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US Embassy Protests: Flag Burned During Demonstration Outside London Consulate (PICTURES)

The Huffington Post UK  |  By Posted: 14/09/2012 16:56 Updated: 14/09/2012 17:20

Around 200 protesters gathered outside the US Embassy in London on Friday in protest at an anti-Islamic film that has sparked scenes of violence and murder in cities across the Middle East.

us embassy

Protesters burn a US flag outside the embassy

The demonstration, which included men in headscarves and women wearing niqabs, was led by Anjem Choudhary, a well-known rabble rouser and former spokesperson for the now banned Islam4UK.

The protesters waved Jihadi flags and anti-America placards around 50 metres from the front of the Grosvenor Square consulate.

An American and an Israeli flag were burned, accompanied by chants of “down, down USA, Barack Obama you will pay".

The film that sparked the riots, entitled Innocence of Muslims, is a crudely shot, low budget production which depicts the Prophet Muhammad as a drunk, philanderer and a homosexual.

us embassy

Many of the demonstrators were dressed in militant headgear

Speaking to the Huffington Post UK, one protester, who refused to give his name, blamed the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in Benghazi on Wednesday, on “freedom of speech”.

“This is what happens when you can say anything,” he said.

“Would it not be better for you [the west] to stop those who go beyond the limits and insult the messenger [Muhammad]?"

“Obama and Clinton should not condemn the protests but condemn the mouths that speak against the prophet.”

“This is the direct result of man-made law and freedom of speech. We do not want freedom; we want Islam.”

us embassy

The protesters chanted "down down USA..."

More than eight police wagons were present at the demonstration. No reported arrests were made.

A rumoured counter-protest mooted by the English Defence League in “solidarity” with the Americans failed to materialise.

Earlier on Thursday, the British and German embassies in Sudan were attacked, as the protests spread from the Middle East to North Africa.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Lucas:

US Embassy Protests: Flag Burned During Demonstration Outside London Consulate (PICTURES)

The Huffington Post UK  |  By Posted: 14/09/2012 16:56 Updated: 14/09/2012 17:20

Around 200 protesters gathered outside the US Embassy in London on Friday in protest at an anti-Islamic film that has sparked scenes of violence and murder in cities across the Middle East.


Protesters burn a US flag outside the embassy

The demonstration, which included men in headscarves and women wearing niqabs, was led by Anjem Choudhary, a well-known rabble rouser and former spokesperson for the now banned Islam4UK.

The protesters waved Jihadi flags and anti-America placards around 50 metres from the front of the Grosvenor Square consulate.

An American and an Israeli flag were burned, accompanied by chants of “down, down USA, Barack Obama you will pay".

The film that sparked the riots, entitled Innocence of Muslims, is a crudely shot, low budget production which depicts the Prophet Muhammad as a drunk, philanderer and a homosexual.

Many of the demonstrators were dressed in militant headgear

Speaking to the Huffington Post UK, one protester, who refused to give his name, blamed the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in Benghazi on Wednesday, on “freedom of speech”.

“This is what happens when you can say anything,” he said.

“Would it not be better for you [the west] to stop those who go beyond the limits and insult the messenger [Muhammad]?"

“Obama and Clinton should not condemn the protests but condemn the mouths that speak against the prophet.”

“This is the direct result of man-made law and freedom of speech. We do not want freedom; we want Islam.”

us embassy

The protesters chanted "down down USA..."

More than eight police wagons were present at the demonstration. No reported arrests were made.

A rumoured counter-protest mooted by the English Defence League in “solidarity” with the Americans failed to materialise.

Earlier on Thursday, the British and German embassies in Sudan were attacked, as the protests spread from the Middle East to North Africa.

Here is a clear example of the Islamic meme at work. If you do not care to mind what offends us you are subject to our violent wrath! These *******s definitely know the US had no part of whatever the film is a bout but like their ME counterpart they are up in arms screaming like banshees and ready to kill on that account!


I wonder if all of us complain about what ever the hell bothers us and take to the street and the same what happens then!


Of course this protests are not about a film.. this is about 9/11 and about not missing the opportunity of vilifying the US for bombing so many Muslim countries. By the way Iran is another Muslim country on the wait to be bombed and destroyed by the US

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Of course this protests are not about a film.. this is about 9/11 and about not missing the opportunity of vilifying the US for bombing so many Muslim countries. By the way Iran is another Muslim country on the wait to be bombed and destroyed by the US

That is straight up bullshit. Egypt eats because the US give it bread. No one ever bombed it. Libya was digesting itself in internecine tribal war; the US did not cause it but it stopped it. This is their own doing so whatever blame they want to leverage from all this it pertains to self censorship to the compulsion for violence.


Or invade them like Iraq, rape the women, kill the children, and sodomize the men in Abu Gharaib!  Ruin the country and steal all their oil!.  Where is Bush when you need him?

