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Former Member
When all peaceful solutions are exhausted, violence is the last and final chapter to settle a dispute between two nations. In a country where one sect of people is oppressed by another, civil war is the last option to secure peace and justice of that nation.

Guyana is struggling to maintain its balance between s racially divided nation with so solutions at hand.

They say God bless the silent giver. We give charity to many organization that distributed our kindness to many great causes around the world.

Our brave brothers who are willing to make personal sacrifices to defend the poor and helpless people is also chatitible cause. The time has come for us to look deep in our heart and donate generously to the brothers that will make the ultimate sacrifice for us. Training, aiding, and funding are the first steps in creating a defensive organization.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:
The Indians time has come to burn down the whole of Georgetown now.




God the Internet gat nuff brave tuff guys


I don't think you truly understand that ethnically based civil wars bring out the worst in humans. I don't even think you understand war in general.


Funny how those with the least appetite for blood are people who have seen war up close and personal.


I have no such appetite for blood bro. I think you need to re-read them words carefully.


I also find it appalling that even though we have our ethnically-driven political differences in Guyana, you do not seem to grasp that Blacks are still our countrymen. We have no choice but to find a way to peacefully co-exist and share the same geo-political space.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Gilbakka, it's so convenient for good heads to prevail and forget about Linden and Agricola riots. The Indians time has come to burn down the whole of Georgetown now.

This is the kind of seditious language allowed by the moderators on GNI and should be referred to the authorities in Guyana and the US embassy. I have saved a copy of this thread.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Gilbakka, it's so convenient for good heads to prevail and forget about Linden and Agricola riots. The Indians time has come to burn down the whole of Georgetown now.

This is the kind of seditious language allowed by the moderators on GNI and should be referred to the authorities in Guyana and the US embassy. I have saved a copy of this thread.

I agree, this shit has to stop. Cobra has lost it..whatever it is.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Gilbakka, it's so convenient for good heads to prevail and forget about Linden and Agricola riots. The Indians time has come to burn down the whole of Georgetown now.

When you look at the assets, you will not.  The average Indian will never do that, that's for dem bais.  There is more than one way to skin a cyatt, just ask Caribj.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Gilbakka, it's so convenient for good heads to prevail and forget about Linden and Agricola riots. The Indians time has come to burn down the whole of Georgetown now.

This is the kind of seditious language allowed by the moderators on GNI and should be referred to the authorities in Guyana and the US embassy. I have saved a copy of this thread.

Were you so appalled when your brothers were openly promoting killing Indians, 2 for 1?  The man referenced "property", which he will not actually do.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Gilbakka, it's so convenient for good heads to prevail and forget about Linden and Agricola riots. The Indians time has come to burn down the whole of Georgetown now.

This is the kind of seditious language allowed by the moderators on GNI and should be referred to the authorities in Guyana and the US embassy. I have saved a copy of this thread.

Were you so appalled when your brothers were openly promoting killing Indians, 2 for 1?  The man referenced "property", which he will not actually do.

Oh, I'm not appalled at all. I fully expect shit like this. Yuh think your little hints about some impending indo onslaught are any less seditious?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Gilbakka, it's so convenient for good heads to prevail and forget about Linden and Agricola riots. The Indians time has come to burn down the whole of Georgetown now.

This is the kind of seditious language allowed by the moderators on GNI and should be referred to the authorities in Guyana and the US embassy. I have saved a copy of this thread.

Were you so appalled when your brothers were openly promoting killing Indians, 2 for 1?  The man referenced "property", which he will not actually do.



Dem PNC boys today are portraying the Linden thugs as martyrs while Indos are being slaughtered and APNU/PNC is attempting to "conditioning" Indos into accepting pre 1992 treatment as acceptable and the new "norm"


Alleged murderer Greene was awarded the highest order of Guyana and treated like a hero by Granger while Moses and Ramjattan sat silent and were afraid of being scolded if they speak out.


I do not like what I see about APNU and will now speak out.


Originally Posted by Cobra:
To whom it may concern. I am not afraid of Granger nor the PNC. I want them to read this and be warned that Indian blood in not cheap.


General Granger is one of the finest men you'll ever meet. That you feel the need to warn him about "Indian blood" is unworthy of the man.


I hate to say this but if he was an Indian you'd be throwing your daughter at him. He is everything the Indians ever craved in a leader. The only problem for you is that he's Black. That's it!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The fear of Guyanese in the diaspora must be kept fresh in the people minds to boycott all travel plans to Guyana.

What kind of cheap stuff you drinking that keep messing up your head???


Is dat dam benup tinnin cup he using that probably give he rass tetnus.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Gilbakka, it's so convenient for good heads to prevail and forget about Linden and Agricola riots. The Indians time has come to burn down the whole of Georgetown now.

Just so the FBI open a file on your pitiful ass Mr Jay Pooran aka Paul Jairam I am sending this one on to them so they have a record of your ignorant racist behind.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul needs to be careful with these reckless posts he puts on the board. Calling on persons to engage in the crime of arson is a serious offence. At best, the Admin should put him on some time off since its plain to see that he's a disaster waiting to happen.

no, no, no, let him continue. Let the world and the authorities see the destabilizing plans the indo supremacists have for guyana. 4 fires in the last couple days, so the bunning down well underway. Baseman kyan fill we in pon the indo insurrection underway.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul needs to be careful with these reckless posts he puts on the board. Calling on persons to engage in the crime of arson is a serious offence. At best, the Admin should put him on some time off since its plain to see that he's a disaster waiting to happen.

no, no, no, let him continue. Let the world and the authorities see the destabilizing plans the indo supremacists have for guyana. 4 fires in the last couple days, so the bunning down well underway. Baseman kyan fill we in pon the indo insurrection underway.


While Snake may be an idiot, this is exactly what the PNC did post-1998 to the sitting Government and the Indian population. Destabilization through violence.


The PNC brought us Opposition violence as a legitimate political tool and now the PPP and their mudhead supporters will support anything to destabilize the incumbent Government. From Maduro to drug lords.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Paul needs to be careful with these reckless posts he puts on the board. Calling on persons to engage in the crime of arson is a serious offence. At best, the Admin should put him on some time off since its plain to see that he's a disaster waiting to happen.

no, no, no, let him continue. Let the world and the authorities see the destabilizing plans the indo supremacists have for guyana. 4 fires in the last couple days, so the bunning down well underway. Baseman kyan fill we in pon the indo insurrection underway.


While Snake may be an idiot, this is exactly what the PNC did post-1998 to the sitting Government and the Indian population. Destabilization through violence.


The PNC brought us Opposition violence as a legitimate political tool and now the PPP and their mudhead supporters will support anything to destabilize the incumbent Government. From Maduro to drug lords.

mmmmm hmmmmmmmm.....ramaskont, skeldon ape, prashad, seignet, baseman, nehru, george dasilva, et al gat a point bai. Alyuh even superior in teefing and destabilization bai. productive citizens, not like ahwe lazy black man.

Last edited by Former Member

Let's show a little civilization. Black people are not some alien foreign people. They are our countrymen regardless of the harm inflicted by certain Black leaders in times past on the Indian population. I'm sure Blacks have their laundry list of racial injustices too suffered at the hands of an Indo elite. Let's be adults and look at the nuance. This isn't a situation of goodies vs. the baddies.

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