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Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo says the High Court’s ruling on the house-to-house registration challenge has vindicated the People’s Progressive Party Civic’s (PPP/C) position on the issue.

“So we are vindicated in telling people not to register. Your names cannot be removed from the register whether they have participated in the enumeration exercise or not, whether they live abroad, or they have gone in the interior and not at home.

“Not even GECOM, can now remove your name from that database and so this is key for us,” he said.

Chief Justice Roxane George ruled earliertoday that house-to-house exercise being conducted is not unlawful or unconstitutional.

However, she did note that it is unconstitutional for qualified persons to be removed from the National Register of Registrants if they are not in the jurisdiction or is otherwise not at their residence during the registration exercise.

According to Jagdeo, “that is what we were fighting all along.”

“…because we felt that they were going to deregister thousands of people. Removing their names simply because they couldn’t find them at home or that they have gone abroad on vacation or something of that sort. So now that’s the key thing.”

This decision not to remove names from the present NRR and Official List of Electors (OLE) undercuts the major argument of the Government that they are “bloated” by some 200,000 names, which the H2H programme was supposed to address.

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Jagdeo claims legal victory in High Court decision; lawyers for both sides mull appeals


Attorneys-at-Law Anil Nandlall and Ralph Ramkarran.

Lawyers for Christopher Ram and the Guyana Elections Commission on Wednesday said they were prepared to appeal a High Court decision for different reasons, even as Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo claimed a legal victory that Guyanese cannot be removed from the national register and must be allowed to vote.

Political commentator Christopher Ram’s lawyers, Anil Nandlall and Senior Counsel Ralph Ramkarran were taken aback by Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire’s ruling that the court could not set a time-frame within which general elections must be held. Ram had wanted the Court to order the quashing of the house-to-house registration process on the ground that it would collide with September 18, 2019 by which he said elections ought to have been held after the Caribbean Court of Justice validated last December’s parliamentary approval of the no-confidence motion.

Nandlall said he would be challenging the Chief Justice’s decision in the Guyana Court of Appeal. “Obviously, we will appeal because we do not agree that no time-frame has been fixed….It cannot be open-ended. The CCJ judgement could not have meant that elections would never be held unless Parliament agrees. Suppose Parliament does not agree. There is always a time-frame implied. The constitution must be obeyed at its earliest convenience and in relation to that, respectfully I am not impressed with that aspect of the ruling and that certainly will excite the review of an appellate tribunal,” said Nandlall, a former Attorney General. On whether an appeal could result in a further delay in the holding of elections, he said right now the there was no time-frame.

George-Wiltshire said the court could not set a date because that would usurp the role of the executive. She said the court could not and would not re-fix the date of the passage of the no-confidence motion and that Ram could not pick when he thought elections should be held.

In that regard, Jagdeo said since it was now clear that elections ought to have been held three months after the passage of the no-confidence motion. Jagdeo said there was no need to re-litigate that point and said his People’s Progressive Party (PPP) had at first been generous in giving the David Granger-led administration up to September 18 to hold elections. “We were generous in our calculation of the three months starting from the date of the CCJ ruling, then it has to be March 21st because there has been no extension of the life of the government from March 21st when elections ought to be held because the no-confidence motion was validly passed in December so from this ruling, for me now, the government is a usurper; we have had unconstitutional rule since March,” he said.

Attorneys-at-Law Anil Nandlall, Sanjeev Datadin and Roysdale Forde.

The Opposition Leader said since Parliament did not extend the life of the government Granger administration has a longer period of decision-making for which to account.

Jagdeo downplayed the fact that the High Court did not grant Ram’s requested orders that the CCJ’s fix a date by which general elections must be held, the house-to-house registration exercise that began on July 20, 2019 was illegal and unconstitutional because it would collide with the elections time -frame, and can persons be removed from the database of registrants as a result of fresh house-to-house registration.

The Opposition Leader said the Chief Justice’s reasoning that residency was not a criterion for removing the names of persons, a process that could be done only if they are deceased or no longer a Guyanese citizen meant that the current house-to-house registration process “has been a complete waste of time and money”. “They cannot remove people from the NRR (National Register of Registrants) who are already registered,” he said. “This is key for us. That is what we were fighting for all along because we felt that they were going to de-register thousands of people,” he added.

“That means that the NRR that we have used to extract the OLE (Official List of Electors) for all elections before remains intact and when the enumerators come around now, whether you are home or not, whether you register or not; once your name is on the NRR and you voted in the last elections, then they cannot remove your name. Your name will be on the updated NRR and the Official List of Electors so we are vindicated in telling people not to register,” he said in a reaction to the media without taking questions.

On that point, Attorney General Basil Williams said Ram did not ask the High Court for an application or declaration. He said lawyers would have to study the Chief Justice’s ruling especially since overseas voting was abolished and residency was introduced in the Representation of the People Act. “Residency is a very important aspect because that is the only way you could locate someone for voting; otherwise it would mean you are on the list (but) where do you vote? You have nowhere to vote,” he said. The Chief Justice said unless registrants change their address during house-to-house verification or office registration at one of GECOM’s district offices, they would have to vote in the district where they were last registered.

GECOM’s Attorney-at-Law, Roysdale Forde said he was inclined to file an appeal but preferred to await his client’s advice. “Subject to further instructions, of my own opinion at this present time, I believe that there is a serious ground, a serious flaw in the decision to that extent ad I would advise my client to appeal. The issue was never raised as part of the pleadings in the document. You heard that the court dismissed every application filed,” he said.

