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Major changes to the 1980 Constitution requires 67% approval by the National Assembly. At what point between 1992 and 2015 did the PPP either control 67% of the National Assembly or would have been able to get the cooperation of the PNC parliamentarians? The AFC alone did not have enough Parliamentarians to help the PPP get to 67%. Even in 2015 with the Coalition accusing the PPP of corruption, they just barely outnumbered the votes garnered by the PPP and even that difference has not been conclusively established. So where did the PPP practically squandered any opportunity to amend the Constitution? What matters now is who is in government. Fortunately the Coalition promised to reform the Constitution and they did not identify any difficulties accomplishing that objective. So why haven’t they reformed it as yet? Blaming the PPP for the actions of the Coalition Government is actually the cop out.


Why would they?  Is it not their constitution?   They have the gift their daddy burnham created for them.  

Now is dem time again, dem got dem constitution, dem GDF, dem GPF, dem civil service.  Dem weed out the ppp and is like 1992 - 2015 never even happened!


Ayoo give some of dem PNC bais lil credit yea. At least dem ask and debate foh change am when dem out powah. Dem want share powah then. Now Granger not chaning anything because Burnham is ge god. PPP hold one position when in govt and out govt. Dey looooooove de Burnham constitution. When PPP tell dem bais No. That is when de army bais hatch de plan foh chase de coolie pople out Guyana. Now PPP na sure if dey will get shun by de eleckshun. 

Baseman posted:

Why would they?  Is it not their constitution?   They have the gift their daddy burnham created for them.  

Now is dem time again, dem got dem constitution, dem GDF, dem GPF, dem civil service.  Dem weed out the ppp and is like 1992 - 2015 never even happened!

Tell them,well that a no-brainer.That's is why THE PPP should be blamed,they should have given the constitutional changes a big push,when the PNC disagreed that will reveal how much more they love their daddy  laws than the the PPP.

By the way no more referendum by the peoples vote,Burnham abolished that.Every thing are settled by votes in the Parliament.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Why would they?  Is it not their constitution?   They have the gift their daddy burnham created for them.  

Now is dem time again, dem got dem constitution, dem GDF, dem GPF, dem civil service.  Dem weed out the ppp and is like 1992 - 2015 never even happened!

Tell them,well that a no-brainer.That's is why THE PPP should be blamed,they should have given the constitutional changes a big push,when the PNC disagreed that will reveal how much more they love their daddy  laws from the the PPP.

By the way no more referendum by the peoples vote,Burnham abolished that.Every thing are settled by votes in the Parliament.

Dem smart fuh dem self.  History will judge the PPP as the architect of the demise of Indians in Guyana. It started with the jagans and ended with Jagdeo. 

Even today, dem so stupid saying dem cannot lose. PPP is in a make believe world!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Why would they?  Is it not their constitution?   They have the gift their daddy burnham created for them.  

Now is dem time again, dem got dem constitution, dem GDF, dem GPF, dem civil service.  Dem weed out the ppp and is like 1992 - 2015 never even happened!

Tell them,well that a no-brainer.That's is why THE PPP should be blamed,they should have given the constitutional changes a big push,when the PNC disagreed that will reveal how much more they love their daddy  laws from the the PPP.

By the way no more referendum by the peoples vote,Burnham abolished that.Every thing are settled by votes in the Parliament.

Dem smart fuh dem self.  History will judge the PPP as the architect of the demise of Indians in Guyana. It started with the jagans and ended with Jagdeo. 

Even today, dem so stupid saying dem cannot lose. PPP is in a make believe world!

Totally agreed.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Why would they?  Is it not their constitution?   They have the gift their daddy burnham created for them.  

Now is dem time again, dem got dem constitution, dem GDF, dem GPF, dem civil service.  Dem weed out the ppp and is like 1992 - 2015 never even happened!

Tell them,well that a no-brainer.That's is why THE PPP should be blamed,they should have given the constitutional changes a big push,when the PNC disagreed that will reveal how much more they love their daddy  laws from the the PPP.

By the way no more referendum by the peoples vote,Burnham abolished that.Every thing are settled by votes in the Parliament.

Dem smart fuh dem self.  History will judge the PPP as the architect of the demise of Indians in Guyana. It started with the jagans and ended with Jagdeo. 

