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We are prepared to go into the elections as ‘a partnership’

–APNU Leader, David Granger

LEADER of the main opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Brigadier (retd) David Granger, declared Friday that APNU is “prepared to go into the elections as a partnership” if snap elections are to be called before the no-confidence motion is tabled in the National Assembly.


General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Mr Clement Rohee, had earlier this month disclosed that the ruling party and government were actively considering the possibility of calling snap elections. The intervening time before the no-confidence motion can be considered – after the parliamentary recess has ended sometime in October — leaves room for snap elections to be called by the ruling party before the no-confidence motion, which was submitted to the National Assembly by the Alliance For Change, is tabled.

Responding to the readiness of his coalition in the event of a snap election, Granger declared: “Yes, we are prepared to go into the elections as a partnership.”


However, after controversy had surrounded the 18th Biennial Congress of the Peoples National Congress (PNC) held last month, it had been speculated that internal issues would have prevented the APNU’s readiness to contest Local Government or General Elections, were they to be called immediately.


The Opposition Leader refuted those speculations, noting: “We have been making preparations, and we are ready to face the elections, whether it’s Local Government or National Elections.”


He further explained that the PNC is a party that comprises twelve regions, the two additional regions being North America and the United Kingdom; and the internal issues that the party experienced was with one region alone. “It was not the whole region; it was not the whole region 10”, he said, stressing that the trouble had been with only about 30 or forty persons from Linden.


According to Granger, the matters have been resolved internally. “But I do not feel that the behaviour of those 30 or 40 persons should suggest that the party is divided, or that the party is unprepared,” he said.

(By Ravin Singh)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why you PPP catahar, like Cobra stressing out about who will be in the partnership.  It is early days yet.


This is a process.


Nagamootoo will pass the no confidence vite, the Ramutar have to call the elections and then all you misery will be addressed COBRA.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

We are prepared to go into the elections as ‘a partnership’With The AFC




* Jalil bai will die of a heart




Who is this one?  Mr HOCKEY STICK.  He used to be in the House of Israel harrasing the opposition on the instructions of ODO (FAT BOY).


Who was he in 1980?  PNC.


Where is his home in 2014?  PPP


Go figure Rev.  PPP = PNC


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

We are prepared to go into the elections as ‘a partnership’With The AFC




* Jalil bai will die of a heart




Neemakharam, is now joining the PNC in a last ditch effort to save face.


Who is this one?  MR Hamilton Green Right Hand IT.


Which party was he in in 1994?  GGG with Hammie Green.


Where is his home today?  PPP



Go figure Rev.  PPP = GGG=PNC




Originally Posted by cain:

Should AFC go into a joint partnership with APNU to oust the present crooked Government?


Dam right, Yes.

I second this 100% - Time to put all effort behind getting rid of this rotten stinking, thiefin PPP govt.

Originally Posted by cain:

Should AFC go into a joint partnership with APNU to oust the present crooked Government?


Dam right, Yes.

Of course, the AFC has all rights to demonstrate their true intentions to merge with the PNC rather continue with their apparent false cover-up as an independent organization unaligned with neither of the two major political groups prior to the 2011 elections. APNU will then become PNC + AFC plus the numerous smaller groups.


The elections will then become a contest between the PPP/C, APNU and the other smaller political groups.


The AFC would lose whatever political clout they have should they decide to go into the elections as a partnership with the PNC. This is a big risk for a little party especially if they planned on being around for a long time. We have seen too many parties that were impressive in the early stages and then withered away due to errors.  AFC leaders are cracking their brains on how to survive the next round. A great batsman always repeat a great performance. The PPP with its outstanding record on fighting for the poor and its electoral victories of the past has a better chance than all the other parties to repeat a great performance. The PNC, which never command majority support through the ballot does not have a chance of winning. The AFC benefitted from the Moses defection in the last elections but the party is now viewed as an ally of the PNC> This will hurt them at the polls. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC would lose whatever political clout they have should they decide to go into the elections as a partnership with the PNC. This is a big risk for a little party especially if they planned on being around for a long time. We have seen too many parties that were impressive in the early stages and then withered away due to errors.  AFC leaders are cracking their brains on how to survive the next round. A great batsman always repeat a great performance. The PPP with its outstanding record on fighting for the poor and its electoral victories of the past has a better chance than all the other parties to repeat a great performance. The PNC, which never command majority support through the ballot does not have a chance of winning. The AFC benefitted from the Moses defection in the last elections but the party is now viewed as an ally of the PNC> This will hurt them at the polls. 

Billy, do you know what a thunderball is?

Look out for an AFC thunderball, coming soon....

I ent saying more.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC would lose whatever political clout they have should they decide to go into the elections as a partnership with the PNC. This is a big risk for a little party especially if they planned on being around for a long time. We have seen too many parties that were impressive in the early stages and then withered away due to errors.  AFC leaders are cracking their brains on how to survive the next round. A great batsman always repeat a great performance. The PPP with its outstanding record on fighting for the poor and its electoral victories of the past has a better chance than all the other parties to repeat a great performance. The PNC, which never command majority support through the ballot does not have a chance of winning. The AFC benefitted from the Moses defection in the last elections but the party is now viewed as an ally of the PNC> This will hurt them at the polls. 

