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We must all condemn the vengeful and desperate pursuit of Kaieteur News and Glenn Lall

October 7, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, It is really frightening that in this 22nd year since the so-called restoration of democracy to Guyana, a major Guyanese newspaper and its owner have been targeted for persecution and prosecution simply for reporting the news. Though I am convinced that any eventual prosecution will end in failure, I am concerned that Kaieteur News and Glenn Lall will have to expend valuable time and hard-earned money to clear their names against the vengeful frivolities of people who believe that their election or appointment to office has made them immune to scrutiny. I believe that these demonstrably frivolous actions have no place in even a so-called democratic society such as ours, and must therefore be condemned. So I join right-thinking Guyanese in condemning the various skullduggeries that have been unleashed against Kaieteur News and Glenn Lall by Khurshid Sattaur and his handlers. In their vengeful and desperate pursuit of Mr. Lall and Kaieteur News, Mr. Sattaur and his handlers have disregarded civility, ignored the rule of law, and stomped on our constitution. I urge Guyanese everywhere to join me in defending Mr. Lall and Kaieteur News so that they can continue to provide us with the information we so desperately need to help hold our politicians and appointed officials responsible to their oaths of office. As this matter unfolds, it is worth observing that Khurshid Sattaur probably didn’t voluntarily pick up the fire-rage of Bharrat Jagdeo and others in their ill-advised battle against Kaieteur News and Glenn Lall. It’s just that he finds himself as head of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) at a time when those who appointed him are hell-bent on using the GRA or any other means to destroy Kaieteur News or any other entity that exposes their disgusting disservice to our nation. So having picked up the fire-rage, Khurshid now finds himself trapped and belittled in a firestorm of public criticisms and self-delusions, hoping against all hope that the police will rescue him. I hope that the police will act professionally and refuse to allow themselves to be used as anybody’s attack dog. The police must respect their oath of office, respect the independence they preach, and refuse to be used in any effort to deprive Guyanese of a news outlet that is essential in a so-called democracy. Lionel Lowe

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I will stand by Kaieteur News

October 7, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

We all yearned for change back in the halcyon days of 1992, and I remember the euphoria I felt when the PPP won the election and I re-migrated to Guyana with the sincere belief that Guyana was going to change and those tiresome days of shortages of every description were over.
I even was part of a jingle that went something like this β€œβ€¦β€¦Guyana’s on the rise…..”
Well instead it sank into a lawless land where the majority are poor and life is cheap, where the top 2% have unbridled wealth, where fear, violence and victimization stalk the land.  Surely dictatorship will be the next horror.
In the words of Leonard Cohen, β€œThe light gets through the cracks” and that light was Kaieteur News, who fearlessly reported the wrongdoing of the PPP.  So yes Glenn, Adam et al at Kaieteur News, I will stand by you.  I will do whatever is necessary.  They WILL NOT SHUT Kaieteur News.
Rachel Hibbin


Tax thuggery in Guyana

October 7, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

I condemn in the strongest possible terms the official misuse of personal and confidential tax information obtained from any citizen.  Richard Nixon did do, and so did John F. Kennedy.  Still, it should not happen-must not happen-here in Guyana.  There is no place, and none must be allowed, for this type of lawlessness.
Without a doubt, such behaviour rises to the level of felonious conduct and a deplorable abuse of office and power.  It is highly unacceptable, whether politically orchestrated, or boasts a public service source; or both.
Clearly, misuse of tax information is expressly intended to intimidate and pummel into submission and silence.  It is wrong; it is obscene. It is tax thuggery of the vilest sort.  The severest of penalties ought to be levied, if only to deter similar criminal misconduct in the future.
GHK Lall 


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