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Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Gmoney and he bais paint up de road fuh spoil Jagdeo appreciation day. hahahhahah

I think I see him in the crowd sporting black face and dreadlocks. ahahhahah

Nah i pass he sharing fliers on di road alone. People chasing he. Da boi is a real dog eh?

Dem bigger dags get paid with taxpaters money at the OP.

Like dem do to ex PNC members in Berbice, when the PPP is no longer an item to cover your ass, you will also be remembered to be kicked to the curb.
Every dag got dem day and you know how stray dags are treated in Guyana.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by Tola:

Every dag got dem day and you know how stray dags are treated in Guyana.

Tributes are pouring in from all parts of the Caribbean and North America for Jagdeo boi. Dem ppl a proppa praise di man

Take a head count from the people in region 6, who are struggling daily to feed their families.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by Tola:

Take a head count from the people in region 6, who are struggling daily to feed their families.

Can't fault the government if your relatives lazy


Beaten, broken and battered fishermen afraid to return to sea - Gov't not listening.
September 16, 2011 | By KNews.

Fishermen are crying out for help, especially those attached to the No 66 port complex as piracy return to the fishing industry with avengeance. The latest attack occurred between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, where over 35 fishermen who were plying their trade, in seven boats, were attacked in the Corentyne River, in the vicinity of Caronie and Copenaam by a group of pirates.
The fishermen are so traumatized that they are afraid to speak to the media or show their faces. They do not want their names to be mentioned or even the names of their boats.

The latest attack is said to be the fifteenth in the past month, occurring in both Suriname and Guyana waters.
Some six boats from the Upper Corentyne Fishermen’s Coop Society and two from the Rosignol Fishermen’s Co-operative Society were hijacked on the Suriname side of the Corentyne River in an area called ‘Shell’. The men were badly beaten as the pirates carted away all of the day’s catch as well as fish glue. The pirates did not take any engine this time, but disconnected the engine leads from several of the boats.
One fisherman who was one of those badly beaten, speaking on anonymity stated that it was dark and the men came up suddenly, they brandished cutlasses and asked for the captain. When the captain was identified, he was immediately beaten. The engine was disengaged and the lead thrown away after which the fish and Fish Glue were taken.
The captain was then taken with the pirates in their boat to rob other boats. After awhile the pirates left the men they had taken with them – all captains – in one boat, to drift, as they made their escape. After the brutal attack, the victims used their skills to get to shore on the Guyana side and report the incident. They also collected spare leads and other spare parts and headed back to sea to rescue their stranded colleagues.
The men were badly beaten with cutlasses, iron, pieces of wood and other implements. One of the men it is suspected to have suffered a broken leg and arm.
The fishermen decried the tardy treatment they received at the Skeldon hospital. They claim that they were asked to sit on a table outside the hospital for a long time and did not get any treatment. They said that it was not until the media showed up that a doctor

made an effort to treat them. One of the men who was at the Fish Shore Complex yesterday displayed his bruised and battered back to the media. He was so afraid that he did not want the camera to focus on his face. He also complained of the treatment he received at the hospital.
On Thursday more than half of the boats were parked at the Fish Shore Complex and the fishermen expressed fear for their lives. They stated that the Government is only offering ‘lip service’ and doesn’t care about their welfare.
“We employ over 1000 workers at this complex and the fishing industry takes care of over 10,000 persons and this government shows scant regards for us,” one fisherman said.
The fishermen stated that some of their own are suspected to be involved, taking into account the modus operandi of the latest set of attacks.
“We need guns, we need communication equipment, but we are not getting anything. We are crying out for help to the heavens, because the government is not listening to our cry and plea. Imagine five fishermen are missing and are presumed dead and we have not received anything from the government, no assurance, nothing.”
The angry fishermen told the media, “The ministers came and just talk and talk and left. They did not even come here and keep a meeting at the complex, how shameful”.
“The Government is only interested in votes and collecting revenue. They are really taking us for a ride. The Guyana Government only keeps saying that they cannot do anything because most of the attacks occur in Suriname water, but they can come together with the Surinamese authorities and work out something tangible,” one of the men said.
He queried why the Surinamese fishermen not suffering like “us”. One fisherman stated that all that the government is doing is making excuses. He said that his boat was hijacked in Guyana waters and nothing was done. “Why can’t the Coast Guard patrol the Guyana waters?”
He stated that he has two boats and both are onshore because the fishermen are afraid to go out again. “We are losing badly.”
“This thing is terrible but what we can do? Some of us have to go back to sea, because it is the only thing we know. The whole industry is going down; this will impact the fisher folks and the business because the workmen are willing but their families are afraid to let their sons and husbands go out there. The Guyana Police have been informed, but nothing comes out of these matters.”
One fisherman who lost his boat during a previous attack showed the media the motto which reads: “We risk our lives to feed the nation with protein”, and said it should be changed to “We sacrifice our lives to feed the nation”.
Only last month, five fishermen who made up the crew of the Reshma disappeared and have not been accounted for to date. Only an empty boat was found. Those missing and presumed dead are boat captain Khemraj Dhanpat, 42, called Manohar or Rajin a father of four, of No 64 village; his brother Narine Dhanpat, 38, called ‘Shrimp’ a father of two, also of No. 64; Clifford Singh, 28, a father of one of No 62 village; Ouditnarine Ramnarine, 37, of No 64 and Suresh Martin, 34, a father of two. That boat is owner by Gajadar Bishnauth, called Lakeram of No. 64 village.
Well I told GR not to test his popularity against

1. drama with displays by the GDF, etc.

