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We must be pure in heart

October 23, 2014 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

Tonight, all of Guyana would be ablaze in lights as the nation gears for the colourful festival of Diwali. It is a festival that marks the beginning of the new solstice but for many, it is the time to celebrate after a successful harvest at this time of the year, a time when all preparations are being made for the winter season. In Guyana, we all, regardless of our religious or ethnic persuasion gravitate toward the scenes that we have come to associate with Diwali.  We flock the streets in our hundreds and possibly thousands to witness the gaily lit motorcades that pay homage to the Goddess of Light, Mother Laxhmi. On the Essequibo Coast, the various Mandirs challenge each other for the best decorated float and it is no different in other parts of the country.  Most of us live in and around Georgetown and from sundown one of the major thoroughfares in the city, Sheriff Street, would be almost impassable. We are going to leave our homes to witness all those who would light hundreds of diyas, depending on their financial status, all those who would leave their homes open to allow for the passage of the deities, and all those who would pray for peace and tranquility for the year ahead. Everyone who would be actively involved in celebrating Diwali would be most sincere in their prayers.  And those of us who are non-Hindus would surely appreciate the requests being made.  We would expect the Supreme Being to grant to us whatever we ask.  But every request carries with it a concomitant favour.  We must be pure in heart. That being the case, we therefore cannot understand the animosity that exists between the races of this country.  At different times in the year each race would be praying for peace, health, the ability to love each other and for all the good things in life.  The good things surely do not come to people with impure hearts. We can only conclude that people pay lip service to the basic tenets of their religion. We have seen the messages, the aspirations that abound during every religious festival. For the Christians, these hopes and aspirations become the focus during the Lenten season, culminating on Good Friday and Easter. The Muslims use the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad at Eid and the Hindus, on the celebration of the festival of Holi and now, at Diwali.  We must now ask, from whence comes this hostility that pits us at each other’s throat so often. It has been the desire of most of us that we could all behave in a civilized manner.  It is as though we simply mouth the prayers.  Something must be wrong. As we walk the streets tonight, we would be commingling with each other.  We would express sincere sentiments but for some reason, these sentiments would change with the dawn of a new day as we go back to our haunts and to those among us who harbour bitter sentiments against others in our midst. Perhaps it is our insincerity that has led to us being among the poorest in the world despite our natural riches; it may be this same insincerity that has others looking at us as though we are pariahs.  The pious among us would often say that we should not attempt to fool the Supreme Being that this Being does not take kindly to such acts. Therefore, as we observe the festival of lights and we offer prayers for the better things of life, we must also search our heart to ensure that we are sincere. We cannot ask for blessings when deep in our heart we are distrustful of others primarily because they are of a different religion or of a different ethnic group. Let us live as one people with a common goal to make ourselves and our country better.  To do so would probably be the best thing we would ever do for our very survival.



