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“We are ready to work with new Opposition Leader” – PM Minister, Brigadier (retired) Mark Phillips

Prime Minister, Brigadier (retired) Mark Phillips on Friday evening complimented Joseph Harmon’s run as Opposition Leader and called on the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition to move with haste in filling this important position, noting that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Administration stands ready to work with the new leader in the interest of Guyana.

“On behalf of my Government led by President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali…I take this opportunity to compliment Honourable Joseph Harmon on his sterling service as Leader of the Opposition,” PM Phillips expressed during his contributions to the 2022 Budget bebate in the National Assembly.

He rose to speak after an hour-long presentation delivered by Harmon in what was considered his “farewell speech” as Opposition Leader, though he had already resigned from the post and is only now a regular parliamentarian.

“We are ready to work with whoever is appointed or elected Leader of the Opposition in the interest of Guyana…what we ask in return is for the new Leader of the Opposition to accept the legitimacy of our government. This is a government that was elected by the people of Guyana,” PM Phillips declared.

It was only on Thursday that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo told a press conference that President Ali was hoping to consult with the new Opposition Leader by month-end on the reinstation of a number of constitutional service commissions.

Stressing the importance of the country having a strong opposition, Phillips called out the APNU/AFC for its lack of support for its current leader. He highlighted that during Harmon’s “outgoing” presentation, it had “more members on the Government side listening to the Leader of the Opposition”.

“What kind of leadership is that? Where are the elected APNU/AFC parliamentarians… five out of 31? Shame!”

Against this backdrop, the PM contended that the new Opposition Leader should have been delivering the Opposition’s closing point in the national budget debate, noting that “our country deserves a Leader of the Opposition”.

In fact, the PM called for a new Leader of the Opposition by the next sitting of the National Assembly – which will be on Monday wherein the consideration of the budget estimates will begin.

As he delved further into his presentation, Phillips lamented that the current APNU/AFC continues to fail in its role and in the representation of its constituents.

“The many people who have voted for them have lost confidence in their representation…they failed the people and this country while in Government and continue their record of failure in Opposition…,” the PM expressed.

“Even in this Honourable House, they have failed to conduct themselves properly…,” Phillips contended, referencing the infamous ‘mace grab’ of December 29, 2021 when Opposition Members tried to stop the passage of the Natural Resource Fund Act.

“From grabbing the mace and running around this sacred dome screaming, to abusing civilian staff who have no interest in anything else but performing their duties honourably, The APNU/AFC parliamentarians have done it all and they owe the people they represent in this National Assembly many apologies, not only in words but in actions,” the PM contended.

In further driving home his point, the PM reflected on the presentations made by all of the members on the Opposition benches. “We can all agree that it’s the same tune being sung by each and every one of them, including the outgoing Leader of the Opposition,” he said.
According to the PM, their contributions to the debate showcased their “inadequacies and great incompetence by being unable to grasp the whole purpose of Budget 2022”.

“We cannot expect much from those who have proven time and time again to lack basic comprehension skills.”

And according to the PM, this situation “breaks” his “heart” because “the people deserve better”.

No authority

As he ventured on to dissect the speeches delivered by Harmon and other Opposition parliamentarians such as former Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes, the PM said it was amusing to listen to the “deception and untruths spewed by the Opposition Members”.

He argued that the APNU/AFC has no authority to speak on behalf of the poor and working class when it was under its regime that 200 new taxes were introduced and many social initiatives such as the $10,000 “Because We Care” cash grant was scrapped.

Noting that the APNU/AFC had a philosophy of “tax and spend economics”, the PM outlined how the PPP/C has reversed those taxes; reintroduced, increased and expanded the “Because We Care” cash grant to $25,000 and included private school students; and launched new measures that will assist every single Guyanese.

The PM further reminded of the many atrocities of the APNU/AFC Administration, including the closure of the four sugar estates which sent 7000 sugar workers on the breadline in spite of it campaign promise that “sugar is too big to fail” and the Commission of Inquiry it launched which warned against shutting down those estates.

“And now you come and tell us that you will form the next Government…we don’t know which government you’re talking about, certainly it’s not 2025,” the PM posited.
He also lambasted the APNU/AFC for having no proper plan in place to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and for failing to liberalise the telecommunications sector – a feat which was achieved within 64 days of the new PPP/C Administration.

“On the 5th of October 2020, I signed the commencement order liberalising the telecommunications sector in this country, based on the same advice that was given to the Honourable Minister two or three years before,” he outlined.

“And yet the former Minister came to this House today and start talk about issues of compensation for GTT when she knew fully well that the issue of compensation did not arise since GTT voluntarily complied with all the provisions of the law…She went on to mention about the issue of tax ,which is a totally separate and apart issue and discussion that is engaging the GRA and the company…,” the PM argued, noting that the former Minister “demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding on this whole issue of liberalisation of the communication sector”.

