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ppc-observes-40th-anniversary-of-ballot-box-martyrs-the-sacrifices-of-the-martyrs-were-part-of-a-struggle-to-maintain-democracy-in-guyana-rohee&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="FALINK_2_0_1">40th anniversary of Ballot Box Martyrs - the sacrifices of the martyrs were part of a struggle to maintain democracy in Guyana - RoheePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Michael Khan   
Wednesday, 17 July 2013 23:29

ON the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Ballot Box Martyrs, the ruling People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) held a road march and wreath-laying ceremony on Tuesday to honour the fallen comrades who had paid the ultimate price in defence of democracy.

Bholanauth Parmanand, 45, and Jagan Ramessar, 17, were shot dead by members of the Guyana Defence Force on the evening of the general elections on July 16th, 1973, outside of the polling station at Number 63 Village, Corentyne, while demanding that PPP votes be counted at the place of poll or a party agent be allowed to accompany the ballot ppc-observes-40th-anniversary-of-ballot-box-martyrs-the-sacrifices-of-the-martyrs-were-part-of-a-struggle-to-maintain-democracy-in-guyana-rohee&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="MIVA_LINK_1_0_0" name="MIVA_LINK_1_0_0" target="_blank">boxes to wherever the military personnel were taking them.

WREATH-LAYING CEREMONY A formal wreath-laying ceremony was held at the Number 65 cemetery and party members paid homage by the graves of the fallen comrades, which was followed by a road march to the memorial site at Number 63 Village, by PPP/C leaders, members and supporters on Tuesday. PPP/C Member of Parliament, Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo, who was in the gathering when the horrific event took place, urged the fair-sized crowd to hold onto the events of the past and learn the lessons of the dark days in the history of Guyana.

β€œCROOKED AS BARBED WIRE” He said: "These two young men gave their lives for what we take for granted. Comrades before 1992, whenever the polls close after voting, the ballot boxes were taken to Camp Ayanganna where magic happened and all the PPP votes were changed to PNC votes. Elections in Guyana were crooked as barbed wire." Mahadeo, also lamented that if the nation ignores the events of the past, it would be a grave injustice to the martyrs. "There were men, women and children there, simply exercising their fundamental rights. The soldiers came and did not aim at anyone, they just opened fire on the gathering, after Parmanand and Ramessar were shot, they made sure that they were dead before the bodies were taken to the Skeldon hospital," he recounted. The MP then castigated the opposition political parties for trying to hinder progress in Guyana while seeking to regain power. "All progressive things are being objected to because power is sweet and they want to get back into government. Comrades, we don't want our children to experience the horrors of the past; we want progress to ppc-observes-40th-anniversary-of-ballot-box-martyrs-the-sacrifices-of-the-martyrs-were-part-of-a-struggle-to-maintain-democracy-in-guyana-rohee&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="FALINK_1_0_0">continue," he declared. Executive Secretary of the PPP/C, Mr. Zulfikar Mustapha, in his ppc-observes-40th-anniversary-of-ballot-box-martyrs-the-sacrifices-of-the-martyrs-were-part-of-a-struggle-to-maintain-democracy-in-guyana-rohee&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="FALINK_3_0_2">address, encouraged the gathering to maintain their support for the ruling party and ignore the pleas of the opposition, who is seen as a threat to democracy. "We have taken the sacrifices of the martyrs for granted, to the extent where the naysayers and doomsayers are coming around and trying to fool our people, but comrades we must stand firm. The martyrs were in the prime of their lives and because they stood for their rights, they were killed by agents of the PNC," he lamented. Mustapha, then called on the PPP/C supporters to redouble their efforts and rededicate themselves to protect and advance their democracy. "We must not take democracy for granted because the dark forces are always striving to deny us of our fundamental rights," he stressed. Meanwhile, member of the Central and Executive Committee of the PPP/C, Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee in delivering stirring remarks to the gathering, spoke of the days when elections in Guyana were heavily rigged and the army was used as a weapon to oppress the nation in the interest of the People's National Congress (PNC). In paying tribute to the martyrs, Minister Rohee reflected on the events that led to their slaying. "There were there to defend their votes, they did not want their votes to be stolen. The comrades had no guns or pieces of wood in their hands, they had no weapon; all they did was to form a human barricade to prevent the ballot boxes from moving but then the army came to disperse the crowd by firing shots," he recalled. Rohee went on to say: "The PNC did their best not to hold free and fair elections in this country and even after Burnham died, Mr. Hoyte carried on with the same nonsense, until he was forced by the American Government and some CARICOM countries to hold a transparent election. He was threatened that if free and fair elections were not held, the PNC government would not get any foreign aid," he stated. The minister concluded his remarks by calling on the PPP/C supporters to acknowledge the sacrifices of the martyrs as part of a struggle to maintain democracy in Guyana. "They are the kind of heroes we must worship, they gave their lives so that today we can freely elect a government of our choice," he maintained.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Nehru should shut up