APNU is not up to the task of removing the PPP from office


Escalation in peaceful street protest, even though a reasonable strategy, against an unyielding and dictatorial PPP is not enough to meet APNU’s objectives of winning the next elections. APNU’s performance over the last two years under Mr. David Granger is what really matters if they are ever going to triumph.
If we are to review the performance of APNU under the leadership of Mr. Granger, it is at best chaotic, and thus the outcome will have unintended consequences.  Yes! There are episodes of hope based on the actions of leaders like Joseph Harmon, Carl Greenidge and Ronald Bulkan, but three MPs cannot do the work assigned to 26 MPs by the people.
Our question to Mr. Granger is: Where are the other MPs? Are they paid only to fill the seats in Parliament and eat lavishly the most expensive food at the taxpayers’ expense? They have not done anything of substance in Parliament other than making speeches once a year during the budget debate? Is this what the people elected them to do?
It is important for the people to understand that APNU is the PNC. The reality is that APNU is just a sham of nine paper political parties, with only the PNC having real members by the thousands. The WPA today is a shop-front party that continues to live off of its historical past and on the shoulders of the late historian, Dr. Walter Rodney.  Like the other eight one-man parties in the coalition, it does not have the support to win a parliamentary seat. So stop the masquerading and the denial that APNU is made up of nine coalition partners because no one is buying it. The command and control of the political machinery of APNU is principally the command and control structure of the PNC.
APNU’s strategy of escalating street action today, albeit good, has to be coupled with how they continue to treat this no-confidence motion being piloted by the AFC.  But APNU’s intention is becoming clearer by the day, as they continue to use words to assure the AFC that they will support the no-confidence motion but in reality they are not.
APNU is playing politics with the people’s lives as its leader continues to push for local government elections and meet with the DO-NOTHING president, which directly offers the oppressive PPP Government a new breath and a new lease on life.
Do the political strategists in APNU really think that this weak and most disorganized strategy of meeting with Mr. Ramotar is effective? For one reason, it will not help APNU to convince the largest chunk of the electorate to support them. For another reason, by not pushing for the no-confidence motion, it is clear that APNU is aiding, abetting and prolonging the PPP stay in office.
If APNU does not address and solve its internal problems immediately, then its chances of winning the next election are remote. Far more likely, this political escapade will produce chaos and instability on the ground, further destroying the credibility of APNU and promoting an extension of the life of this ideologically bankrupt regime.
Critics are sure this policy of pushing real hard for local government elections two years ago would have been easier and much more effective, and would have scored huge political points for Team Granger, but today it looks like opportunism as they try desperately to regain some of the political ground they have lost to the AFC.
This is a fantasy. The reality is voters in the urban centres of Georgetown, Linden and New Amsterdam are abandoning Mr. Granger in the droves.  Many of APNU’s supporters in politically active villages like Hopetown, Buxton, Victoria, Den Amstel, Dartmouth and Manchester are also abandoning Mr. Granger because of his poor leadership skills.
Truly speaking, APNU lacks focus and whenever Joe Harmon and Carl Greenidge try to keep APNU’s focus on the skullduggery of the greedy and repressive PPP, out of nowhere comes the coalition’s leader with some bizarre statement that takes that the focus away from the regime.
The truth is APNU is a divided party with an inexperienced political leader who supports the status quo. Since Mr. Granger became the majority leader, nothing has changed in the lives of the poor and the working class, or with the PPP. He has not advocated for a 2 percent reduction in VAT, a 15 percent increase in wages for the workers or for a $20,000 pension per month for our senior citizens. In fact, under his leadership, the PPP as a minority government has become more powerful than when it had a majority in Parliament.  Our advice to Mr. Granger is to have a group of qualified and experienced strategists/advisers to guide him along the way.
So as the PPP continues to spread misinformation in their bottom-house campaigns that the AFC leaders are radicals, the revolution to move the PPP out of office at the ballot box has now become the task of the AFC, while Mr. Granger continues his useless meetings with the DO-NOTHING president. If Mr. Granger is correct in saying that nothing positive came out of his meeting with the President, then what is the purpose of having such meetings other than drinking coffee or tea.
Unlike APNU and the PPP, the AFC leaders seem to connect with the people at the grassroots level.  They understand the plight of the poor and the working class and they continue to organize, mobilize and advocate on their behalf.  They are more passionate and more focused in the struggle to remove the unrighteous, uncaring and corrupt PPP from office now with the no-confidence motion which must have the support of APNU.
The PNC’s political fortunes are declining and so is the PPP.  The political dinosaurs in office have to go, by any and every legal means necessary, or as Mr. Greenidge aptly puts it, by β€œextra-parliamentary” action
Asha Balbachan
Rohit Misir
Allison Rutherford
Harish Singh
Chandra Deolall
Asquith Rose
Vincent Nauth
Devita Khan
Dr. Reginald Watkins
Donna Mathoo
Vicki Rampersaud
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks


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