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Former Member

Folks, what an apology means to you that it's so important to have a politician apologize for their predecessors wrong doing? For any politician to apologize is to accept blame and guilt of someone else wrong doing. Our politicians are not incline to such good behavior. If Granger apologize to you today, and later he resort to the same insult, what good is that? An apology wouldn't stop a man's mission to betray his country and people. Therefore, APNU/PNC/AFC/PPP apologies are NOT warranted in my opinion. 

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Folks, what an apology means to you that it's so important to have a politician apologize for their predecessors wrong doing? For any politician to apologize is to accept blame and guilt of someone else wrong doing. Our politicians are not incline to such good behavior. If Granger apologize to you today, and later he resort to the same insult, what good is that? An apology wouldn't stop a man's mission to betray his country and people. Therefore, APNU/PNC/AFC/PPP apologies are NOT warranted in my opinion. 

As a party that can one day lead a Govt in Guyana, it would not be wise to humiliate them.  As I said, substantive measures should be taken to ensure/guarantee no future leader repeats the PNC sins of the past.  All else means little.


Granger and Ramjattan already said they're not responsible for not passing the anti-money laundering bill. Just imagine the bill took many months dragging through parliament. Now that the country get blacklisted, they're offering 72 & 48 hours to pass it with strings attached. If these politicians cannot accept responsibility, how can they apologize for anything in the first place? See my point?


As I said before, a PNC apology for past actions would not satisfy most people who are demanding such an apology.

What is more meaningful at this juncture of Guyana's politics is a guarantee or assurance from the PNC that, should it win elections it would not practice racial and political discrimination, it would not curb freedom of expression or freedom of association, it would hold free and fair periodic general and local government elections, it would fight crime resolutely including white-collar crime, it would take concrete measures to reduce youth unemployment, etc.

These guarantees are necessary if PNC leader David Granger seriously intends to pursue a course towards national unity.

Guyana needs forward-looking leaders, persons with vision and drive.



What is more meaningful at this juncture of Guyana's politics is a guarantee or assurance from the PNC that, should it win elections it would not practice racial and political discrimination, it would not curb freedom of expression or freedom of association, it would hold free and fair periodic general and local government elections, it would fight crime resolutely including white-collar crime, it would take concrete measures to reduce youth unemployment, etc.


A break from the past will contribute towards what you outlined above Gilly. An apology from the party can only help be part of this "break" from the past. No more no less.


Originally Posted by Kari:

What is more meaningful at this juncture of Guyana's politics is a guarantee or assurance from the PNC that, should it win elections it would not practice racial and political discrimination, it would not curb freedom of expression or freedom of association, it would hold free and fair periodic general and local government elections, it would fight crime resolutely including white-collar crime, it would take concrete measures to reduce youth unemployment, etc.


A break from the past will contribute towards what you outlined above Gilly. An apology from the party can only help be part of this "break" from the past. No more no less.


Everyone says that, that's not news, Obama promised us the world and delivered squat.  The PNC promised One People, One Nation, One Destiny and practiced their brand of apartheid. The PPP promised full democracy and an end to corruption and they now are just that, corrupt.


What is needed is the legal/constitutional guarantee that they (PNC) cannot revert to utilizing the military to thwart the will of the people ever again.  Without this guarantee of a hold onto power, all you mentioned will need to fall into place or they will not survive the next elections.  This is also true for the PPP or any future party.


Kari, you talk too fast too much, you talk past the core/real issue.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Thank you Kari, as simple as that.



As usual the racists and people who have an axe to grind, took it as Blacks or Indians apologizing to the other race.


What utter nonsense!!

How gullible you khulies are, they tell you all that and when they don't deliver, try taking power from them, they call elections run by the army and kick alyuh dah side.  Dem PNC are very good strategists, you khulies are rethorical chest-pounders.

Originally Posted by baseman:
How gullible you khulies are, they tell you all that and when they don't deliver, try taking power from them, they call elections run by the army and kick alyuh dah side.  Dem PNC [blackman] are very good strategists, you khulies are rethorical chest-pounders.

baseman unhinged . . .


easy lil wid de race bait "carrion" deh bai

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Folks, what an apology means to you that it's so important to have a politician apologize for their predecessors wrong doing? For any politician to apologize is to accept blame and guilt of someone else wrong doing. Our politicians are not incline to such good behavior. If Granger apologize to you today, and later he resort to the same insult, what good is that? An apology wouldn't stop a man's mission to betray his country and people. Therefore, APNU/PNC/AFC/PPP apologies are NOT warranted in my opinion. 

Let me tell you my take, if Granger refuse to level with the Hindus of Guyana, he is finished.  Apology necessary.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Folks, what an apology means to you that it's so important to have a politician apologize for their predecessors wrong doing? For any politician to apologize is to accept blame and guilt of someone else wrong doing. Our politicians are not incline to such good behavior. If Granger apologize to you today, and later he resort to the same insult, what good is that? An apology wouldn't stop a man's mission to betray his country and people. Therefore, APNU/PNC/AFC/PPP apologies are NOT warranted in my opinion. 

Let me tell you my take, if Granger refuse to level with the Hindus of Guyana, he is finished.  Apology necessary.

Apology or not, most Indians would not support the PNC. What would be interesting is, would afros support the PNC if the presidential candidate for the party is an Indian and vice versa, would Indians support the PPP if an afro is the the presidential candidate? Would we see afros voting PPP and Indians voting PNC?

Originally Posted by Kari:

What is more meaningful at this juncture of Guyana's politics is a guarantee or assurance from the PNC that, should it win elections it would not practice racial and political discrimination, it would not curb freedom of expression or freedom of association, it would hold free and fair periodic general and local government elections, it would fight crime resolutely including white-collar crime, it would take concrete measures to reduce youth unemployment, etc.


A break from the past will contribute towards what you outlined above Gilly. An apology from the party can only help be part of this "break" from the past. No more no less.


Ok let one side chat amongst themselves and pretend that racism was a yesterday event practiced only by the PNC.  And that only one race suffered.


This while many still refuse to admit that black people have also been victimized by racism.


I know that you need at least TWO hands to clap but I guess you all figured out the ONE hand clap thing.

Last edited by Former Member

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