Make me !! Bring it on!!!

yuh need ah good bat in yuh head


Be critical or humorous. We can do without the threat of violence. That's only my opinion. God knows we live in a violent society.

shuddup you sissy boy

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Nehru should shut up

Make me !! Bring it on!!!

yuh need ah good bat in yuh head


Be critical or humorous. We can do without the threat of violence. That's only my opinion. God knows we live in a violent society.

shuddup you sissy boy

Ok, bugga boy.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Nehru should shut up

Make me !! Bring it on!!!

yuh need ah good bat in yuh head


Be critical or humorous. We can do without the threat of violence. That's only my opinion. God knows we live in a violent society.

shuddup you sissy boy

Ok, bugga boy.

Wait Ray does swing that way???

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

They are all thieves. They steal elections and monies. They took away the rights of many people. They killed many. PNC was the biggest election thief. The PPP is the biggest money thief. Satisfied? 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Nehru should shut up

Make me !! Bring it on!!!

Hmmm. The ways of a drunk! 

JB, are you analyzing members as drunks by the way they write? 

JB is one of them Batty Boy the Jamaicans does talk bout.


What's in your blood? Cheap rum or cheap whisky? 

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.


"We will never forget" so almost 40 years later you try to steal the elections.


At every stage Boodoo defied the formula

Posted By Staff Writer On July 17, 2013 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

On the Boodoo debacle, I have come to the conclusion that Peeping Tom and I will have to agree to disagree.  I remain firm in my knowledge that Mr Boodoo made no mistake, while Peeping Tom remains firm in his contention that it was a mistake.

Those positions answer his question: Why now? I observed that while GECOM was proceeding with its business of determining if there was a future for Boodoo with the Commission; the Peeping Toms were busy promoting Boodoo as a paragon of virtue and arguing the case for his reinstatement.  It was against that background of their knowledge of what was happening internally and what had been previously made public that they were pursuing that course of action. My intervention was intended to reiterate the known and to amplify it, given the revisionist campaign that was being waged.  That my intervention has gained the rapt attention of Peeping Tom, in particular, vindicates my decision.

In disagreeing with Peeping Tom, I make the following points:

1.  There were no miscalculations or mistakes.  There was a change in formula and the protocol for working out the allocation of seats.

The correct formula reads thus: the value of a seat is equivalent to the total number of valid votes cast divided by the total number of seats.

2.  The formula Mr Boodoo used was: the value of a top-up seat is equivalent to the total number of valid votes cast divided by the total number of top-up seats.

That is nothing but a reformulation of the formula.  How could the Chief Election Officer of three elections not know that he had to calculate the value of a seat, rather than the value of a top-up seat, and how to do that  calculation, which Peeping Tom rightly deemed to be so easy.

3.  Having recast the formula, he then proceeded to change the manner in which the total allocation of seats was determined.

Having to use a different method should have alerted him to the error, if there was one.  But since, for him, there was none he proceeded. Thus, instead of determining the value of a seat and the allocation of the seats by dividing each party’s number of votes attained by that value, he erroneously determined the allocation of top-up seats by dividing the total number of votes cast by the number of top-up seats. Top-up in itself means that which is allocated at the end to bring proportionality to the results.

This is a fundamental principle of our system.  Having done that he then added the top-up and the constituency seats and applied the HARE highest remains quota to those results.  At every stage he defied the formula and the manner in which it should be applied but Peeping Tom calls this a simple mistake, a substitution of one value for the other.  What about the substitution of one procedure for the other?

4.  Peeping Tom completely ignores the fact that none of these calculations were presented to the Commission.  What was presented was the spread sheet with the allocation of votes and declaration forms including that of the mangled result.  I repeat no document on how he arrived at the result was presented for the approval process.  The Commissioners were expected to exercise trust and rubber stamp his already signed declarations.  Mr Boodoo acted on the assumption of a fait accompli.  He did not present documents for approval.  He presented signed documents for ratification.  This was the point of cover-up.  There was nothing for checking, nothing to be sighted.

5.  When on the face of the declarations and the raw results, having reduced the raw figures to percentages, I questioned the results, not based on any known calculations, just based on the simple principle of proportionality, Mr Boodoo stood his ground.  He did not reflect and admit to an error.  It was through insistence; reference to the law; and forced recalculation that the mischief was undone.

6.  The system seemed not to have provided for the Commissioners, who according to Peeping Tom were responsible for determining the correctness of the calculations, to do, or check, any calculations, nor did it provide the material or tools for calculation.  I intuitively took my calculator, for the first time, to GECOM, on that occasion.

7.  As for Peeping Tom’s contention that any wrongdoing should have been dealt with in the wake of the results, he ignores the reality of GECOM’s configuration, and its decision-making processes, even as exemplified by the approximately four months incomplete process in relation to Boohoo’s future.