Billy, do you know what a thunderball is?

Look out for an AFC thunderball, coming soon....

I ent saying more.



Didn't Dick Morris predict this a loooong time ago? Did he not take the money and ran? You think they have him as a consultant on the side predicting a thunderball? 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC would lose whatever political clout they have should they decide to go into the elections as a partnership with the PNC. This is a big risk for a little party especially if they planned on being around for a long time. We have seen too many parties that were impressive in the early stages and then withered away due to errors.  AFC leaders are cracking their brains on how to survive the next round. A great batsman always repeat a great performance. The PPP with its outstanding record on fighting for the poor and its electoral victories of the past has a better chance than all the other parties to repeat a great performance. The PNC, which never command majority support through the ballot does not have a chance of winning. The AFC benefitted from the Moses defection in the last elections but the party is now viewed as an ally of the PNC> This will hurt them at the polls. 

Billy, do you know what a thunderball is?

Look out for an AFC thunderball, coming soon....

I ent saying more.



Didn't Dick Morris predict this a loooong time ago? Did he not take the money and ran? You think they have him as a consultant on the side predicting a thunderball? 

Ow Skelly, you haven't a clue what I'm hinting at. Nothing to do with polls, frenno.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC would lose whatever political clout they have should they decide to go into the elections as a partnership with the PNC. This is a big risk for a little party especially if they planned on being around for a long time. We have seen too many parties that were impressive in the early stages and then withered away due to errors.  AFC leaders are cracking their brains on how to survive the next round. A great batsman always repeat a great performance. The PPP with its outstanding record on fighting for the poor and its electoral victories of the past has a better chance than all the other parties to repeat a great performance. The PNC, which never command majority support through the ballot does not have a chance of winning. The AFC benefitted from the Moses defection in the last elections but the party is now viewed as an ally of the PNC> This will hurt them at the polls. 

Billy, do you know what a thunderball is?

Look out for an AFC thunderball, coming soon....

I ent saying more.



Didn't Dick Morris predict this a loooong time ago? Did he not take the money and ran? You think they have him as a consultant on the side predicting a thunderball? 

Ow Skelly, you haven't a clue what I'm hinting at. Nothing to do with polls, frenno.

So Gilly, what is the AFC thunderball? We know they have a no confidence motion. Is it Nicky Minaj's butt or is it some insider info?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC would lose whatever political clout they have should they decide to go into the elections as a partnership with the PNC. This is a big risk for a little party especially if they planned on being around for a long time. We have seen too many parties that were impressive in the early stages and then withered away due to errors.  AFC leaders are cracking their brains on how to survive the next round. A great batsman always repeat a great performance. The PPP with its outstanding record on fighting for the poor and its electoral victories of the past has a better chance than all the other parties to repeat a great performance. The PNC, which never command majority support through the ballot does not have a chance of winning. The AFC benefitted from the Moses defection in the last elections but the party is now viewed as an ally of the PNC> This will hurt them at the polls. 

Billy, do you know what a thunderball is?

Look out for an AFC thunderball, coming soon....

I ent saying more.



Didn't Dick Morris predict this a loooong time ago? Did he not take the money and ran? You think they have him as a consultant on the side predicting a thunderball? 

Ow Skelly, you haven't a clue what I'm hinting at. Nothing to do with polls, frenno.

So Gilly, what is the AFC thunderball? We know they have a no confidence motion. Is it Nicky Minaj's butt or is it some insider info?

Patience, patience, is the key. Wait and see. AFC thunderball coming...

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC would lose whatever political clout they have should they decide to go into the elections as a partnership with the PNC. This is a big risk for a little party especially if they planned on being around for a long time. We have seen too many parties that were impressive in the early stages and then withered away due to errors.  AFC leaders are cracking their brains on how to survive the next round. A great batsman always repeat a great performance. The PPP with its outstanding record on fighting for the poor and its electoral victories of the past has a better chance than all the other parties to repeat a great performance. The PNC, which never command majority support through the ballot does not have a chance of winning. The AFC benefitted from the Moses defection in the last elections but the party is now viewed as an ally of the PNC> This will hurt them at the polls. 

Billy, do you know what a thunderball is?

Look out for an AFC thunderball, coming soon....

I ent saying more.



Didn't Dick Morris predict this a loooong time ago? Did he not take the money and ran? You think they have him as a consultant on the side predicting a thunderball? 

Ow Skelly, you haven't a clue what I'm hinting at. Nothing to do with polls, frenno.

So Gilly, what is the AFC thunderball? We know they have a no confidence motion. Is it Nicky Minaj's butt or is it some insider info?

Patience, patience, is the key. Wait and see. AFC thunderball coming...

Arite bhai. Me guh watch out in de National Enquirer fuh de breakin news.


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