Originally Posted by Lucas:

US Embassy Protests: Flag Burned During Demonstration Outside London Consulate (PICTURES)

The Huffington Post UK  |  By Posted: 14/09/2012 16:56 Updated: 14/09/2012 17:20

Around 200 protesters gathered outside the US Embassy in London on Friday in protest at an anti-Islamic film that has sparked scenes of violence and murder in cities across the Middle East.

us embassy

Protesters burn a US flag outside the embassy

The demonstration, which included men in headscarves and women wearing niqabs, was led by Anjem Choudhary, a well-known rabble rouser and former spokesperson for the now banned Islam4UK.

The protesters waved Jihadi flags and anti-America placards around 50 metres from the front of the Grosvenor Square consulate.

An American and an Israeli flag were burned, accompanied by chants of “down, down USA, Barack Obama you will pay".

The film that sparked the riots, entitled Innocence of Muslims, is a crudely shot, low budget production which depicts the Prophet Muhammad as a drunk, philanderer and a homosexual.

us embassy

Many of the demonstrators were dressed in militant headgear

Speaking to the Huffington Post UK, one protester, who refused to give his name, blamed the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in Benghazi on Wednesday, on “freedom of speech”.

“This is what happens when you can say anything,” he said.

“Would it not be better for you [the west] to stop those who go beyond the limits and insult the messenger [Muhammad]?"

“Obama and Clinton should not condemn the protests but condemn the mouths that speak against the prophet.”

“This is the direct result of man-made law and freedom of speech. We do not want freedom; we want Islam.”

us embassy

The protesters chanted "down down USA..."

More than eight police wagons were present at the demonstration. No reported arrests were made.

A rumoured counter-protest mooted by the English Defence League in “solidarity” with the Americans failed to materialise.

Earlier on Thursday, the British and German embassies in Sudan were attacked, as the protests spread from the Middle East to North Africa.

bannas speaking of the mideast , a relative of mine returned from Guyana last month and the man told me he observed the muslims in Guyana not only behaving but believe themselves to be arabs . They are dressing like arabs and some have even acquired arab accents ....some one need to put two kick in their ass to remind them they are indians who are muslim and not friken arabs . Notice since 911 muslims all over are becoming arabized . They are really falling for this extremists shit .SCARY ! All ova even in asia and even china they trying to become arabized . What f*@cking idiots !

Originally Posted by TI:

Arab spring! I think Lucas has a point though!

That was the hope...sensible people do not care for perpetual winters of discontent.  But alas it as casting that which is good to the dogs. The phrase you reap what you sow is apt here. It is why this particular region is the most persistently impoverished on the planet. 

Originally Posted by TI:

Or invade them like Iraq, rape the women, kill the children, and sodomize the men in Abu Gharaib!  Ruin the country and steal all their oil!.  Where is Bush when you need him?

This was precisely Netanyahu's point. He is telling Obama that he is not doing enough bombing.... that the entire Arab world has to be treated like Palestine.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Of course this protests are not about a film.. this is about 9/11 and about not missing the opportunity of vilifying the US for bombing so many Muslim countries. By the way Iran is another Muslim country on the wait to be bombed and destroyed by the US

That is straight up bullshit. Egypt eats because the US give it bread. No one ever bombed it. Libya was digesting itself in internecine tribal war; the US did not cause it but it stopped it. This is their own doing so whatever blame they want to leverage from all this it pertains to self censorship to the compulsion for violence.

Egypt is getting free bread because Israel.Keep giving free berad so that they do not march over there and stop the injustice against the Palestinians!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Of course this protests are not about a film.. this is about 9/11 and about not missing the opportunity of vilifying the US for bombing so many Muslim countries. By the way Iran is another Muslim country on the wait to be bombed and destroyed by the US

That is straight up bullshit. Egypt eats because the US give it bread. No one ever bombed it. Libya was digesting itself in internecine tribal war; the US did not cause it but it stopped it. This is their own doing so whatever blame they want to leverage from all this it pertains to self censorship to the compulsion for violence.

Egypt is getting free bread because Israel.Keep giving free berad so that they do not march over there and stop the injustice against the Palestinians!!


Let them go and attack israel then if the feel they are being bribed.


Stop the free bread that you refereed to and lets see what's going to happen.


As far as  I am concerned, Egypt, Israel and all other nations  who are receiving billions in aid from my taxpayer money  should immediately be stopped.

Those billions could be better spent here at home to repair our old and  broken down infrastructure.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Stop the free bread that you refereed to and lets see what's going to happen.


As far as  I am concerned, Egypt, Israel and all other nations  who are receiving billions in aid from my taxpayer money  should immediately be stopped.

Those billions could be better spent here at home to repair our old and  broken down infrastructure.

Chief, stop acting like a fool, the billions are US military equipment and US led training of local military.  It's safe to say 90% of the "aid" is recycled back into the US economy providing jobs right here.

Originally Posted by Nehru:



Let me educate you. Muslims follow the Holy Quran and the teachings from the holy and noble Prophet Muhamad(uwbp). That is universal and has nothing to do with Guyanese or Arab muslims. If as you stated that Guyanese muslims are now refusing to  attend a function because alcohol is served, that is universal because alcohol and other acts that associated with drunkenness is forbidden.If you are seeing more Guyanes women are now wearing the hijab is not that they are following arabs it is just that decided to do what is correct. If you see your old guynese muslims friends are no longer wasting time in rumshops that you frequent it is because they have now decided to take the teachings from Allah seriously and move on and this has nothing to do with Arabs.