Ramkarran hailed the Chief Justice’s decision that names could not be taken off the register and residency was not a requirement. “To that extent, the house-to-exercise that is going on is deeply flawed,” he said.

Jagdeo welcomed the Chief Justice’s position that house-to-house registration was not illegal or unconstitutional in itself but the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) could not operate as if it was a normal elections cycle. The Judge urged the elections management authority to consider not only house-to-house registration to verify the national register of registrants, but also any other form of verification. In that regard, Jagdeo said he expected GECOM to swiftly shift to a claims and objections period to update the list and move to elections.

The seven- member GECOM is Thursday expected to meet to consider the High Court’s decision before its Chairman, Retired Justice Claudette Singh informs the president of its decision.

Dave posted:


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo says the High Court’s ruling on the house-to-house registration challenge has vindicated the People’s Progressive Party Civic’s (PPP/C) position on the issue.

“So we are vindicated in telling people not to register. Your names cannot be removed from the register whether they have participated in the enumeration exercise or not, whether they live abroad, or they have gone in the interior and not at home.

“Not even GECOM, can now remove your name from that database and so this is key for us,” he said.

Chief Justice Roxane George ruled earliertoday that house-to-house exercise being conducted is not unlawful or unconstitutional.

However, she did note that it is unconstitutional for qualified persons to be removed from the National Register of Registrants if they are not in the jurisdiction or is otherwise not at their residence during the registration exercise.

According to Jagdeo, “that is what we were fighting all along.”

“…because we felt that they were going to deregister thousands of people. Removing their names simply because they couldn’t find them at home or that they have gone abroad on vacation or something of that sort. So now that’s the key thing.”

This decision not to remove names from the present NRR and Official List of Electors (OLE) undercuts the major argument of the Government that they are “bloated” by some 200,000 names, which the H2H programme was supposed to address.

So Jagdeo, explain to your supporters why you STOP them from registering. 


do Anil and rat know what the CJ (ag) means by “qualified persons” on the list who cannot be removed from the list because they may be temporarily away from the jurisdiction at the time H2H is done?

do they realize that “residency” is part of the LAW governing eligibility to vote in Guyana? . . . and that the Court’s ruling in this matter did NOT and cannot ‘disappear’ that qualification

i am surprised at the galloping ignorance of Ralph Ramkarran

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

So now it's PNC by day, PPP by night, Base?

Bai, me name Base_Scaramucchi!!

... also Base_Scare_ah_cucchi_cucchi.

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

do Anil and rat know what the CJ (ag) means by “qualified persons” on the list who cannot be removed from the list because they may be temporarily away from the jurisdiction at the time H2H is done?

do they realize that “residency” is part of the LAW governing eligibility to vote in Guyana? . . . and that the Court’s ruling in this matter did NOT and cannot ‘disappear’ that qualification

i am surprised at the galloping ignorance of Ralph Ramkarran

No yuh rass, people on vacation or on extended stay should not disqualify them!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

do Anil and rat know what the CJ (ag) means by “qualified persons” on the list who cannot be removed from the list because they may be temporarily away from the jurisdiction at the time H2H is done?

do they realize that “residency” is part of the LAW governing eligibility to vote in Guyana? . . . and that the Court’s ruling in this matter did NOT and cannot ‘disappear’ that qualification

i am surprised at the galloping ignorance of Ralph Ramkarran

No yuh rass, people on vacation or on extended stay should not disqualify them!

idiot, READ! again what i said . . . not what you wish or hope i said

hint: “temporarily” away from the jurisdiction is not disqualifying

not having “residency” is


ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

do Anil and rat know what the CJ (ag) means by “qualified persons” on the list who cannot be removed from the list because they may be temporarily away from the jurisdiction at the time H2H is done?

do they realize that “residency” is part of the LAW governing eligibility to vote in Guyana? . . . and that the Court’s ruling in this matter did NOT and cannot ‘disappear’ that qualification

i am surprised at the galloping ignorance of Ralph Ramkarran

No yuh rass, people on vacation or on extended stay should not disqualify them!

idiot, READ! again what i said . . . not what you wish or hope i said

hint: “temporarily” away from the jurisdiction is not disqualifying

not having “residency” is


Listen, me know what it said.  Now think, all the Brooklyn people can still vote!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

do Anil and rat know what the CJ (ag) means by “qualified persons” on the list who cannot be removed from the list because they may be temporarily away from the jurisdiction at the time H2H is done?

do they realize that “residency” is part of the LAW governing eligibility to vote in Guyana? . . . and that the Court’s ruling in this matter did NOT and cannot ‘disappear’ that qualification

i am surprised at the galloping ignorance of Ralph Ramkarran

No yuh rass, people on vacation or on extended stay should not disqualify them!

idiot, READ! again what i said . . . not what you wish or hope i said

hint: “temporarily” away from the jurisdiction is not disqualifying

not having “residency” is


Listen, me know what it said.  Now think, all the Brooklyn people can still vote!

it's cute watching you prance around . . . lifting up yuh dress and announcing that the PPP plan was to RIG the elections all along

Robb Street FAKERS, posers, racists, criminals and cheats

gut check coming

Last edited by Former Member

In a free and fair election, it’s a close call. The PNC is very mobilized much more than the PPP.  

My understanding from contacts in the Coalition, Granger intends to woo the downtrodden non-Afros with promises which will start roll out before elections and to be continued after.  Not sure how the PPP will respond.  To criticize will backfire and to agree means the Coalition is doing right. 

Anyway, let’s see!


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