Even today, dem so stupid saying dem cannot lose. PPP is in a make believe world!

Bai like you and me a seh de same thing? All dem time yuh cuss me now look abie agree. Me always seh coolie pople face two devil demons in Guyana. One of dem is de PNC that want dem destruction from outside and one of dem is PPP that see dem destruction from inside. So ayoo pick ayoo poison. Me doan have problem if blackman run kuntry. Dem gat equal right like abie dese and Amerindian and all people. But me get vex when dem coolie people vote foh PPP and dey doan get security. PNC 

Labba posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Why would they?  Is it not their constitution?   They have the gift their daddy burnham created for them.  

Now is dem time again, dem got dem constitution, dem GDF, dem GPF, dem civil service.  Dem weed out the ppp and is like 1992 - 2015 never even happened!

Tell them,well that a no-brainer.That's is why THE PPP should be blamed,they should have given the constitutional changes a big push,when the PNC disagreed that will reveal how much more they love their daddy  laws from the the PPP.

By the way no more referendum by the peoples vote,Burnham abolished that.Every thing are settled by votes in the Parliament.

Dem smart fuh dem self.  History will judge the PPP as the architect of the demise of Indians in Guyana. It started with the jagans and ended with Jagdeo. 

Even today, dem so stupid saying dem cannot lose. PPP is in a make believe world!

Bai like you and me a seh de same thing? All dem time yuh cuss me now look abie agree. Me always seh coolie pople face two devil demons in Guyana. One of dem is de PNC that want dem destruction from outside and one of dem is PPP that see dem destruction from inside. So ayoo pick ayoo poison. Me doan have problem if blackman run kuntry. Dem gat equal right like abie dese and Amerindian and all people. But me get vex when dem coolie people vote foh PPP and dey doan get security. PNC 

Bai, me nah remember cussing you as labba, but mi remember cussing you as TK.  But WTF, Diss time nah laang time!

Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Why would they?  Is it not their constitution?   They have the gift their daddy burnham created for them.  

Now is dem time again, dem got dem constitution, dem GDF, dem GPF, dem civil service.  Dem weed out the ppp and is like 1992 - 2015 never even happened!

Tell them,well that a no-brainer.That's is why THE PPP should be blamed,they should have given the constitutional changes a big push,when the PNC disagreed that will reveal how much more they love their daddy  laws from the the PPP.

By the way no more referendum by the peoples vote,Burnham abolished that.Every thing are settled by votes in the Parliament.

Dem smart fuh dem self.  History will judge the PPP as the architect of the demise of Indians in Guyana. It started with the jagans and ended with Jagdeo. 

Even today, dem so stupid saying dem cannot lose. PPP is in a make believe world!

Bai like you and me a seh de same thing? All dem time yuh cuss me now look abie agree. Me always seh coolie pople face two devil demons in Guyana. One of dem is de PNC that want dem destruction from outside and one of dem is PPP that see dem destruction from inside. So ayoo pick ayoo poison. Me doan have problem if blackman run kuntry. Dem gat equal right like abie dese and Amerindian and all people. But me get vex when dem coolie people vote foh PPP and dey doan get security. PNC 

Bai, me nah remember cussing you as labba, but mi remember cussing you as TK.  But WTF, Diss time nah laang time!

Bai me is a canecutta wid piece land at Hubu. Me is not that 3rd grade kanta economis Mr TK. 


Frankly me think the PNC is way smarter than the PPP.  PPP has been intellectually lazy relying on numbers. Beyond that, they really had little strategy how to win an election.  They rely on ethnic security issues and sheer numbers.

Even faced with the reality that some Indians are willing to give the other a chance, all they can harp back to is rigging. I still don’t know why their lackeys think they are a sure win. They lost in 2011 and in 2015.  Now their hope is a bad PNC performance will drive voters back. Maybe, maybe not!  It’s another reflection of shallow thinking and lack of strategy. 

This is why they stand a higher chance of losing than of winning.  Coolie people mi tell you. Too much into themselves!  Ayah better off living under the White man. Just don’t try to mess that up!

Baseman posted:

Frankly me think the PNC is way smarter than the PPP.  PPP has been intellectually lazy relying on numbers. Beyond that, they really had little strategy how to win an election.  They rely on ethnic security issues and sheer numbers.

