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Campaign co-manager of the APNU+AFC Coalition Joseph Harmon today said the government will continue to stand firm in the face of all attempts by forces to violate Guyana’s rule of law.

 “We will not bend,” Harmon said this morning during a press conference where he addressed the ongoing attempts to prevent His Excellency President David Granger from being declared the winner of the March 2 elections, despite the polls showing so.

 Harmon’s pronouncement also comes on the heel of a statement from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday announcing visa restrictions for persons he said are undermining democracy in Guyana.   

But the Coalition’s leader said everyone is aware that there has been no declaration made by the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). 



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They will not only bend, they will drop on their knees and ask for mercy. Guyanese are a patient and forgiving people. They will never forget what this rigging cabal has done to them. Their political future is over. The PNC will have to reorganize and bring in democratic leadership. Failure to do so would result in their membership joining other democratic parties.

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:

They will not only bend, they will drop on their knees and ask for mercy. Guyanese are a patient and forgiving people. They will never forget what this rigging cabal has done to them. Their political future is over. The PNC will have to reorganize and bring in democratic leadership. Failure to do so would result in their membership joining other democratic parties.

Long Live Democracy.

Indo Guyanese instead of Guyanese.


Grangerites-Harmonites won't have to bend at all.

POLITICALLY they will simply be moved from a vertical to a horizontal position. Thanks to global gravitational and magnetic forces.


@BGMANRochelleNew Member

“We Will NOT Bend”- Comrade Joseph Harmon

“We will not bend,” Harmon said this morning during a press conference where he addressed the ongoing attempts to prevent His Excellency President David Granger from being declared the winner of the March 2 elections, despite the polls showing so.


@BGMAN posted:

They will not only bend, they will drop on their knees and ask for mercy.

Guyanese are a patient and forgiving people. They will never forget what this rigging cabal has done to them.

Long Live Democracy.

Perhaps, they will be on their hands and knees crawling about and seeking forgiveness plus assistance for their existence. 


What we are witnessing is the end of the PNC as they continue to self destruct. Not one country or international organization is on their side. Thus is worse than desperation. This is insanity.

 The 2025 election will see the rise of some small party stalwarts who will put the final nail on the PNC coffin.

Bibi Haniffa

What we are witnessing is the end of the PNC as they continue to self destruct. Not one country or international organization is on their side. Thus is worse than desperation. This is insanity.

 The 2025 election will see the rise of some small party stalwarts who will put the final nail on the PNC coffin.

The people of Guyana are worn out electorates, they are tired of the Bull Crap. The next election will be the rise of the Joinder party, a collection of new, young politicians. PPP will have to shine or can also be history.

 APNU/AFC/PNC will be history after this election saga, many will leave politics due to disgrace and shame.  Now is small pain for long term gain.

 Politics is changing along with the ethnic landscape.


Granger, Basil, Harmon and Volda may end up being dragged like stray dogs in the streets. What you gonna do when Uncle Sam comes for you ?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Granger, Basil, Harmon and Volda may end up being dragged like stray dogs in the streets. What you gonna do when Uncle Sam comes for you ?

That is not going to happen.  There is a better chance of Sir Gilly going to Senegal to meet his relatives than Black Guyanese dragging those bunch through the streets because Indo Guyanese are not going to do it period.


Harmon believes defiance is the only way in the face of visa revocation and sanctions on its way. Harmon cannot afford to give in while the declaration is stopped and the Court's remedy is awaiting. They may go with a band or stay with a bang, but any government officials who want to stand up the big powers should think twice.  

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Visa sanctions doesn't affect Granger or Harmon as they are US citizens. But they may have other forms of sanctionable properties which they should be concerned about.

US citizens u say? That can be revoked, especially since they were not born in the US.  America can hurt u in so many ways. Pity those 2 fools don't realize this.

Never knew the had US citizenship. U sure about this?

@Sheik101 posted:

US citizens u say? That can be revoked, especially since they were not born in the US.  America can hurt u in so many ways. Pity those 2 fools don't realize this.

Never knew the had US citizenship. U sure about this?

Their paid lobbying firm LL Bean Co., sorry, I meant JJ&B LLC declared to the US government that they are. I don't think JJ&B LLC will risk their freedom of property for Granger and/or Harmon. Not even for the 40k that they supposedly got paid.

It is accurate that Naturalized Citizens can have their citizenship revoked. Heck, US born Janet Rosenberg Jagan had her US Citizenship revoked.


Rochelle who is this person standing next to Harmon?


See the lady's butt? There's a reason Harmon is staying close to the lady. She is hiding Harmon's stolen $5 mil(USD) strapped to her behind.


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