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Dr Hassan should help pressure the PPP into acceding to local government elections

Posted By Staff Writer On June 23, 2014 @ 5:06 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,

We would like to add to Gokarran Sukhdeo’s letter ( ‘Green and the PPP are the problem not the solution,’ SN, June 14) in addressing the issue of Hamilton Green as raised by Dr Dolly Hassan in her letter in SN, June 11, titled, ‘The PNC should concede that certain mistakes were made during its tenure.’ Dr Hassan, in her letter, says, “…Hamilton Green (oh, good ole Hammy), who is a ghostly and ghastly reminder of repression. He exemplifies how we can decay as a nation when we are governed by race-based politics. The stench of Green’s Georgetown is a metaphor for the nation.”

For the record, we hold no brief for Hamilton Green nor the City Council that has been in place since 1994. What we would like to focus on, however, is the fact the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) has been used as a political football by the PPP to further a race-based narrative about incompetence and corruption, and give people precisely the impression articulated in Dr Hassan’s letter.


We posit that Green has only been in place for so long because of the PPP’s belief in the concept the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Incidentally, this concept has its origins in the ancient Indian political treatise, Arthashastra. Not only is this evident in the case of Hamilton Green, but also in the case of Odinga Lumumba, Kwame McCoy, Manniram Prashad, Gillian Burton, Carvil Duncan and Joe Hamilton (a self-confessed enforcer of the infamous House of Israel, that Dr Hassan, even though she is not aware of the day-to-day politics in Guyana, ought to know of), among others.

The issue of Green would have been resolved long ago by local government elections (LGE) that were due since 1997. However, LGE today are solely held up by the PPP. We believe this is because the PPP cannot get over that it was unable to win Georgetown at the height of its popularity in 1994. Instead they have chosen to viciously punish Georgetown ever since. This delay also relates to the fact that the PPP could dominate all the local bodies by inserting their interim management committees (IMCs). The latter is one of the points under contention between President Ramotar and the opposition, which wants to reduce the power of the local government minister to implant IMCs at will.


As stated earlier, we hold no brief for the M&CC, but we are compelled to note some of the requests by the council that were denied by the PPP government: a portion of the environmental tax, implementing a container tax, holding a lottery, assuming responsibility for fire hydrants, engaging in a project to extract gas from the Le Repentir dumpsite and implementing parking meters. The council also had two revenue-earning operations shut down by the PPP: a car park near Bourda Market and the supervision of the Vreed-en-Hoop-Georgetown speedboat operations. The council also does not have the power to reassess property valuations to collect taxes. The PPP has not only neutralised the power of the council to collect taxes, but also it is deliberately starving it of funds.


We also direct Dr Hassan to the remarks of then Minister of Local Government Kellawan Lall, who on the 14th of July 2010, in the midst of yet another garbage crisis, said: “Well, if there is a health crisis in the city I’ll be glad because it’ll remove the city council. They’ll be responsible for it.” The Ministry of Public Works has oft repeated that it has the power to intervene in the city, and has done so in emergencies, for example, the Le Repentir dumpsite and the Cummings Koker. The ministry has also engaged in periodic clean-ups, for example, in the Albouystown area last December. This to us, clearly indicates that the while the government has the capacity to ease the woes of Georgetown, it prefers to engage in racial politics instead.


Dr Hassan ought to know too, that a large portion of people in Georgetown vote PPP. These people are collateral damage in the race war that the PPP is intent on perpetuating in the mistaken belief it can win. We, therefore, believe that Dr Hassan’s words, “exemplifies how we can decay as a nation when we are governed by race-based politics,” best applies to the PPP.

However, Editor, we would like to reassure Dr Hassan that we abhor adversarial politics and are advocates for an all-hands-on-deck approach to resolving the various issues our country faces. In that regard we seek to counter destructive race-based propaganda and we hope that Dr Hassan sees our letter in that light.


Georgetown is too important for us to just allow it to continue to suffer the way it has, particularly in recent years. The boundaries of Georgetown were expanded to include Agricola in the south and Turkeyen in the east in 1970. Thousands of persons who reside outside of Georgetown (East and West Demerara) work there with the numbers going up each year. Moreover, without a proper public transport system in place that we once enjoyed decades ago, there is a huge influx of vehicles that clog the city. Poorly administered markets, despite the increase in supermarkets, adversely affect our rural farmers and hinder agricultural development. It is clear Georgetown urgently needs new administrators and adequate central government support. In that regard, we would like to solicit Dr Hassan’s help in pressuring the PPP to accede to LGE so that we can move forward.