Even faced with the reality that some Indians are willing to give the other a chance, all they can harp back to is rigging. I still don’t know why their lackeys think they are a sure win. They lost in 2011 and in 2015.  Now their hope is a bad PNC performance will drive voters back. Maybe, maybe not!  It’s another reflection of shallow thinking and lack of strategy. 

This is why they stand a higher chance of losing than of winning.  Coolie people mi tell you. Too much into themselves!  Ayah better off living under the White man. Just don’t try to mess that up!


Wha wrang with you,some East Indian folks seh they can't run cake shop or build toilets. Their supporters does wine and guh down,spend out all their money in one day,then the next day is white mouth munching on dry coconuts.

These are the folks will get the PPP back in power.

Take a peek here at the other thread posted.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Keffer posted:
Cobra posted:

Finally, minister Harmon has spoken with confidence that the coalition will continue to hold power after 2020 and beyond. 

With the same token, the PPP should make a public statement of how they intended to win the next election. Things are getting interesting onwards. 

Total BS ! The only way for APNU/PNC to remain in office is by rigging elections !! They have never ever fairly won an election ....never !! 

Harmon didn't say APNU/PNC will hold on to power,it's known they can't win any elections.

What he said, the coalition "APNU/AFC" will continue to hold power after 2020.They did win the 2015 election.Did they not ?

They did NOT win the 2015 election; the used the police to intimidate and deny large numbers of PPP supporters entry into polling stations in areas which have been traditional PPP strongholds ! If you call that victory by the PNC you need to listen to the famous Dave Martins song "Civilization' in which he says 'like is something wrong wid you brain' ! 

Keffer posted:
Django posted:
Keffer posted:
Cobra posted:

Finally, minister Harmon has spoken with confidence that the coalition will continue to hold power after 2020 and beyond. 

With the same token, the PPP should make a public statement of how they intended to win the next election. Things are getting interesting onwards. 

Total BS ! The only way for APNU/PNC to remain in office is by rigging elections !! They have never ever fairly won an election ....never !! 

Harmon didn't say APNU/PNC will hold on to power,it's known they can't win any elections.

What he said, the coalition "APNU/AFC" will continue to hold power after 2020.They did win the 2015 election.Did they not ?

They did NOT win the 2015 election; the used the police to intimidate and deny large numbers of PPP supporters entry into polling stations in areas which have been traditional PPP strongholds ! If you call that victory by the PNC you need to listen to the famous Dave Martins song "Civilization' in which he says 'like is something wrong wid you brain' ! 

Well that's your take.The PPP lost too late to cry over spilled milk.Guide them to win come 2020.

The old mantra of "rigging" won't cut the mustard.Choose some thing different.

Keffer posted:
Django posted:
Keffer posted:
Cobra posted:

Finally, minister Harmon has spoken with confidence that the coalition will continue to hold power after 2020 and beyond. 

With the same token, the PPP should make a public statement of how they intended to win the next election. Things are getting interesting onwards. 

Total BS ! The only way for APNU/PNC to remain in office is by rigging elections !! They have never ever fairly won an election ....never !! 

Harmon didn't say APNU/PNC will hold on to power,it's known they can't win any elections.

What he said, the coalition "APNU/AFC" will continue to hold power after 2020.They did win the 2015 election.Did they not ?

They did NOT win the 2015 election; the used the police to intimidate and deny large numbers of PPP supporters entry into polling stations in areas which have been traditional PPP strongholds ! If you call that victory by the PNC you need to listen to the famous Dave Martins song "Civilization' in which he says 'like is something wrong wid you brain' ! 

So thousands of voters were denied entry into polling stations and the PPP never protested this officially or reported it to the press or the Elections Commission? The PPP had representatives at each polling station as did all the other parties. None of this behavior was officially reported by international observer groups and no evidence of this showed up on social media. Sounds very strange to me.

Last edited by Mars
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Cobra posted:

Finally, minister Harmon has spoken with confidence that the coalition will continue to hold power after 2020 and beyond. 

With the same token, the PPP should make a public statement of how they intended to win the next election. Things are getting interesting onwards. 

Total BS ! The only way for APNU/PNC to remain in office is by rigging elections !! They have never ever fairly won an election ....never !! 

Maybe, but they did win in 2015!

