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Originally posted by marlon:

Malvinas belong to Argentina.

We should never support thos British bastards. Guyanese fought against colonialism, why should we support it now.

Those Limeys should do the right thing and give the Malvinas to the rightful owners, Argentina
Well, Wally is a masochist who is nostalgic for his white master's whip.
A bit more facts would not be amiss in this sort of misinformation campaign.
The fact is that the Falklands have never been a part of Argentina at any time during tha last 2000 years. No evidence exists that prior to the invasion of Argentina by Spain any Indians from Argentinian descent ever lived on the islands. The claims on the islands are being made by Spanish descendants. Neither is it a British colony, and neither are they part of the Commonwealth. The inhabitants of the islands have asked to remain a British dependency. The islands are not in Argentinians territorial waters or on the Argentinian continental shelf.

Of course, should the UK wish to launch a nuclear attack on those Argentinians if they decide to try to invade the islands again, I shall fully support such a move.
David Cameron Can't Hide the History of British Colonialism
January 20, 2012 â€Ē 9:23AM

Were there a patriotic President in the White House, the escalating provocations of British Prime Minister David Cameron against Argentina, and Foreign Secretary William Hague's equally provocative followup trip to Brazil would have been met with the appropriate invocation of the Monroe Doctrine and reminder that the United States isn't "a cockboat in the wake of a British man-of-war," as John Quincy Adams put it.

Instead, Barack Obama sits in the Oval Office and the British run the show, boasting they are prepared to send their rapid deployment force into the Malvinas if need be. Will the American people find the guts to kick him out, and replace him with a patriot?

In Brazil, after announcing on Jan. 18 that the Empire "is back," Hague told his hosts that they will soon have the honor of receiving 27-year-old Prince Harry, who will be visiting March 9-11 to help promote British tourism in Brazil and celebrate the Queen's Jubilee year—as if this were something Brazilians need to celebrate! On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the 1982 Malvinas War, this is wildly provocative, as Harry's visit will overlap his brother William's six-week deployment to the Malvinas, as an RAF searh-and-rescue helicopter pilot.

While the U.S. government does nothing to counter this imperial offensive, the rest of Ibero-America is responding with energetic support of Argentina—echoes of the continental upsurge of 1982—while President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's government responds with a firm assertion of the historical reality of British colonialism. Foreign Minister Hector Timerman said today that the best response to David Cameron's insane charge that Argentina is "colonialist," is "to send him a history book as a gift. Cameron didn't read any of the British history books. It makes no sense that the country that was the symbol of colonialism in the 17th, 18th, 19th and even the 20th century, would accuse a country that has been the victim of that colonialism. People are laughing at this." Timerman added that not even the British media support Cameron on this issue. His only option now, is to enter "into direct negotiations with Argentina."

Of the many Ibero-American statements of support for Argentina's claim to sovereignty over the Malvinas, Brazil's response is significant, given the Empire's intentions to secure it as a key strategic asset in the region. In the joint 18 press conference held by Hague and Brazil's Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota, it appears there was no mention of Iran or Syria, two issues that were high on Hague's agenda. As for the Malvinas, Patriota pointedly stated that "Hague knows that Brazil, Unasur, and, I would say, the whole Latin American community and the Caribbean... support Argentina's sovereignty over the Malvinas, and we support the UN resolutions which urge the British and Argentine governments to dialogue on this issue." In response, Hague could only sputter words about "self-determination of the people of the Falkland Islands."
Originally posted by Lucas:
Originally posted by marlon:

Malvinas belong to Argentina.

We should never support thos British bastards. Guyanese fought against colonialism, why should we support it now.

Those Limeys should do the right thing and give the Malvinas to the rightful owners, Argentina
Well, Wally is a masochist who is nostalgic for his white master's whip.

Lucas, that is a hard one on me there bai.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
A bit more facts would not be amiss in this sort of misinformation campaign.
The fact is that the Falklands have never been a part of Argentina at any time during tha last 2000 years. No evidence exists that prior to the invasion of Argentina by Spain any Indians from Argentinian descent ever lived on the islands. The claims on the islands are being made by Spanish descendants. Neither is it a British colony, and neither are they part of the Commonwealth. The inhabitants of the islands have asked to remain a British dependency. The islands are not in Argentinians territorial waters or on the Argentinian continental shelf.

Of course, should the UK wish to launch a nuclear attack on those Argentinians if they decide to try to invade the islands again, I shall fully support such a move.