Yours faithfully,
Gerhard Ramsaroop
Tarron Khemraj

Replies sorted oldest to newest

QUOTE: "Dr Hassan ought to know too, that a large portion of people in Georgetown vote PPP."


Valid point.

But here's the catch: Just before elections the PPP campaigns in Georgetown feverishly for votes, with big-name calypsonians, steel bands, etc spicing up public meetings.

After elections, don't count on the PPP to remember its voters. If the opposition wins Georgetown, the buck stops with the opposition-controlled City Council --- PPP logic.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moreover, without a proper public transport system in place that we once enjoyed decades ago,


Are these Jackasses that stupid, YES they are!!

Mr Nerhu and you point is? Or you slip up? Mr Burnham had better public transport? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moreover, without a proper public transport system in place that we once enjoyed decades ago,


Are these Jackasses that stupid, YES they are!!

Mr Nerhu and you point is? Or you slip up? Mr Burnham had better public transport? 


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moreover, without a proper public transport system in place that we once enjoyed decades ago,


Are these Jackasses that stupid, YES they are!!

Mr Nerhu and you point is? Or you slip up? Mr Burnham had better public transport? 


Nah me is not crazy. Me see you know Mr Burnham had better public transport. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moreover, without a proper public transport system in place that we once enjoyed decades ago,


Are these Jackasses that stupid, YES they are!!

Mr Nerhu and you point is? Or you slip up? Mr Burnham had better public transport? 


Nah me is not crazy. Me see you know Mr Burnham had better public transport. 

Yes 4 tATA bUSSES, ONE PARKED AT congress pLACE TO MOVE AROUND Party members till it run out of oil and the rest in Graveyards.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moreover, without a proper public transport system in place that we once enjoyed decades ago,


Are these Jackasses that stupid, YES they are!!

Mr Nerhu and you point is? Or you slip up? Mr Burnham had better public transport? 


Nah me is not crazy. Me see you know Mr Burnham had better public transport. 

Yes 4 tATA bUSSES, ONE PARKED AT congress pLACE TO MOVE AROUND Party members till it run out of oil and the rest in Graveyards.

Dont lie. me mamoo say there was more than 4. And they connect Skeldon to Linden.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

QUOTE: "Dr Hassan ought to know too, that a large portion of people in Georgetown vote PPP."


Valid point.

But here's the catch: Just before elections the PPP campaigns in Georgetown feverishly for votes, with big-name calypsonians, steel bands, etc spicing up public meetings.

After elections, don't count on the PPP to remember its voters. If the opposition wins Georgetown, the buck stops with the opposition-controlled City Council --- PPP logic. is either Gerhard is trying to save TK from the PNC.


or..... TK is trying to give Gerhard a PNC "Yard Fowl" Card.


However after reading the letter....

Nowhere in the letter is crystal clear

Gerhard is not endorsing or supporting PNC or Granger.




So my understanding is

Gerhard has no interest in being

a PNC Yard Fowl.



I see Gerhard getting TK

to endorse AFC's official public position

on certain Important National Issues.


As I said before....I am Certain

Gerhard is not a Grasshopper, Cockorach

or PNC Yard Fowl.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

QUOTE: "Dr Hassan ought to know too, that a large portion of people in Georgetown vote PPP."


Valid point.

But here's the catch: Just before elections the PPP campaigns in Georgetown feverishly for votes, with big-name calypsonians, steel bands, etc spicing up public meetings.

After elections, don't count on the PPP to remember its voters. If the opposition wins Georgetown, the buck stops with the opposition-controlled City Council --- PPP logic. is either Gerhard is trying to save TK from the PNC.


or..... TK is trying to give Gerhard a PNC "Yard Fowl" Card.


However after reading the letter....

Nowhere in the letter is crystal clear

Gerhard is not endorsing or supporting PNC or Granger.




So my understanding is

Gerhard has no interest in being

a PNC Yard Fowl.



I see Gerhard getting TK

to endorse AFC's official public position

on certain Important National Issues.


As I said before....I am Certain

Gerhard is not a Grasshopper, Cockorach

or PNC Yard Fowl.