PNC has NEVER EVER fairly won any election ! If you are referring to the last Guyana general election, large numbers of PPP supporters were frivolously refused entry into polling stations in areas which were overwhelmingly pro-PPP !! You can scream, holler and write whatever you want but it is public knowledge that that is the truth so quit with your BS !! How do I know that ? I was in Guyana and saw the brutal, barefaced treachery of the PNC via the army and police with my own eyes !!!

The PPP can NEVER EVER lose any election that is free and fair.  At any time - past, present, or foreseeable future.

Yea!!  This is the arrogance why they lost and why Hillary lost here too.  I was following some of the blogs after elecyand there were young Indians who openly admitted voting for the coalition.  

PPP had grown arrogant and corrupt.  That’s why they lost support.  Ask Ralf Ramkarran why he lambasted the politburo!

Who was ever more arrogant than Burnham and his PNC thugs ? Who brought more devastation to the Guyana economy than the PNC ? When and where during the time that PPP was in office did you ever see people standing in lines as long as half of a mile to purchase a few pounds of flour or a pint of cooking oil while the vile and vindictive tyrant lived in complete luxury ? Did the PPP ever establish anything that even faintly resemble 'Knowledge Sharing Institute' ? When did the 'arrogant' PPP ever prosecute anyone for having a few US dollars in their possession and/or prevent parents from supporting their children who were at universities and colleges in foreign countries ? Who destroyed the rice industry by dismantling the Guyana Rice Marketing Board ? It seems to me that your idol Ramkarran has been sour for quite some time because he was not chosen by the PPP for a significant role in their government ! There is no government that is completely free of corruption ... PNC was the most corrupt that Guyana has ever seen; so much so that when they lost the election to the PPP, they stripped many government buildings of fixtures and fittings; even toilet bowls ! Go ask Hamilton Green for details of his thuggery with Rabbi Washington as his partner-in-crime ! Ask him if he ever paid even a single cent for the steel sheet piling that was used in the construction of his house while he was the mayor of Georgetown and how come he was not charged for theft by the police ! In my view, Ramkarran has been sour with the PPP for a long time because he was not elevated within the PPP to a level that he wanted.     

Keffer posted:

! Go ask Hamilton Green for details of his thuggery with Rabbi Washington as his partner-in-crime ! Ask him if he ever paid even a single cent for the steel sheet piling that was used in the construction of his house while he was the mayor of Georgetown and how come he was not charged for theft by the police !

The remaining thugs of the Rabbi Washington era are currently housed in Freedom House.Suh what's your take ?

Not condoning pilfering,the sheet pilings that Hamilton Green took to barricade his property was before his mayorship.

Mars posted:
Keffer posted:
Django posted:
Keffer posted:
Cobra posted:

Finally, minister Harmon has spoken with confidence that the coalition will continue to hold power after 2020 and beyond. 

With the same token, the PPP should make a public statement of how they intended to win the next election. Things are getting interesting onwards. 

Total BS ! The only way for APNU/PNC to remain in office is by rigging elections !! They have never ever fairly won an election ....never !! 

Harmon didn't say APNU/PNC will hold on to power,it's known they can't win any elections.

What he said, the coalition "APNU/AFC" will continue to hold power after 2020.They did win the 2015 election.Did they not ?

They did NOT win the 2015 election; the used the police to intimidate and deny large numbers of PPP supporters entry into polling stations in areas which have been traditional PPP strongholds ! If you call that victory by the PNC you need to listen to the famous Dave Martins song "Civilization' in which he says 'like is something wrong wid you brain' ! 

So thousands of voters were denied entry into polling stations and the PPP never protested this officially or reported it to the press or the Elections Commission? The PPP had representatives at each polling station as did all the other parties. None of this behavior was officially reported by international observer groups and no evidence of this showed up on social media. Sounds very strange to me.

This line from Keffer I do not understand. He is the only person who invoked this.  I never heard this protest from the PPP.  All they contested was the recount of a few jurisdictions.  Had mass deprivation of franchise rights occurred, I would have expected evidence, videos, protest at polling stations etc.  None of this occurred  instead all we heard was a call for recounts.

Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Cobra posted:

Finally, minister Harmon has spoken with confidence that the coalition will continue to hold power after 2020 and beyond. 

With the same token, the PPP should make a public statement of how they intended to win the next election. Things are getting interesting onwards. 