Please let them know this.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Lucas:
...they are actually talking about Falckland (Malvinas).
On what grounds do the own these islands? Merely saying so does not make it so. They have no more right as colonizers than the British.

Spain was the first European colonizers. In the absence of the Native ppl, then Argentina should be the occupiers.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Lucas:
...they are actually talking about Falckland (Malvinas).
On what grounds do the own these islands? Merely saying so does not make it so. They have no more right as colonizers than the British.

Spain was the first European colonizers. In the absence of the Native ppl, then Argentina should be the occupiers.
Britain has continuously colonized that place since the early 1800's It is not geographically a part of South America.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Lucas:
...they are actually talking about Falckland (Malvinas).
On what grounds do the own these islands? Merely saying so does not make it so. They have no more right as colonizers than the British.

Spain was the first European colonizers. In the absence of the Native ppl, then Argentina should be the occupiers.
Britain has continuously colonized that place since the early 1800's It is not geographically a part of South America.

Pope Alexander Papal Bulls gave them(Spain and Portugal) the right to own their discoveries as per the meridian line drawn around the known globe at the time.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by D2:
Britain has continuously colonized that place since the early 1800's It is not geographically a part of South America.

Yes, a quick look at map will reveal that these islands are located right in the English Channel, between Jersey and Guernsey.
I guess those Argentinians who only a few years ago denied the existence of native peoples are original inhabitants of the place as well. Get real. The Spanish and the British are colonialists and their present there is because they considered tierra null and planted their flags. The British happened to plant their flag there first. I do not see the Venezuelans trying to appropriate all of the alphabet isles!
Originally posted by seignet:
Pope Alexander Papal Bulls gave them(Spain and Portugal) the right to own their discoveries as per the meridian line drawn around the known globe at the time.

Thats is the Pope's business. Those who live in teh Flklands dont want Argentina. Dont these people have a right to determine who rules them?
Originally posted by Henry:

Yes, a quick look at map will reveal that these islands are located right in the English Channel, between Jersey and Guernsey.

A quick look will reveal that Guyana lies next to Venezuela, who does claim 2/3 of our territory.

Do you suggest that they march in and snatch it even though few Guyanese will favor this? No because Guyanese have a right to determine who rules them.

So why do you suggest that Falklanders accept Argentine colonial rule, even though they consider themselves to be British?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Henry:

Yes, a quick look at map will reveal that these islands are located right in the English Channel, between Jersey and Guernsey.

A quick look will reveal that Guyana lies next to Venezuela, who does claim 2/3 of our territory.

Do you suggest that they march in and snatch it even though few Guyanese will favor this? No because Guyanese have a right to determine who rules them.

So why do you suggest that Falklanders accept Argentine colonial rule, even though they consider themselves to be British?
Let's be honest, Essequibo is how uneducated English pirates spelled Esquivel, the original name of the river as given by the Venezuelans. That alone tells me they were here first and when pirates heard the name from the locals they couldn't spell it right.

Now, Having said that, Chavez is not exactly claiming this region, but Venezuela's opposition does, and that's one of Chavez weakest points.

The British and Americans can steer the opposition to Chavez to overthrow him by claiming that Chavez is surrendering the Essequibo to Guyana. The Brits and the Yanks are more interested in Venezuela's oil than in Guyana's integrity.
Originally posted by Lucas:
Let's be honest, Essequibo is how uneducated English pirates spelled Esquivel, the original name of the river as given by the Venezuelans. That alone tells me they were here first and when pirates heard the name from the locals they couldn't spell it right.

Now, Having said that, Chavez is not exactly claiming this region, but Venezuela's opposition does, and that's one of Chavez weakest points.

The British and Americans can steer the opposition to Chavez to overthrow him by claiming that Chavez is surrendering the Essequibo to Guyana. The Brits and the Yanks are more interested in Venezuela's oil than in Guyana's integrity.

Its amazing that you claim to support Amerindian rights and yet so ardently champion the Spanish and Portuguese colonials who slaughtered them.

Chavez can tell the world that Venzuela has renounced all claims to Guyana. he has yet to do so, and in fact in times past was aggressive in demanding the invasion of GUyana.

Who cares whether one brand of savage colonists were able to spell the names of another band of savage colonials. Its the CURRENT inhabitants who matter.

NO Guyanese do NOt want rule by Venezuela.

NO Falklanders do NOt want rule by Argentina.

You ought to respect the rights of people to determine who rules them.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
Let's be honest, Essequibo is how uneducated English pirates spelled Esquivel, the original name of the river as given by the Venezuelans. That alone tells me they were here first and when pirates heard the name from the locals they couldn't spell it right.

