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Webb banned for life, fined a million francs

Sep 10, 2016, Sports, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ed-a-million-francs/

ZURICH, Switzerland, CMC-Former CONCACAF president Jeffrey Webb has been slapped with a one million Swiss francs dollar fine and banned for life from all football related activities.

Jeffrey Webb banned for life from football.

Jeffrey Webb banned for life from football.

The adjudicatory chamber of FIFA’s Ethics Committee made the announcement on Friday saying Webb, also a former FIFA vice president, has been found guilty of accepting bribes among other violations.

Webb has been found in violation of five articles in FIFA’s Code of Ethics namely rules of conduct, loyalty, duty of disclosure, cooperation and reporting conflicts of interest and bribery and corruption.

The investigation started in May 2015, and gathered momentum after

Webb pleaded guilty in U.S. federal court in November to one count of racketeering conspiracy, three counts of wire fraud conspiracy, and three counts of money laundering conspiracy.

Webb, 51, who also served as president of the Cayman Islands Football Association, has been barred for life from participating in any football-related activity at both the club and international level.

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