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We will continue to stand by your side


December 30, 2012 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

As 2012 draws to a close and as we look back at our efforts as a nation over the past twelve months we inevitably ask ourselves what we have achieved and what could we have done differently.

The year started with much promise as new era seemed within our grasp.
We actually dared to hope that finally a new day of inclusion, equal opportunity and justice would dawn on this country of ours.

But as the months passed and the time flew by, it seemed as if dayclean was just beyond our reach.

There have been varied opinions on what we as a country have achieved this year.
Sometimes we even despair at our inability to take ourselves in a new direction beyond the limitations of our fears, prejudices and inadequacies.

But before we can dream of a new day we must first confront the reality that we have created for ourselves and address it with all its wants and shortcomings.
Our institutions continue to be a source of great concern. We have either been poorly served or not served at all.

It was not a happy year for law enforcement, fighting corruption or accountability. In addition, far too many of our citizens were gunned down at the hands of the state.

Citizens exercising their constitutional right to protest paid the ultimate price for exercising that right.

Young men were executed by law enforcement officers, while those in whose charge who we placed the responsibility to protect and serve seemed to be only interested in protecting and serving themselves.

During the past year we witnessed the unprecedented declaration of hostilities between the executive and legislature. Where there was hope it was rapidly replaced by disappointment and resignation.

Our farmers and other wealth creators continued to be mistreated and taken for granted.

And typically in our own inimical style we spent an awful lot of time casting blame and apportioning guilt rather than walking together towards the sunshine of justice, equality and equally shared prosperity.

Until we are prepared to confront the skeletons which constantly challenge the rule of law, address and resolve the differences which separate and divide us as a nation, we will continue to condemn ourselves to a less than just and fair society.

What is clear after twelve months is that the present constitutional arrangements have not delivered to the people of the country a unified, just, fair and prosperous society.

It is the hope of the AFC that in the new year we will address those aspects of our constitution that require our most urgent attention and best efforts to ensure that everyone is afforded a fair and equal place in the decision-making arms of the state, including the executive.

We are far too mature a nation to consider returning to the polls under the present constitutional and electoral arrangements. Those citizens who feel perpetually excluded under the existing constitutional arrangements, whether at a local government level or nationally, will with justification, inquire whether their dreams and aspirations are not worthy of the national consideration.

We believe that despite the challenges we faced as a nation during the past year, we discovered a lot about ourselves as a nation that gives us hope for a new day with different arrangements. For armed with the knowledge of our inadequacies we can only but address them and move forward together towards a nation which guarantees all her citizens a place in the sun.

We assure you that we in the Alliance For Change will continue to stand by your side as we seek to bring about the political changes that will lead to lasting improvements in the lives of the people of this country.

In and out of parliament, we have led the struggle against corruption and opened the eyes of the pubic to the lack of accountability and transparency surrounding multi-billion-dollar contracts and the operation of state agencies.

We have visited all ten administrative regions of this country during the past twelve months and can assure you that our efforts against corruption are being met with widespread approval.

We have engaged the other political parties on a number of issues with varying degrees of success and remain committed to meaningful dialogue and consensus building.

We also engaged stakeholders in the private business sector and shared information on our policies and positions on various issues.

The AFC wishes you a very prosperous new year and may we all join in the national effort to create a fair, just and prosperous Guyana.


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