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Former Member
We Will Continue the Work of Nation Building
By Khemraj Ramjattan and Raphael Trotman

November 28, 2011 marked a defining day in the history of our country. The people of Guyana have emerged the winners of the hotly contested elections fought on that date; by ensuring that no one party has the commanding authority of state and government. In this way, the people, and not political parties and their leaders, have ownership of their lives, and can now have a determining say in their destinies. The people have spoken, and have said that we, the political leadership of Guyana, must work together in their interest. Servant-leadership is what is expected of us. We thank you for your labour and sacrifice, which made this historic outcome possible, and say that the AFC, and all Guyana, owe you a debt of gratitude.

We know that you, like many, may have been disappointed by the overall result, and by the fact that the AFC did not win the Presidency as hoped. However, despite our initial disappointment, we have begun the process of analyzing the results, and to work out what exactly is expected of us in the months and years ahead. We have again created history by obtaining 10% of the vote, and this has gained us seven parliamentary seats; whereas in 2006, we won 9% of the vote, and won six parliamentary seats. Thanks to the people of Guyana, the AFC is here to stay.

On a less joyous note, we have observed that the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head, and unfortunately, too many Guyanese chose to vote race, rather than reason, and this alone tells us that our struggle to achieve healing, reconciliation, security and the establishment of a just and equitable society must continue.

In the immediate period ahead, the leadership will undertake visits to all the Regions to meet with Regional executives, activists, and supporters, and to personally say thank you, and to discuss issues of common interest and to set out the agenda for the way forward for the Party. We will be preparing to field a magnificent team of seven (7) Members of Parliament, and Councillors of the ten (10) Regional Democratic Councils who will remain independent, represent the AFC, and serve the people to the best of their abilities. We cannot underscore the fact of how proud we are that we have achieved seats on all ten (10) Regional Democratic Councils, and have won the right to manage the affairs of Region 8 (Potaro-Siparuni).

As the Party begins to transition out of the election campaign, we will be preparing to further the work of party strengthening and the building of Groups and Regional Management Committees to keep us in constant preparation and readiness for Municipal and General Elections. We do not rule out the possibility of a snap election being called. In the first quarter of 2012, we hope to hold our 3rd Biennial Conference to elect a new National Executive Committee, and leadership. All of us must therefore put our best efforts forward towards ensuring that the AFC remains strong and vibrant. We ask you to remain strong and resolute and to encourage others to stay focused, and not be distracted or led astray by those who seek to steal our gains. Together, we will succeed, and divided, we will not. Thank you for your support.

In 2012, and beyond, we intend to advance our goals of working to establish a just, equitable and unified democratic state; strengthen the inter-party dialogue to deliver better governance and security for all; and to encourage and promote greater understanding and unity amongst the people.

Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings to one and all, and best wishes for a peaceful and outstanding 2011.

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On a less joyous note, we have observed that the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head, and unfortunately, too many Guyanese chose to vote race, rather than reason, and this alone tells us that our struggle to achieve healing, reconciliation, security and the establishment of a just and equitable society must continue.

The man attacking APNU supporters here.
Originally posted by TI:
On a less joyous note, we have observed that the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head, and unfortunately, too many Guyanese chose to vote race, rather than reason, and this alone tells us that our struggle to achieve healing, reconciliation, security and the establishment of a just and equitable society must continue.

The man attacking APNU supporters here.

He said Guyanese vote race reiterating a fundamental truth that has held our nation hostage since its birth. Indians and Africans are trapped in a political system that forces t hem to respond by identity and ethnicity over a communal drive for excellence. The PNC and the PPP fostered this tradition when it was to their advantage. When queried as to constitutional changes that would force a barrior to the presidency as a prize and capturing the state as a means to ethnic consolidation the PPP responded they will not change any thing that provided them an advantage. It is Indian and Black racism which festers in tie core of each of these groups corroding their ability to reasonable approaches to government that plagues us. Ramjattan, will need god to stand him and the dark racist dark spaces represented by the PPP and the APNU.
Originally posted by Dhall:
How will you do that? By joining forces with APNU? You are currently percieved as APNU half- brother and that would spell alot of trouble for you. Be Careful.
that is your perception. As the strategy presents, the AFC has to use best outcome means to their desired ends to support either the PPP or the APNU at times. The PPP ignored everyone and ruled like authoritarian oligarchs all of their 2 decade in office. If heir rule had come with some measured approach, one could say they were entitled to some consideration initially. Unfortunately, all that is wrong with the system is what they represent as the administration. Deconstruction their power base which is ethnic based and fortified with a healthy dose of patronage and surfdom ( the amerinds) is the imperative. You need to be focusing on ends and when you think the means are wrong, then you comment. This laissez-faire contemptuous assault on the AFC by labeling them the APNU "half brother" is simply knee jerk racism. They will only get their desired ends by actively aiding one or the other dominant groups when it matters.

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