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IAC to host interfaith remembrance service for Lusignan massacre victims

January 19, 2015 11:40 am Category: Business, Local News A+ / A-

Lusignan Victims 1[] – The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) will be holding an inter-faith service on January 26, 2015, in observance of the seventh anniversary for victims of the Lusignan massacre.

Seven years ago, eleven innocent Guyanese (five children and six adults) were slaughtered during the massacre on the morning of January 26, 2008 by merciless gunmen armed with shotguns and AK-47s.    

The event on January 26, which will commence at 17:00 hrs (5:00 p.m.) at Tract “A” Lusignan [the place of the horrific crime], will be done in collaboration with the relatives of the slain victims, residents of Lusignan and the religious community. Tributes will be paid by the IAC, relatives, representatives of the three major religions and other officials.

Over the years the IAC has worked with the relatives, residents of Lusignan and the religious community in commemorating this event in an effort to ensure that the memories of those whose lives were snuffed out would not fade into oblivion.

Many were affected by the massacre after gunmen invaded the homes of five Lusignan families and murdered Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandan Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, 4; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52.

Several of the children who were murdered were found dead in their beds.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

We must never forget what the AFC/PNC did to innocent Guyanese.


The AFC/PNC are a bunch of scamps, conmen and..... you get the picture what they did above.

Monday 26th January 2015 marks six years since a group of gunmen dubbed ‘Freedom fighters’ by a section of the political opposition & led by the notorious Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlings, stormed the small village of Lusignan and murdered eleven people, including five children and six adults. Five families were affected by the massacre. The gunmen armed with shotguns and AK-47s entered Lusigan around 2:00 am on Saturday 26th January 2008 and invaded the homes of five Lusignan families. Within 20 minutes eleven people were murdered. The victims were: Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandan Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, 4; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52. Several of the murdered children were found dead while still in their beds. Survivors of the attack were Arjune Bhim, 11, Roberto Thomas and Howard Thomas. Both Roberto and Howard, who sustained life-threatening gunshot wounds, have successfully recovered. On this occasion we have borrowed from the

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

We must never forget what the AFC/PNC did to innocent Guyanese.


The AFC/PNC are a bunch of scamps, conmen and..... you get the picture what they did above.

Monday 26th January 2015 marks six years since a group of gunmen dubbed ‘Freedom fighters’ by a section of the political opposition & led by the notorious Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlings, stormed the small village of Lusignan and murdered eleven people, including five children and six adults. Five families were affected by the massacre. The gunmen armed with shotguns and AK-47s entered Lusigan around 2:00 am on Saturday 26th January 2008 and invaded the homes of five Lusignan families. Within 20 minutes eleven people were murdered. The victims were: Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandan Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, 4; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52. Several of the murdered children were found dead while still in their beds. Survivors of the attack were Arjune Bhim, 11, Roberto Thomas and Howard Thomas. Both Roberto and Howard, who sustained life-threatening gunshot wounds, have successfully recovered. On this occasion we have borrowed from the

Two PPP buggy baies at it yet again.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

We must never forget what the AFC/PNC did to innocent Guyanese.


The AFC/PNC are a bunch of scamps, conmen and..... you get the picture what they did above.

Monday 26th January 2015 marks six years since a group of gunmen dubbed ‘Freedom fighters’ by a section of the political opposition & led by the notorious Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlings, stormed the small village of Lusignan and murdered eleven people, including five children and six adults. Five families were affected by the massacre. The gunmen armed with shotguns and AK-47s entered Lusigan around 2:00 am on Saturday 26th January 2008 and invaded the homes of five Lusignan families. Within 20 minutes eleven people were murdered. The victims were: Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandan Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, 4; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52. Several of the murdered children were found dead while still in their beds. Survivors of the attack were Arjune Bhim, 11, Roberto Thomas and Howard Thomas. Both Roberto and Howard, who sustained life-threatening gunshot wounds, have successfully recovered. On this occasion we have borrowed from the

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC's Nigel Hughes should be ashamed to defend alleged criminals and killers.

Doan hut yo head over AFC people dem, they doan even know nor care whether you rass alive or dead, matter of fact,same goes for the PPP you defending.


Now, again, doan bother with Nigel defending criminals, I assure you, after the election is over and the PPP is out, Nigel could possibly be prosecuting the criminals and killers of the PPP party.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC's Nigel Hughes should be ashamed to defend alleged criminals and killers.

Doan hut yo head over AFC people dem, they doan even know nor care whether you rass alive or dead, matter of fact,same goes for the PPP you defending.


Now, again, doan bother with Nigel defending criminals, I assure you, after the election is over and the PPP is out, Nigel could possibly be prosecuting the criminals and killers of the PPP party.

After the PPP is out yugi and the thieves will beg the same Nigel to keep them out of jail...

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC's Nigel Hughes should be ashamed to defend alleged criminals and killers.

Doan hut yo head over AFC people dem, they doan even know nor care whether you rass alive or dead, matter of fact,same goes for the PPP you defending.


Now, again, doan bother with Nigel defending criminals, I assure you, after the election is over and the PPP is out, Nigel could possibly be prosecuting the criminals and killers of the PPP party.

After the PPP is out yugi and the thieves will beg the same Nigel to keep them out of jail...


At the pace in which Nigel is going, he might end up in jail.


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