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Former Member

How stupid can these funny fellas get

by following Kwamee & Lamumba?



Hoyte cut Janet Presidental Term in Half...

and Run her out of Office.....

Presidental Advisors

Lamumba, Bynoe & Kit Nascimento

tell dem Crab Louse in Freedom House

"3 year is not Bad"




Moses cut Donald Presidential Term in Half

and Run Him out of Office.....

Presidential Advisors

Kwame, Manniram & McClean

tell them crab louse in Freedom House

"Aya Lucky....Moses give Aya 3 Years"


PPP Got the ........

Best Presidential Advisors

in Guyana's History....

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Originally Posted by Jalil:

How stupid can these funny fellas get

by following Kwamee & Lamumba?



Hoyte cut Janet Presidental Term in Half...

and Run her out of Office.....

Presidental Advisors

Lamumba, Bynoe & Kit Nascimento

tell dem Crab Louse in Freedom House

"3 year is not Bad"




Moses cut Donald Presidential Term in Half

and Run Him out of Office.....

Presidential Advisors

Kwame, Manniram & McClean

tell them crab louse in Freedom House

"Aya Lucky....Moses give Aya 3 Years"


PPP Got the ........

Best Presidential Advisors

in Guyana's History....

Let me get this in. If these fellows are crooked, it is not for the following of Kwame or anyone else. That would be indirectly saying they are being decieved. These are men who are walking the crooked path because they, in their wisdom, thinks this is the best path. They are opportunists and are doing what crooks do, seizing the opportunity to pillage the state. Kwame and Lumumba are just their disciples. These two like the smell of well greased  hands and the spoils of a good raid on the state's coffers.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

How stupid can these funny fellas get

by following Kwamee & Lamumba?


Let me get this in. If these fellows are crooked, it is not for the following of Kwame or anyone else. That would be indirectly saying they are being decieved. These are men who are walking the crooked path because they, in their wisdom, thinks this is the best path. They are opportunists and are doing what crooks do, seizing the opportunity to pillage the state. Kwame and Lumumba are just their disciples. These two like the smell of well greased  hands and the spoils of a good raid on the state's coffers.

Yuji & Rev

Two Crooks

Look out for them

at the site Below

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is today October 16th????  Or is it Bellywuk Day for the Parasites??? Laad Ah Mercy dem thiefmen and Scamps mouth got small.


Nehru ...... Moses Cutting
3 Years off Ramotar Presidency...
Bhai Yuh na Understand
wha ah go on....
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Jagdeo give Ramotar
6 Years as President...
Moses say....
Who is Jagdeo?
 aya think Jagdeo A Real Doctor
and Moses... Cut 3 Years off...
It is that Simple...
Ramotar write a letter...
"Mo .. I Must Thank You
 fuh De lil time yuh Give meh"


Last edited by Former Member

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