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Do you know why they are returning??  What were their crimes??? Dont we first have to get facts, evaluate and then categorize??  Those who are convicted for serious crimes in one category, those who were convicted of lesser crimes in another and those convicted for petty crimes in yet another.  All it takes is a Pea brain, BUt I guess Granger trying hard to apply miracle grow to his brain!!!!!!

Nehru posted:

Do you know why they are returning??  What were their crimes??? Dont we first have to get facts, evaluate and then categorize??  Those who are convicted for serious crimes in one category, those who were convicted of lesser crimes in another and those convicted for petty crimes in yet another.  All it takes is a Pea brain, BUt I guess Granger trying hard to apply miracle grow to his brain!!!!!!

They are being returned because they were not US citizens, some were illegal, some Green Card holders.  The GoG do get a copy of the full dossier of the case, so they do know what they were in for.

They do have a period of monitoring by police in Guyana.  They need to evaluate each and decide, as you said.  For example, a sexual predator likely needs life time monitor.


The deportees all fell in the bucket of criminals, they all served time in jail[ innocent people don't get jail]. If they were good law abiding citizens Uncle Sam keeps them. Read the article of 21 deportees to Guyana, each and every one has a criminal record. QUESTION? would you like one of those guys to be your neighbour??


So since they are not ruthless criminals Granger should welcome them back with open arms.  He has been asking for Guyanese to go back to Guyana while implementing policies to drive them out of the country.  His supporters here on GNI who think they know everything should go back and live the good life with him.

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:

I agree with Granger.  They have paid their dues to society for whatever mistake they made and deserve a chance to live normal.

Really?? Some of these criminals are hardened criminals and know the ropes. You think suddenly they become saints and good citizens. Guyana has many loopholes which will offer lucrative opportunities for these people to lord over unsuspecting citizens.

Besides, Guyana does not have a good monitoring system to constantly watch over these people.

VishMahabir posted:
ba$eman posted:

I agree with Granger.  They have paid their dues to society for whatever mistake they made and deserve a chance to live normal.

Really?? Some of these criminals are hardened criminals and know the ropes. You think suddenly they become saints and good citizens. Guyana has many loopholes which will offer lucrative opportunities for these people to lord over unsuspecting citizens.

Besides, Guyana does not have a good monitoring system to constantly watch over these people.

That is why I said each case need to be looked at and a process of monitoring is appropriate based on the crime committed.  If they were in the US, we would allow reintegration.

What you are saying will serve as a self fulfilling prophecy.  They will have limited options and return to crime!

So, what you suggest, someone who served their time in the US and deported should now serve a life sentence in Guyana?  Exactly what are you suggesting the GoG do?  BTW, this was occurring under the PPP also!

ba$eman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ba$eman posted:

I agree with Granger.  They have paid their dues to society for whatever mistake they made and deserve a chance to live normal.

Really?? Some of these criminals are hardened criminals and know the ropes. You think suddenly they become saints and good citizens. Guyana has many loopholes which will offer lucrative opportunities for these people to lord over unsuspecting citizens.

Besides, Guyana does not have a good monitoring system to constantly watch over these people.

That is why I said each case need to be looked at and a process of monitoring is appropriate based on the crime committed.  If they were in the US, we would allow reintegration.

What you are saying will serve as a self fulfilling prophecy.  They will have limited options and return to crime!

So, what you suggest, someone who served their time in the US and deported should now serve a life sentence in Guyana?  Exactly what are you suggesting the GoG do?  BTW, this was occurring under the PPP also!

In the US there are also options and effective a national data center to keep tab of repeaters, a sex monitoring system to place offenders on a list, checking in with their parole officers, etc. I am saying that Guyana is not sophisticated to deal with these sophisticated criminals, who are even more hardened and can easily get back into a life of crime. This is one major problem.

Another one is that citizens are not as sophisticated to be able to access this information about suspected criminals. They can cross borders easily with little problems, unlike in the US.

The government needs to strengthen its monitoring sysyem...periodic check ins, ankle bracelets, etc. The PPP did not do a good job at this, neither has the PNC....and remember this return of prisoners have been ongoing every year, since the PPP days. ...a larger number of returnees makes it a more difficult problem...and Granger letting more criminals out does not help.


VishMahabir posted:
ba$eman posted:

That is why I said each case need to be looked at and a process of monitoring is appropriate based on the crime committed.  If they were in the US, we would allow reintegration.

What you are saying will serve as a self fulfilling prophecy.  They will have limited options and return to crime!

So, what you suggest, someone who served their time in the US and deported should now serve a life sentence in Guyana?  Exactly what are you suggesting the GoG do?  BTW, this was occurring under the PPP also!

In the US there are also options and effective a national data center to keep tab of repeaters, a sex monitoring system to place offenders on a list, checking in with their parole officers, etc. I am saying that Guyana is not sophisticated to deal with these sophisticated criminals, who are even more hardened and can easily get back into a life of crime. This is one major problem.

Another one is that citizens are not as sophisticated to be able to access this information about suspected criminals. They can cross borders easily with little problems, unlike in the US.

The government needs to strengthen its monitoring sysyem...periodic check ins, ankle bracelets, etc. The PPP did not do a good job at this, neither has the PNC....and remember this return of prisoners have been ongoing every year, since the PPP days. ...a larger number of returnees makes it a more difficult problem...and Granger letting more criminals out does not help.


From what I read somewhere, periodic check-in at a specified police station is part of the process!

Regarding citizens accessing info, that needs to be in the domain of the police not the public.

I said to you already, each case needs to be assessed and action taken accordingly!  And I agree, Guyana is not as sophisticated so they have to do it the Guyana way.

And talking about criminal sophistication, well the criminal in Guyana are sophisticated after the many years in the PNC training camp!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So since they are not ruthless criminals Granger should welcome them back with open arms.  He has been asking for Guyanese to go back to Guyana while implementing policies to drive them out of the country.  His supporters here on GNI who think they know everything should go back and live the good life with him.

If and when caught they also will be deported. Every other country is complaining to the US of the sending of deportees, except for Guyana, The only means of getting re migrants is the process of DEPORTEES.


David Granger indeed has a point with this specific matter.

There are opportunities for those in conflict with the laws to better oneself.

It will be interesting to see if David Granger is "blowing hot air" or he is focused on these individuals, among other items.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So since they are not ruthless criminals Granger should welcome them back with open arms.  He has been asking for Guyanese to go back to Guyana while implementing policies to drive them out of the country.  His supporters here on GNI who think they know everything should go back and live the good life with him.

If and when caught they also will be deported. Every other country is complaining to the US of the sending of deportees, except for Guyana, The only means of getting re migrants is the process of DEPORTEES.

He did say a few weeks ago that many of the deportees left a long time ago and have little connections in Guyana as most family have long migrated.  It makes little sense to send them back as most of their support structure are here in the US.  However, the process is binary, no other consideration!


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