Oh My the big and bad man from AFC saying black people in PNC and Mr TK is cockroach and yard fowl . AFC supporter of Mr Nagamootoo giving superior intelligence. 


TK time to put up or Shut up.

Please show us where my friend Gerhard

agree to carry a PNC Yard Fowl Card like TK.

and Yard Fowl... is not De Fowl Cock

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JB:

PNC = most black people.

Mr Jalil Ravi Dev say any Jihaji who Join PNC.... they is yard fowl and cockroach.


Indo like Mr TK who write to make people understand issue  to encourage Indians to join PNC is also same .




Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:

PNC = most black people.

Mr Jalil Ravi Dev say any Jihaji who Join PNC.... they is yard fowl and cockroach.


Indo like Mr TK who write to make people understand issue  to encourage Indians to join PNC is also same .




 LOL the big and bad Mr jalil now throwing blame on Mr Dev. 


Ok Guys I am selling it

just as it was Bought from Nehru.


Ay-y-yaa Soo-ko-soo-ko

A Fresh yard fowl Roar into Congress Place...

She claim she Mamoo send she.....


Ay-y-yaa Soo-ko-soo-ko

Fight nearly Break out....

First time a Roar Yard Fowl enter Congress Place


Ay-y-yaa Soo-ko-soo-ko

Well Granger & Corbin has to Pluck fus.

DE Problem was when Dem two wan seconds....


Ay-y-yaa Soo-ko-soo-ko

them think dem own de fowl

De yard fowl singing....

Ay-y-yaa Soo-ko-soo-ko


Last edited by Former Member

From SN Bloh:



Miss CassandraYes, because they wanted something from PPP and probably didn't get it.All parties have that problem. Look how many PNC's die-hards also moved to the PPP for similar reasons.
What makes you think that Dr Hassan has the clout with PPP to ask them to call elections? That is your main point. I think she has a large Guyanese base in NY but that doesn't mean she can sway the PPP. She might be a good speech writer. But let's get to the real point:
You two need to come to Guyana and tell the PPP what you think it must do. Come on the ground since you want to fight for us. When you come, bring folks to help clean up G/town. Don't forget the drains--and the money to pay the workers' salary.
By the way, I happen to agree with you that elections should be called. Both local and national. Does that surprise you? Oh, and I am not PPP, so sit down.But it doesn't matter who installed Greene--your letter is one-sided. You think because Janet installed him he must be PPP.
And, guys, everything is not race. You all contribute to this division in Guyana. If you want to help the AFC, don't talk race.


Mr RamsaroopFirstly, I do not seek anything but a better political climate - it is the same thing I worked for when I was with the PPP. Of course, everyone views life through their own lens and from your perspective it is all about reward - I get that - as most people get that about most of those higher up in the PPP. Time will reveal my motives and as long as my conscience is clear I remain comfortable in what I am doing.

Secondly, we do not believe that Dr Hassan singularly has the clout to pressure the PPP to accede to LGE. However, given her obvious interest in Guyana's politics, we are merely suggesting where some of her energy can be best directed.

Thirdly, I am living in Guyana, as I have since 1976 save for two semesters I spent abroad. I am married to someone who remigrated to Guyana from Canada and we have a son. Therefore, I remain firmly planted here.

Fourthly, it matters very much that Green has been allowed to remain Mayor for so long under the PPP. It starkly reveals the PPP as wanting to retain power at all cost, regardless even if their own supporters suffer.

Finally, the primary method the PPP uses to retain power at all cost is through racial fear-mongering. Mind you, it is not as if the PPP is all about being pro-Indian, since the average Indian suffers just as much as the average Guyanese of any of the other ethnicities. However, the PPP enhances and exploits the fears of Indians to retain support and keep the money flowing into their coffers. It is that Dr Tarron Khemraj and myself are trying to counter.

Originally Posted by JB:

Dr Hassan should help pressure the PPP into acceding to local government elections

Posted By Staff Writer On June 23, 2014 @ 5:06 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,

We would like to add to Gokarran Sukhdeo’s letter ( ‘Green and the PPP are the problem not the solution,’ SN, June 14) in addressing the issue of Hamilton Green as raised by Dr Dolly Hassan in her letter in SN, June 11, titled, ‘The PNC should concede that certain mistakes were made during its tenure.’ Dr Hassan, in her letter, says, “…Hamilton Green (oh, good ole Hammy), who is a ghostly and ghastly reminder of repression. He exemplifies how we can decay as a nation when we are governed by race-based politics. The stench of Green’s Georgetown is a metaphor for the nation.”