Total BS ! The only way for APNU/PNC to remain in office is by rigging elections !! They have never ever fairly won an election ....never !! 

Maybe, but they did win in 2015!

PNC has NEVER EVER fairly won any election ! If you are referring to the last Guyana general election, large numbers of PPP supporters were frivolously refused entry into polling stations in areas which were overwhelmingly pro-PPP !! You can scream, holler and write whatever you want but it is public knowledge that that is the truth so quit with your BS !! How do I know that ? I was in Guyana and saw the brutal, barefaced treachery of the PNC via the army and police with my own eyes !!!

The PPP can NEVER EVER lose any election that is free and fair.  At any time - past, present, or foreseeable future.

Yea!!  This is the arrogance why they lost and why Hillary lost here too.  I was following some of the blogs after elecyand there were young Indians who openly admitted voting for the coalition.  

PPP had grown arrogant and corrupt.  That’s why they lost support.  Ask Ralf Ramkarran why he lambasted the politburo!

Who was ever more arrogant than Burnham and his PNC thugs ? Who brought more devastation to the Guyana economy than the PNC ? When and where during the time that PPP was in office did you ever see people standing in lines as long as half of a mile to purchase a few pounds of flour or a pint of cooking oil while the vile and vindictive tyrant lived in complete luxury ? Did the PPP ever establish anything that even faintly resemble 'Knowledge Sharing Institute' ? When did the 'arrogant' PPP ever prosecute anyone for having a few US dollars in their possession and/or prevent parents from supporting their children who were at universities and colleges in foreign countries ? Who destroyed the rice industry by dismantling the Guyana Rice Marketing Board ? It seems to me that your idol Ramkarran has been sour for quite some time because he was not chosen by the PPP for a significant role in their government ! There is no government that is completely free of corruption ... PNC was the most corrupt that Guyana has ever seen; so much so that when they lost the election to the PPP, they stripped many government buildings of fixtures and fittings; even toilet bowls ! Go ask Hamilton Green for details of his thuggery with Rabbi Washington as his partner-in-crime ! Ask him if he ever paid even a single cent for the steel sheet piling that was used in the construction of his house while he was the mayor of Georgetown and how come he was not charged for theft by the police ! In my view, Ramkarran has been sour with the PPP for a long time because he was not elevated within the PPP to a level that he wanted.     

Bai, there is a difference between arrogance and bullyism, wrang and strang.  The latter two was the PNC. The arrogance of the PPP is no different than the arrogance of Hillary in the US elections. 

Django posted:
Keffer posted:

! Go ask Hamilton Green for details of his thuggery with Rabbi Washington as his partner-in-crime ! Ask him if he ever paid even a single cent for the steel sheet piling that was used in the construction of his house while he was the mayor of Georgetown and how come he was not charged for theft by the police !

The remaining thugs of the Rabbi Washington era are currently housed in Freedom House.Suh what's your take ?

Not condoning pilfering,the sheet pilings that Hamilton Green took to barricade his property was before his mayorship.

Why did the PPP not prosecute him during their 23 years in power?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Frankly me think the PNC is way smarter than the PPP.  PPP has been intellectually lazy relying on numbers. Beyond that, they really had little strategy how to win an election.  They rely on ethnic security issues and sheer numbers.

Even faced with the reality that some Indians are willing to give the other a chance, all they can harp back to is rigging. I still don’t know why their lackeys think they are a sure win. They lost in 2011 and in 2015.  Now their hope is a bad PNC performance will drive voters back. Maybe, maybe not!  It’s another reflection of shallow thinking and lack of strategy. 

This is why they stand a higher chance of losing than of winning.  Coolie people mi tell you. Too much into themselves!  Ayah better off living under the White man. Just don’t try to mess that up!


Wha wrang with you,some East Indian folks seh they can't run cake shop or build toilets. Their supporters does wine and guh down,spend out all their money in one day,then the next day is white mouth munching on dry coconuts.

These are the folks will get the PPP back in power.

Take a peek here at the other thread posted.

Bai, I was not talking about that. Afros do things differently than Indians. Indians and known to work hard, scrounge and save and build themselves up. Afros are known to spend more. 

My reference was to the leadership where strategy is formulated and deployed.  I guess given the mere numbers and race voting, there was no need. The PNC had to turn to different means.  