In closing, I agree that GECOM needs fixing, but it is like a cancer, the cancerous material has to be excised, even as the scientists battle with what are the causes.  That at least provides a lease on life as one hopes for the cause to be eventually determined.


Yours faithfully,
Vincent Alexander

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.

Oh so the PPP = money thieves + election thieves? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.

Oh so the PPP = money thieves + election thieves? 

Sorry JB. You are too young to know what happened in Guyana during the 60's and 70's.


Ok, now I get the to full picture. JB is a newbie, he settled in for two day, and now he's calling people drunks and the PPP thieves. Can we be angry with JB? Nehru, do you angry with JB? I am not angry at him. He has his rights to speak as well. The PPP is not the only voice you agree with me? However, I am waiting to see if he will tell me off as well. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.

Oh so the PPP = money thieves + election thieves? 

Sorry JB. You are too young to know what happened in Guyana during the 60's and 70's.


We do not care. We now have enough evidence to work with. The verdict is out. 2016 is a defining year. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.

Oh so the PPP = money thieves + election thieves? 

Sorry JB. You are too young to know what happened in Guyana during the 60's and 70's.


We do not care. We now have enough evidence to work with. The verdict is out. 2016 is a defining year. 

I agree. The PPP/C will win again. Keep your fingers crossed my friend. If the PNC/AFC wins, Guyana will be the poorest nation in the western hemisphere again.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.

Oh so the PPP = money thieves + election thieves? 

Sorry JB. You are too young to know what happened in Guyana during the 60's and 70's.


We do not care. We now have enough evidence to work with. The verdict is out. 2016 is a defining year. 

I agree. The PPP/C will win again. Keep your fingers crossed my friend. If the PNC/AFC wins, Guyana will be the poorest nation in the western hemisphere again.

Last time I check, Guyana is the poorest nation after Haiti in the western hemisphere...crime is at an all time worst than PNC time...corruption also running amok beyond the PNC we won't miss the PPP, we don't have nuttin to lose...How can you say you lose a million bucks when you never had it in the first place..

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.

Oh so the PPP = money thieves + election thieves? 

Sorry JB. You are too young to know what happened in Guyana during the 60's and 70's.


We do not care. We now have enough evidence to work with. The verdict is out. 2016 is a defining year. 

I agree. The PPP/C will win again. Keep your fingers crossed my friend. If the PNC/AFC wins, Guyana will be the poorest nation in the western hemisphere again.

Last time I check, Guyana is the poorest nation after Haiti in the western hemisphere...crime is at an all time worst than PNC time...corruption also running amok beyond the PNC we won't miss the PPP, we don't have nuttin to lose...How can you say you lose a million bucks when you never had it in the first place..

Lil schooling fuh dis Lil IDIOT will go a long way.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.

Oh so the PPP = money thieves + election thieves? 

Sorry JB. You are too young to know what happened in Guyana during the 60's and 70's.


We do not care. We now have enough evidence to work with. The verdict is out. 2016 is a defining year. 

I agree. The PPP/C will win again. Keep your fingers crossed my friend. If the PNC/AFC wins, Guyana will be the poorest nation in the western hemisphere again.

Last time I check, Guyana is the poorest nation after Haiti in the western hemisphere...crime is at an all time worst than PNC time...corruption also running amok beyond the PNC we won't miss the PPP, we don't have nuttin to lose...How can you say you lose a million bucks when you never had it in the first place..

Lil schooling fuh dis Lil IDIOT will go a long way.

Nehru, who is JB? He seems to know you. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Nehru should shut up

Make me !! Bring it on!!!

yuh need ah good bat in yuh head


Be critical or humorous. We can do without the threat of violence. That's only my opinion. God knows we live in a violent society.

Skeldon Babu....there is this thing called metaphor - figure of speech

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by JB:

Young people like me have to consider the grand theft of today against the histories. We plan to boot out the thieves. 


Which thieves are you referring to ?...those in the leadership of the PPP or the PNC ?

Young people today have less morals and ethics than their foreparents .

They are short term oriented and full of get rich quick schemes

Not the young people I speak to. It is now common knowledge that the PPP is the most thieving political party ever. It is common knowledge. They will now act. You evil old timers can't fool us anymore.  

The old timers will not hold it against you for your ignorance of the history of Guyana. The worst theft is that of ballot boxes.

Oh so the PPP = money thieves + election thieves? 

Sorry JB. You are too young to know what happened in Guyana during the 60's and 70's.

Stop living in the past Skeldon banna that shyte doan work with the young ones who will be taking over the reins, they care for the now and the future.

Yes, the PNC totally messed up Guyana but now it's the PPP doing the same, so what you guys are doing is blaming the PNC for what happened in the past while turning a blind eye to the PPP Govt who is now screwing the poor people.


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