For the record, we hold no brief for Hamilton Green nor the City Council that has been in place since 1994. What we would like to focus on, however, is the fact the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) has been used as a political football by the PPP to further a race-based narrative about incompetence and corruption, and give people precisely the impression articulated in Dr Hassan’s letter.


We posit that Green has only been in place for so long because of the PPP’s belief in the concept the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Incidentally, this concept has its origins in the ancient Indian political treatise, Arthashastra. Not only is this evident in the case of Hamilton Green, but also in the case of Odinga Lumumba, Kwame McCoy, Manniram Prashad, Gillian Burton, Carvil Duncan and Joe Hamilton (a self-confessed enforcer of the infamous House of Israel, that Dr Hassan, even though she is not aware of the day-to-day politics in Guyana, ought to know of), among others.

The issue of Green would have been resolved long ago by local government elections (LGE) that were due since 1997. However, LGE today are solely held up by the PPP. We believe this is because the PPP cannot get over that it was unable to win Georgetown at the height of its popularity in 1994. Instead they have chosen to viciously punish Georgetown ever since. This delay also relates to the fact that the PPP could dominate all the local bodies by inserting their interim management committees (IMCs). The latter is one of the points under contention between President Ramotar and the opposition, which wants to reduce the power of the local government minister to implant IMCs at will.


As stated earlier, we hold no brief for the M&CC, but we are compelled to note some of the requests by the council that were denied by the PPP government: a portion of the environmental tax, implementing a container tax, holding a lottery, assuming responsibility for fire hydrants, engaging in a project to extract gas from the Le Repentir dumpsite and implementing parking meters. The council also had two revenue-earning operations shut down by the PPP: a car park near Bourda Market and the supervision of the Vreed-en-Hoop-Georgetown speedboat operations. The council also does not have the power to reassess property valuations to collect taxes. The PPP has not only neutralised the power of the council to collect taxes, but also it is deliberately starving it of funds.


We also direct Dr Hassan to the remarks of then Minister of Local Government Kellawan Lall, who on the 14th of July 2010, in the midst of yet another garbage crisis, said: “Well, if there is a health crisis in the city I’ll be glad because it’ll remove the city council. They’ll be responsible for it.” The Ministry of Public Works has oft repeated that it has the power to intervene in the city, and has done so in emergencies, for example, the Le Repentir dumpsite and the Cummings Koker. The ministry has also engaged in periodic clean-ups, for example, in the Albouystown area last December. This to us, clearly indicates that the while the government has the capacity to ease the woes of Georgetown, it prefers to engage in racial politics instead.


Dr Hassan ought to know too, that a large portion of people in Georgetown vote PPP. These people are collateral damage in the race war that the PPP is intent on perpetuating in the mistaken belief it can win. We, therefore, believe that Dr Hassan’s words, “exemplifies how we can decay as a nation when we are governed by race-based politics,” best applies to the PPP.

However, Editor, we would like to reassure Dr Hassan that we abhor adversarial politics and are advocates for an all-hands-on-deck approach to resolving the various issues our country faces. In that regard we seek to counter destructive race-based propaganda and we hope that Dr Hassan sees our letter in that light.


Georgetown is too important for us to just allow it to continue to suffer the way it has, particularly in recent years. The boundaries of Georgetown were expanded to include Agricola in the south and Turkeyen in the east in 1970. Thousands of persons who reside outside of Georgetown (East and West Demerara) work there with the numbers going up each year. Moreover, without a proper public transport system in place that we once enjoyed decades ago, there is a huge influx of vehicles that clog the city. Poorly administered markets, despite the increase in supermarkets, adversely affect our rural farmers and hinder agricultural development. It is clear Georgetown urgently needs new administrators and adequate central government support. In that regard, we would like to solicit Dr Hassan’s help in pressuring the PPP to accede to LGE so that we can move forward.


Yours faithfully,
Gerhard Ramsaroop
Tarron Khemraj

More bull sh!t from two caka-holes.


They hustling to peddle Granja propaganda.  They just like the PPP fools.


All of them are one PNC = PPP = intellectually bankrupt people.



Gerhard is very decent youngman and he still respect his other Friends in the AFC.