The PPP needs to rethink and move away from thinking winning will come the old fashion way!  I think those days are gone forever!

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Keffer posted:

! Go ask Hamilton Green for details of his thuggery with Rabbi Washington as his partner-in-crime ! Ask him if he ever paid even a single cent for the steel sheet piling that was used in the construction of his house while he was the mayor of Georgetown and how come he was not charged for theft by the police !

The remaining thugs of the Rabbi Washington era are currently housed in Freedom House.Suh what's your take ?

Not condoning pilfering,the sheet pilings that Hamilton Green took to barricade his property was before his mayorship.

Why did the PPP not prosecute him during their 23 years in power?

Ask the PPP to answer your question as I do not speak for them. In my view, they might have had to give serious consideration to the possibility of the conflagration of Georgetown once again. If you see Green as a decent honest, hardworking citizen that is your problem. Furthermore, in all likelihood, the infamous Rabbi Washington and his 'benevolent' House of Israel, which Green was closely related,was no doubt a benevolent organization, wasn't it ! In your book, the conflagration of Georgetown in February 1963 was an act of the PPP, wasn't it ! 

Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Keffer posted:

! Go ask Hamilton Green for details of his thuggery with Rabbi Washington as his partner-in-crime ! Ask him if he ever paid even a single cent for the steel sheet piling that was used in the construction of his house while he was the mayor of Georgetown and how come he was not charged for theft by the police !

The remaining thugs of the Rabbi Washington era are currently housed in Freedom House.Suh what's your take ?

Not condoning pilfering,the sheet pilings that Hamilton Green took to barricade his property was before his mayorship.

Why did the PPP not prosecute him during their 23 years in power?

Ask the PPP to answer your question as I do not speak for them. In my view, they might have had to give serious consideration to the possibility of the conflagration of Georgetown once again. If you see Green as a decent honest, hardworking citizen that is your problem. Furthermore, in all likelihood, the infamous Rabbi Washington and his 'benevolent' House of Israel, which Green was closely related,was no doubt a benevolent organization, wasn't it ! In your book, the conflagration of Georgetown in February 1963 was an act of the PPP, wasn't it ! 

I agree with you on this.  I don’t think prosecuting PNC members would have been wise. The government needed to focus on rebuilding not prosecuting!  It would have also set the stage for a new tit for tat.  The country had to move on!

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe, but they did win in 2015!

What was the result of the recount? 

What did recount matter when the PNC goons and thugs, with shameless support from gun-toting police and soldiers brazenly and blatantly prevented thousands of PPP supporters from voting; yes ...thousands ??

That's not true.

Mitt didn’t you left Guyana as a kid. How much do you know what transpired during elections 🤔

The PPP lost twice. Before that, the PPP coveted a seat from the AFC.  

Jackass, ask your neighbor to check their dictionary and tell you the meaning of the word 'covet' ! Come back in about six to eight months; hopefully you will have some small inkling of the word by that time .....

Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe, but they did win in 2015!

What was the result of the recount? 

What did recount matter when the PNC goons and thugs, with shameless support from gun-toting police and soldiers brazenly and blatantly prevented thousands of PPP supporters from voting; yes ...thousands ??

That's not true.

Mitt didn’t you left Guyana as a kid. How much do you know what transpired during elections 🤔

The PPP lost twice. Before that, the PPP coveted a seat from the AFC.  

Jackass, ask your neighbor to check their dictionary and tell you the meaning of the word 'covet' ! Come back in about six to eight months; hopefully you will have some small inkling of the word by that time .....

Go take a look in the mirror. 

Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe, but they did win in 2015!

What was the result of the recount? 

What did recount matter when the PNC goons and thugs, with shameless support from gun-toting police and soldiers brazenly and blatantly prevented thousands of PPP supporters from voting; yes ...thousands ??

That's not true.

Mitt didn’t you left Guyana as a kid. How much do you know what transpired during elections 🤔

The PPP lost twice. Before that, the PPP coveted a seat from the AFC.  

Jackass, ask your neighbor to check their dictionary and tell you the meaning of the word 'covet' ! Come back in about six to eight months; hopefully you will have some small inkling of the word by that time .....

Go take a look in the mirror. 

Only gadha ask questions like you do ! Have you found out the meaning of the word 'covet' ? We know you are quite dense upstairs so you may wish to ask one of your neighbors to help you out ....  