In further responding to remarks that emanated from the Opposition side throughout the debate, the PM made it clear that the APNU+AFC should not speak on issues of corruption, democracy, accountability, and transparency.

While he listed several reasons why, one of the main ones was his reminder of the 2020 elections fiasco.

PM Phillips also argued that the APNU/AFC has no authority to talk about housing, salary increases, and climate change since its performance in those areas while in Government were nothing short of poor.

According to Phillips, the APNU/AFC Opposition MPs have proved and are continuing to prove “why they earned their seats on that side and so shall it be for a very, very, very long time”.

PPP has always taken Guyana forward, never backward – Teixeira and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira

Governance and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira has stated that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has always been rescuing Guyana from the deteriorating hands of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), and has always been taking the country forward.

Teixeira made these remarks on Friday in her presentation on the Budget 2022 Debates.

Recalling the state of affairs under the PNC rule and its A Partnership for National Unity avatar which led the APNU/AFC Coalition regime, Minister Teixeira posited that the party has consistently put Guyana on the map for its actions, ranging from ethnic violence to rigged elections in the mid to late 1900s, and more recently global notoriety for the impasse after the March 2020 General and Regional Elections.

She said the action of the PNC has consistently been anti-national and anti-patriotic.

“Its stance has been: if they are not in Government, nothing must work; if they are in Government, still nothing works. But, Mr Speaker, when they are out of Government, obstructionism is the name of the game. They must make sure to try to destabilise and destroy things… [But] not this time; it ain’t happening this time. Ironically, Mr Speaker, it is the PPP each time in Government, precolonial and post-Independence, that has taken Guyana forward, never backward.

“Always, the PPP has had to rescue our country from the abyss of economic decline, and brought in progressive pro-poor policies and programmes,” the Governance Minister stated.

She noted that in 2014 Guyana was still climbing out of that economic abyss, and after five years of the PNC-led APNU/AFC in office from 2015, their tax-based development approach, squandermania, anti-people policies dragged the country down once again.

“We, the PPP/C, are here again, and this time we ain’t backing down. We shall transform our country with the oil revenues as a platform or the means to improve the quality of the lives of our people, expand and diversify our economy, and transform the landscape of our nation,” the Minister asserted.

Teixeira posited that the $552.9 billion Budget 2022 lays the foundation and establishes framework through which the development of the country can move forward to enhance the welfare of people.

The Governance Minister used the opportunity to remind that the Coalition regime’s mismanagement of the country’s resources had left significant declines in its reserves at the Central Bank by the end of its term.

However, she contended that Guyana and the PPP/C Government will not be held back by the APNU/AFC Opposition.

“Finally, we can breathe. We’ve come out of 2020 August… Finally, after 5 five years, we can work as a nation to build a new Guyana, a ‘One Guyana’ built on inclusivity, participation, transparency, accountability, and the rule of law,” she noted.

Teixeira went on to outline the fundamental difference between the PNC and its Coalition partners and the PPP/C on developing Guyana. Theirs, she added, is focused on a tax-based, consumer-driven expenditure with party paramountcy, ethnic division, and opportunistic, cavalier use of the Constitution.

In contrast, the Governance Minister said, the PPP/C’s philosophy is one of pro-growth and pro-poor people-centred development agenda with a climate-resilient policy of an expanded Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), rule of law and ‘One Guyana’ initiative.

“This Government has a different style of governance. Our Ministers are visible, accessible in communities across the country… The PPP/C, since coming to office, has been fixing the damage done by the five years of the PNC-led APNU/AFC Coalition Government in the 2020 and 2021 Budgets. It is time now to transform Guyana,” she stressed.

According to Teixeira, the people of Guyana are confident in, and trust the PPP/C to deliver its manifesto plans and promises – something that is already being undertaken.

“We have a social pact with the People of Guyana – and not just those who voted for us, but all the people of Guyana – that we will deliver… We are committed, and people are seeing right before their eyes, physically, that things are changing,” the Minister stated.
She continued that Guyana has a golden opportunity now, and the PPP/C Government intends to grasp it. The Governance Minister further noted that the Opposition has a choice now: whether to join in this path or be left behind.

“The country is alive. There is an energy and vitality in the country that is palpable. Guyana is back on track… Guyana is now on the move, and there is nothing stopping us now to achieve the transformation of our country. Those who wish to remain narrow-minded and small-minded will be left behind, because our people want development. They want to see Guyana go forward. They are tired of being left back… They want to move forward, and so the Opposition has a choice – join the whole process of transforming the country, or be left out in the woodwork by yourself, because history will judge you,” Teixeira contended.


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