2. Hits and Jam.

3. Early day off.

Jagdeo learnt well from his mentor Forbes Burnham. You cant separate Guyanese from excitement and a party. We are an apolitical people.

Now the true test would have been long and boring speeches from Luncheon, Sam Hinds, Ramotar and Jagdeo and no music. But then one can argue as to who was teh attraction Jagdeo or Hits and Jam. Losing argument as each will argue base don their agenda.

GR would have been better spent trying to get folks in South Gtwn to listen to the AFC rather than boycotting them as they did a few nights ago.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
[I say to you Caribj, dont get overly excited. Ok, have to go now, be back later.

So while we speak thousands of black people are probably partying to Hits and jams. Tomorrow the PPP will use this to show strong cross ethnic appeal. You will have a few score with black armbands.

And even MORE people will become convinced that teh AFC had a good run of it but its days are close at hand.

Jagdeo outwits you all the time.

Caribj, you know better than me how LFSB would hold big rallyes stuffed with sections of Indians and other races and posted pics of his almighty. We also just saw Gadhafi did the same. Crowds coralled into situations of reluctant obedience abound. You should not let this cloud your better judgement.
Chaps if the AFC dying then i dont know what dem gonna seh when dem see how people walking away from Robert and Priya snd the rest of our PPP comrades in berbice.

We need to take the AFC seriously and counter them in a back to basics fundamental way.

We are losing supporters because we continue to lie to the people daily this must stop.

People are much smarter than we give them credit for in Guyana, a lot of these gimmicks are gonna back fire on us.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by raymond:
29 tonnes of free materials

Roger Khan
Ed Ahmed

They are both in jail, and the material issue is dead.

How so?

Just because you and your comrade leader Jagdeo wish it to be so . . .?

Just make sure your hands are clean . . . Ed Ahmad will have plenty company IN JAIL
Imagine dead people giving y'all a hard time. I mean you don't have anything else to do? Like helping the poor, repaving the roads, repaving the roads, repaving the roads, repaving the same roads. Did I repeat that several times? Oh well, that's how road work is in Guyana. You have to repave the same road, over and over and...
Originally posted by albert:
Gerhard continues to fight the truth....which is the A.F.C is dead....
Originally posted by baseman:
Caribj, you know better than me how LFSB would hold big rallyes stuffed with sections of Indians and other races and posted pics of his almighty. We also just saw Gadhafi did the same. Crowds coralled into situations of reluctant obedience abound. You should not let this cloud your better judgement.

This time is different, the pPP don't hold that kind of power that the PNC had to force people and school children to attend mass events. The people genuinely like Jagdeo and that is why they show up.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:
Caribj, you know better than me how LFSB would hold big rallyes stuffed with sections of Indians and other races and posted pics of his almighty. We also just saw Gadhafi did the same. Crowds coralled into situations of reluctant obedience abound. You should not let this cloud your better judgement.

This time is different, the pPP don't hold that kind of power that the PNC had to force people and school children to attend mass events. The people genuinely like Jagdeo and that is why they show up.

Really, I know many business guys and other officials not wanting to talk anything anti-PPP over fixed line as they are worried about wire-tap and retribution. Times and means may be different, but fear is the same.

But I would agree with you, BJ does have a certain following.
Originally posted by baseman:

Really, I know many business guys and other officials not wanting to talk anything anti-PPP over fixed line as they are worried about wire-tap and retribution. Times and means may be different, but fear is the same.

But I would agree with you, BJ does have a certain following.

I am not aware that govt is engaged in wire tapping without a court order. If this is the case then you ought to urge your associates at Kaiteur to bring this to the awareness of the people. Despite their blunders at times, I believe the newspapers serve a vital function in exposing corruption and illegal acts.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:

Really, I know many business guys and other officials not wanting to talk anything anti-PPP over fixed line as they are worried about wire-tap and retribution. Times and means may be different, but fear is the same.

But I would agree with you, BJ does have a certain following.

I am not aware that govt is engaged in wire tapping without a court order. If this is the case then you ought to urge your associates at Kaiteur to bring this to the awareness of the people. Despite their blunders at times, I believe the newspapers serve a vital function in exposing corruption and illegal acts.

True, I am telling you the fears conveyed. Sometimes perception is as powerful as reality. It's a reflection of fear and a state of confidence. The GoG uses the GRA as it's instrument of torture against any political non-conforming businesman.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
Really, I know many business guys and other officials not wanting to talk anything anti-PPP over fixed line as they are worried about wire-tap and retribution . . .

THAT is a fact.

This is a big problem in Guyana we in the PPP need to stop with this kind of nonsense it hurts us more in the long run.

Pettiness hurts us much more than it gets us anything.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
This time is different, the pPP don't hold that kind of power that the PNC had to force people and school children to attend mass events. The people genuinely like Jagdeo and that is why they show up.

What kind of power does the PPP lack that the PNC had? We see GDF goons and policemen harrassing opposition supporters. The PPP has almost full control of the media. What they control, plus stations owned by their lackeys.

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