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe, but they did win in 2015!

What was the result of the recount? 

What did recount matter when the PNC goons and thugs, with shameless support from gun-toting police and soldiers brazenly and blatantly prevented thousands of PPP supporters from voting; yes ...thousands ??

That's not true.

Mitt didn’t you left Guyana as a kid. How much do you know what transpired during elections 🤔

The PPP lost twice. Before that, the PPP coveted a seat from the AFC.  

Jackass, ask your neighbor to check their dictionary and tell you the meaning of the word 'covet' ! Come back in about six to eight months; hopefully you will have some small inkling of the word by that time .....

Go take a look in the mirror. 

Only gadha ask questions like you do ! Have you found out the meaning of the word 'covet' ? We know you are quite dense upstairs so you may wish to ask one of your neighbors to help you out ....  

I didn't ask you to speak to your reflection. Don't scare yourself now. 

Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Keffer posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe, but they did win in 2015!

What was the result of the recount? 

What did recount matter when the PNC goons and thugs, with shameless support from gun-toting police and soldiers brazenly and blatantly prevented thousands of PPP supporters from voting; yes ...thousands ??

That's not true.

Mitt didn’t you left Guyana as a kid. How much do you know what transpired during elections 🤔

The PPP lost twice. Before that, the PPP coveted a seat from the AFC.  

Jackass, ask your neighbor to check their dictionary and tell you the meaning of the word 'covet' ! Come back in about six to eight months; hopefully you will have some small inkling of the word by that time .....

Go take a look in the mirror. 

Only gadha ask questions like you do ! Have you found out the meaning of the word 'covet' ? We know you are quite dense upstairs so you may wish to ask one of your neighbors to help you out ....  

I didn't ask you to speak to your reflection. Don't scare yourself now. 

Come on Gadha, spit it out ... what does covet mean ? Oh I see, you do not know how to use a dictionary, eh !

Last edited by Keffer

I can't follow the debate between Keffer and Mits,the quotes are of multiples.

By the way for the word 'covet" seek guidance from Moses ten commandments.Me thinks the meaning will be revealed instead of looking in the dictionary.

Django posted:

I can't follow the debate between Keffer and Mits,the quotes are of multiples.

By the way for the word 'covet" seek guidance from Moses ten commandments.Me thinks the meaning will be revealed instead of looking in the dictionary.

You mean “Moses “ Guyana Namakaram ... owi bai Django you start me day laughing like crazy .

you darn right Guyana Moses .. no need to look a dictionary “his covetous is there in the open “

way to go Django ... you hang you balls at Moses . You cheque gon get cut 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

I can't follow the debate between Keffer and Mits,the quotes are of multiples.

By the way for the word 'covet" seek guidance from Moses ten commandments.Me thinks the meaning will be revealed instead of looking in the dictionary.

You mean “Moses “ Guyana Namakaram ... owi bai Django you start me day laughing like crazy .

you darn right Guyana Moses .. no need to look a dictionary “his covetous is there in the open “

way to go Django ... you hang you balls at Moses . You cheque gon get cut 

Glad that your day have started humorously.

Bhai,it's not easy burden for individuals,whom have been named after the prophet Moses.

The last sentence messed up your post,Django way above that category.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

I can't follow the debate between Keffer and Mits,the quotes are of multiples.

By the way for the word 'covet" seek guidance from Moses ten commandments.Me thinks the meaning will be revealed instead of looking in the dictionary.

You mean “Moses “ Guyana Namakaram ... owi bai Django you start me day laughing like crazy .

you darn right Guyana Moses .. no need to look a dictionary “his covetous is there in the open “

way to go Django ... you hang you balls at Moses . You cheque gon get cut 

Glad that your day have started humorously.

Bhai,it's not easy burden for individuals,whom have been named after the prophet Moses.

The last sentence messed up your post,Django way above that category.

Realize the last sentence after posting .  Shouldn’t have been there . 

Django posted:

I can't follow the debate between Keffer and Mits,the quotes are of multiples.

By the way for the word 'covet" seek guidance from Moses ten commandments.Me thinks the meaning will be revealed instead of looking in the dictionary.

His posts speaks volumes of his immaturity. I kept the quotes so that Admin can see his personal attacks. 


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