Now, Having said that, Chavez is not exactly claiming this region, but Venezuela's opposition does, and that's one of Chavez weakest points.

The British and Americans can steer the opposition to Chavez to overthrow him by claiming that Chavez is surrendering the Essequibo to Guyana. The Brits and the Yanks are more interested in Venezuela's oil than in Guyana's integrity.

Its amazing that you claim to support Amerindian rights and yet so ardently champion the Spanish and Portuguese colonials who slaughtered them.

Chavez can tell the world that Venzuela has renounced all claims to Guyana. he has yet to do so, and in fact in times past was aggressive in demanding the invasion of GUyana.

Who cares whether one brand of savage colonists were able to spell the names of another band of savage colonials. Its the CURRENT inhabitants who matter.

NO Guyanese do NOt want rule by Venezuela.

NO Falklanders do NOt want rule by Argentina.

You ought to respect the rights of people to determine who rules them.
I'd bet you are talking about the US, a nation that slaughtered 500 nations of Amerindians to take their land and sell it to millions of immigrants from Europe.

If you look carefully at the demographics of Latin Nations you get that 30 million Mexicans are pure Amerindians (Mayan and Aztec); Guatemala, Honduras are mostly Amerindian Nations. In South America, Bolivia is an Amerindian Nation that elected an Amerindian president; Most of the Amerindian languages of Bolivia are official languages with Aymara being the most important of them. In Peru, 50% of the population are Inca and Kechwa or Quechua is co-official language that some politicians use for speeches at the parliament. Paraguay also has Guarani as official language. Ecuador also has significant Amerindian populations. Now, Venezuela and Colombia are known because the majority of their population are of mixed ancestry between Amerindian and Spanish. There was not extermination but interbreeding. Brazilians are an interbred of Amerindian, African and Portuguese.

Now tell me how many Amerindian languages and people remain in the USA?

Again, Caribj, now I am absolutely sure that you are white, work for CIA and your job is to spread racist pro-American and pro-British propaganda on the internet.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by seignet:
Pope Alexander Papal Bulls gave them(Spain and Portugal) the right to own their discoveries as per the meridian line drawn around the known globe at the time.

Thats is the Pope's business. Those who live in teh Flklands dont want Argentina. Dont these people have a right to determine who rules them?

If the Amerinds of guyana want to be ruled by venezuela, would you deny them their rights??
Originally posted by Lucas:
I'd bet you are talking about the US, a nation that slaughtered 500 nations of Amerindians to take their land and sell it to millions of immigrants from Europe.


Why dont you go and look for the thriving Arawak/Taino civilization still existing in Cuba and the Dom Rep.

Oh cant find them? Well The Spanish began to kill off the Amerindians and subsequent European colonists learnt from them.

And by the way we do have Native American communities in the USA.

As to Bolivia........just the other day they were classified as fact up to the 1970s Indians were not considered humans in Guatemala. Peru. I once saw a movie made by a Peruvian where a white man drove over an Indian, stopped to see what he did, saw it was an Indian and drove on....its like he just killed a dog. In fact as badly off as blacks are in Peru they are much more highly regarded than the "pure" Indio.

The more you babble about the "pure" Amerindian of Latin America the more you expose how they have been abused, and how they still continue to be abused.

Now tell us how many "pure" Amerindians you see on those infamous Mexican soaps. Its only the other day they began to show light skinned mestizos in decent roles.
Lucas why dont you state on what grounds is the Falk lands Argentine.

1. Did they settle there. NO!

2. Is the population Spanish speakers colonised by the British. NO!

3. Did teh British evict the Argentines. NO!

If there was no oil around teh falklands Argentina would consider them a windswept waste populated by Scottish shepherds of no interest or usefulness to the planet.
Originally posted by caribj:
Lucas why dont you state on what grounds is the Falk lands Argentine.

1. Did they settle there. NO!

2. Is the population Spanish speakers colonised by the British. NO!

3. Did teh British evict the Argentines. NO!

If there was no oil around teh falklands Argentina would consider them a windswept waste populated by Scottish shepherds of no interest or usefulness to the planet.

Malvinas was originally settled by Argentinians. At the end of the 19 century the American boats removed the Argentinian population from the Islands, took them to Buenos Aires and gave the islands to the British. Since then the Argentinians have claimed the islands back. Most people living in Malvinas are actually British born. The Island was repopulated by Britain when the Argentinians claims intensified.

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