Originally Posted by D2:
Here is a clear example of the Islamic meme at work. If you do not care to mind what offends us you are subject to our violent wrath! 

I thought that was the AFC meme.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Let me educate you. Muslims follow the Holy Quran and the teachings from the holy and noble Prophet Muhamad(uwbp). That is universal and has nothing to do with Guyanese or Arab muslims. If as you stated that Guyanese muslims are now refusing to  attend a function because alcohol is served, that is universal because alcohol and other acts that associated with drunkenness is forbidden.If you are seeing more Guyanes women are now wearing the hijab is not that they are following arabs it is just that decided to do what is correct. If you see your old guynese muslims friends are no longer wasting time in rumshops that you frequent it is because they have now decided to take the teachings from Allah seriously and move on and this has nothing to do with Arabs.


They are FREE to do and support whoever and Whatever. All I am saying is if the ME way is the RIGHT way, Guyanese are FREE to follow. Who am I to decide.


Are we consider INFEDELS and therefore can no longer be invited to Eid Dinners??? Are we NOT HUMAN enough for you to attend our Jhandis??????  Do all you can to defend RADICAL Islam, you have a God given RIGHT to do so.

Originally Posted by TI:
Arab spring. Bush said "bring it on". The Arabs bringing it on. Bush probably loves this.



You're enjoying this mayhem too much!  Please try to calm down.     

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by D2:
Here is a clear example of the Islamic meme at work. If you do not care to mind what offends us you are subject to our violent wrath! 

I thought that was the AFC meme.

Sorry, look closer to home, the elitist larouchist meme has closer kinship!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Let me educate you. Muslims follow the Holy Quran and the teachings from the holy and noble Prophet Muhamad(uwbp). That is universal and has nothing to do with Guyanese or Arab muslims. If as you stated that Guyanese muslims are now refusing to  attend a function because alcohol is served, that is universal because alcohol and other acts that associated with drunkenness is forbidden.If you are seeing more Guyanes women are now wearing the hijab is not that they are following arabs it is just that decided to do what is correct. If you see your old guynese muslims friends are no longer wasting time in rumshops that you frequent it is because they have now decided to take the teachings from Allah seriously and move on and this has nothing to do with Arabs.


There is nothing universal about Islam. That is like saying there is something universal about a cup. It is the function and use of Islam that matters. The ideal is akin to a platonic ideal of the archetypal cup. It does not exist in the real world but only in the mind.To say women are responding to the hijab as doctrine is nonsense also.

Originally Posted by kidmost:
bannas speaking of the mideast , a relative of mine returned from Guyana last month and the man told me he observed the muslims in Guyana not only behaving but believe themselves to be arabs . They are dressing like arabs and some have even acquired arab accents ....some one need to put two kick in their ass to remind them they are indians who are muslim and not friken arabs . Notice since 911 muslims all over are becoming arabized . They are really falling for this extremists shit .SCARY ! All ova even in asia and even china they trying to become arabized . What f*@cking idiots !

Also, in Guyana many from other religions are being brainwashed to join Islam and are acting like they're real Arabs.  Someone I know got a few kicks in the behind from his relatives and he wised up. 


The guy, a former East Coast Dem. christian, had a santa beard and was learning Urdu.  That probably raised a red flag when he visited NYC a few years ago.  JFK officials probably interrogated him and kicked him good.  If you see him now, face clean clean, beard gone; and he speaking English once again!    

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Let me educate you. Muslims follow the Holy Quran and the teachings from the holy and noble Prophet Muhamad(uwbp). That is universal and has nothing to do with Guyanese or Arab muslims. If as you stated that Guyanese muslims are now refusing to  attend a function because alcohol is served, that is universal because alcohol and other acts that associated with drunkenness is forbidden.If you are seeing more Guyanes women are now wearing the hijab is not that they are following arabs it is just that decided to do what is correct. If you see your old guynese muslims friends are no longer wasting time in rumshops that you frequent it is because they have now decided to take the teachings from Allah seriously and move on and this has nothing to do with Arabs.


There is nothing universal about Islam. That is like saying there is something universal about a cup. It is the function and use of Islam that matters. The ideal is akin to a platonic ideal of the archetypal cup. It does not exist in the real world but only in the mind.To say women are responding to the hijab as doctrine is nonsense also.



I think the real problem in the western world is fear. New mosques are being put up every day and packed with congregation. On the other hand, churches are running bankrupt and being sold off as they lose congregation to drugs and lawlessness. Lady Gaga is replacing the priests.
Originally Posted by TI:
I think the real problem in the western world is fear. New mosques are being put up every day and packed with congregation. On the other hand, churches are running bankrupt and being sold off as they lose congregation to drugs and lawlessness. Lady Gaga is replacing the priests.

The secular cabals of the west have spent a lot of effort in trying to eradicate religion (Jesus replaced by Santa during Christmas and by the Easter Rabbit during the Good week) so it is just natural that they see the migration of people who practice religion as in medieval times as a big step backwards as if suddenly they start to lose this secularism fight.


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