as he was a member of the CSO programme, only to learn that the programme was terminated.

Edmonds added that for the six months he has been in the programme, he had only received $20,000. When explaining his plight to the Indigenous Affairs Ministry personnel, he was told to “go to the PPP fuh that money”, or to the Labour Ministry , before he was removed from the premises. Edmonds said that he has no idea where the Labour Ministry was or what he should do to return to his community.

He added that he had even visited the Amerindian Hostel in Princes Street, Georgetown, but they turned him away as he could not afford the $500 per night fee.

He said he has three other older children at home who were not even aware that he was leaving the community.  He stated that he has not eaten a meal since he landed in Georgetown and is pleading for assistance from any avenue to return home.

Lets hope this story is not true..



Your way of trivializing the man's plight, cannot be for real.  You wish it were not because it's an Amerindian.  If he was Indian, you would be screaming "go to Freedom House" coolie.


Every day I live in Guyana, I see, hear read about things that drive me crazy. It seems that so many people have lost a sense of decency, or humanity. Even those who help, they want to get recognized for the little they donate. Money talks in Guyana and if you are a government official, in most cases ordinary people are treated like trash. There is so much that is wrong with how things are done in Guyana and how it affects the ordinary Guyanese people. Sometimes, people just want a job, to get on living, not worrying with all this BS we on the boards argue about and call each other names over.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Your way of trivializing the man's plight, cannot be for real.  You wish it were not because it's an Amerindian.  If he was Indian, you would be screaming "go to Freedom House" coolie.

I do not trust Ravi Dev. Why did they not point him to the APA so ms Larose can get him where he want to go? I am also sure Ravi Dev can spare 2o bucks which could have kept him at the hostel. The hostel should be free in any event.


You imagining what I would say is merely projecting what is inside that rotten mind of yours.

Last edited by Former Member

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