He made it clear he is not a PNC Yard Fowl.... like de other one ....who Mamoo send him to Congress Place.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Gerhard is very decent youngman and he still respect his other Friends in the AFC.

He made it clear he is not a PNC Yard Fowl.... like de other one ....who Mamoo send him to Congress Place.

sumbady paint himself into a racist corner . . . now [inartfully] casting around fuh frens in a strangely sad way

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Gerhard is very decent youngman and he still respect his other Friends in the AFC.

He made it clear he is not a PNC Yard Fowl.... like de other one ....who Mamoo send him to Congress Place.

sumbady paint himself into a racist corner . . . now [inartfully] casting around fuh frens in a strangely sad way

The man Mr Jalil call black people cockroach. He say if black people is cockroach Mr TK is also cockroach. The tings this board allow.


What Pressure can Gehard Rmsawrroop apply.  Flowers???


He is the most ineffective wanna be politician in Guyana.


His bark is more than his bite.


He and Granja can shake hands.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

What Pressure can Gehard Rmsawrroop apply.  Flowers???


He is the most ineffective wanna be politician in Guyana.


His bark is more than his bite.


He and Granja can shake hands.

Me hope Mr Granger is make Mr Ramsaroop PM candidate so you Mr Sase Singh get more envy. LOL 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

What Pressure can Gehard Rmsawrroop apply.  Flowers???


He is the most ineffective wanna be politician in Guyana.


His bark is more than his bite.


He and Granja can shake hands.

Me hope Mr Granger is make Mr Ramsaroop PM candidate so you Mr Sase Singh get more envy. LOL 

For a millionth time, me a tell you , me nah know no Sase Singh.  I do not know why you keep bringing him in to my conversation.


Well continue to live in your dream world.


But as per normal, low mind talk about people behind their back.  I want to focus on the issue - the PNC cannot win 2016.






Now live and envy Uncle Danald.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

What Pressure can Gehard Rmsawrroop apply.  Flowers???


He is the most ineffective wanna be politician in Guyana.


His bark is more than his bite.


He and Granja can shake hands.

Me hope Mr Granger is make Mr Ramsaroop PM candidate so you Mr Sase Singh get more envy. LOL 

For a millionth time, me a tell you , me nah know no Sase Singh.  I do not know why you keep bringing him in to my conversation.


Well continue to live in your dream world.


But as per normal, low mind talk about people behind their back.  I want to focus on the issue - the PNC cannot win 2016.






Now live and envy Uncle Danald.

So you say Mr Singh. Well you get a little taste how you accuse Mr TK for 5 people? LOL dont tase good eh? LOL  Take a long walk Mr Singh


I would love if Granja choose the flower boy since he will help to further sink the PNC.


Love it.  I fully support the ticket.


Granja the arrongant louth and the ineffective elitist Flower boy.


I am 100% for it, it is a losing ticket.




Granja and Ramsawroop = Mcain and Palin.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I would love if Granja choose the flower boy since he will help to further sink the PNC.


Love it.  I fully support the ticket.


Granja the arrongant louth and the ineffective elitist Flower boy.


I am 100% for it, it is a losing ticket.




Granja and Ramsawroop = Mcain and Palin.

ENVY jelousy ENVY anybody? 


it's good to know that 'KishanB' has come home to the jagdeo/ramotar PPP . . . ravi dev want to know what took a 'comrade' like u so lang


my take is that the stress of POSING was taking its toll . . . rendering an embarrassing incoherency to the little punk's wet shittings


for the weak-minded and ill-educated, blood is always thicker than water . . . or principle

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I would love if Granja choose the flower boy since he will help to further sink the PNC.


Love it.  I fully support the ticket.


Granja the arrongant louth and the ineffective elitist Flower boy.


I am 100% for it, it is a losing ticket.




Granja and Ramsawroop = Mcain and Palin.

As I said, the best news for the PPP is Granja and the flower bwoy.  Rebeson will release all the direct secrets on the corrupt deals with the German TRUCK.


PPP wins again.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
As I said, the best news for the PPP is Granja and the flower bwoy. Rebeson will release all the direct secrets on the corrupt deals with the German TRUCK.


PPP wins again.

watch carefully this banna's pivot to full antiman mode


low-life like him should consider it a privilege to even mention Gerhard's name

Last edited by Former Member

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