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November 17 ,2020


Dear Editor,

The GHRA has been contacted by several irritated people requesting that we respond to Mr. Ralph Ramkarran’s Con-versation Tree column in SN 11/15 on the Argentine Forensic Team. While we do not normally respond to condescending pieces, we feel compelled to make an exception in this case. 

Most of the column consists of laborious quotes culled from various US websites making academic claims between whether forensic anthropologists are scientists or not. The column culminates in a demand that “the promoters of the (EAAF) team’s visit ought to explain to the Guyanese public what exactly the forensic anthropologist and the forensic pathologist would achieve.”

While the Column describes the team’s history, conspicuously absent are any quotes from the EAAF’s own web-site ( which could provide ‘the Guya-nese public’ with ‘exactly’ the technical details Mr. Ramkarran reckons they need.

Mr. Ramkarran‘s demand is premised on “the fact that the Minister of Home Affairs has explicitly rejected the EAAF”. In the interest of ‘exactitude’, the Minister has not issued any such public statement. His reported response in the media was to the effect that normally Guyana works with the US, Canada and UK in matters of this nature.

The GPF reason for wanting the EAAF is to assist them in their investigation.  Without casting any aspersions on the competence of the GPF, the GHRA’s additional reason is hopefully to provide a version of the truth acceptable to a wide cross-section of Guyanese in the interest of laying the issue to rest. The Govern-ment being prepared to assist in bringing the Team would redound to its credit for having gone the extra mile.

Mr. Ramkarran makes much of the RSS Report which makes complimentary remarks about local police efforts, without offering them much else by way of investigational assistance, judging by the resort to a $3m reward shortly after receipt of the Report. To date, the reward has led to the arrests of seven or so people, largely of elements known locally to be involved in ganja growing in the backdam.

While you could probably find a Guyanese or two who care whether forensic anthropology is  a science, there would be many more wondering what Mr. Ramkarran’s real problem is with bringing this team to Guyana.

Yours faithfully,

Mike McCormack

Guyana Human Rights Association

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The Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team


Earlier this month, it was recommended by Mr. Nigel Hughes, the lawyer representing Joel Henry, Isaiah Henry and Haresh Singh, three teenagers who were brutally murdered and two of whose bodies were found on 6 September at No. 3 Village, Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice, that an organization known as the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (Equipo Argentino de Anthropologio Forensica – EAAF), a non-profit organization, be invited to Guyana to assist in the investigation. The team would include a forensic anthropologist, two forensic pathologists and a “criminalist.” The cost would be $7 million. The Government has shown reluctance. The Guyana Human Rights Association has launched a fundraising drive. In the absence of cooperation from the Government, and presumably the Police Force, it is not known how the work of the EAAF will be facilitated.

The EAAF emerged out of the “Dirty War” in Argentina between 1973 and 1983 when Argentina was under military rule and 30,000 persons were ‘disappeared.” After the struggle of the “Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo” gained prominence and scientific investigations commenced, the EAAF was established to expand the work of identifying the discoveries in mass graves. The application of scientific investigative methods, including the collection of evidence and the study of documents and genetic investigation based on DNA testing were developed and applied. The EAAF has since gained worldwide fame and assists in many difficult cases, particularly where the identifying of remains is the issue.

Forensic Anthropology is defined and explained as “a special sub-field of physical anthropology (the study of human remains) that involves applying skeletal analysis and techniques to solving crime. When human remains or a suspected burial are found, forensic anthropologists gather information from the bone to determine who died and how and when they died. Forensic anthropologists specialize in analyzing bones. With their training in archeology, they are also knowledgeable about excavating buried remains and meticulously recording the evidence.” (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History).

Another source, the University of Tennessee Forensic Anthropology Center, confirms the above. In its explanation of “What is Forensic Anthropology,” it says that forensic anthropologists are commonly portrayed in the media as forensic scientists and/or crime scene technicians. This, of course, is not the case, it emphasises. Essentially, they examine human skeletal remains for law enforcement agencies to help with the recovery of human remains, determine the identity of unidentified human remains, interpret trauma, and estimate time since death.

The publication explains that physical anthropologists have developed methods to evaluate bones to understand people who lived in the past. Issues to be resolved may include gender, age, height and general health. Forensic anthropologists apply the methods developed by physical anthropologists to assist law enforcement by determining sex, age, ancestry, height, length of time since death and the evaluation of the trauma observed on the bones.

The team from EAAF proposes to include a forensic pathologist. This skill is a subspecialty of pathology whose area of competence is the examination of persons who die suddenly, unexpectedly or violently in order to determine the manner and cause of death. The forensic pathologist is specially trained: to perform autopsies to determine the presence or absence of disease, injury or poisoning; to evaluate historical and law-enforcement investigative information relating to manner of death; to collect medical evidence such as trace evidence and secretions, to document sexual assault; and to reconstruct how a person received injuries. (University of New Mexico-Office of the Medical Investigator).

Police around the world solve most, though not all, crimes. In Guyana, the failure to solve particular crimes attracts special considerations. Because the killing of the Henry cousins, occurred at a particular time of ethnic tension in the country, it was widely assumed that Indian Guyanese killed them and, as a consequence, significant ethnic violence was instigated and took place against Indian Guyanese in West Coast Berbice. One of the consequences is that the largely African Guyanese Police Force is not trusted to investigate the crimes because it might be assumed that they are biased in favour of the allegedly Indian Guyanese-dominated government and would not impartially investigate the crimes. It is not quite clear how the so far unsolved, apparently revenge, murder of Haresh Singh, an Indian Guyanese, a few days after and during the height of the anti-Indian ethnic violence, fits into this picture.

Responding to public pressure, the Government invited the Caricom Regional Security System (RSS) to send a team to assist in the investigation. In its edition of 27 October, SN reported that the RSS Team recognized the “extensive” work done by the Guyana Police Force. The RSS Team visited the crime scene, checked files, examined evidence and interviewed relatives of the victims. They were satisfied with the work the local police did and recommended additional work. Having regard to this report, it is not known what the “criminalist” on the EAAF team will do. Review the RSS review?

In view of the fact that the Minister of Home Affairs has explicitly rejected the EAAF, the promoters of the team’s visit ought to explain to the Guyanese public what exactly the forensic anthropologist and the forensic pathologist would achieve.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The team was rejected by the government so it makes no sense to pursue such an endeavor or venture.

Do you know why were they rejected?  Reminds me of when help was offered to curb the drug runnings by various countries during PPP's tenure...and they were turned down.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Do you know why were they rejected?  Reminds me of when help was offered to curb the drug runnings by various countries during PPP's tenure...and they were turned down.

They insulted the Security forces by offering to help.  This is only my opinion.


Sayyy what?   Everyone, the parents included would like to know the truth,  they would not be getting any by the so called "security forces" we all know that, so do you.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Sayyy what?   Everyone, the parents included would like to know the truth,  they would not be getting any by the so called "security forces" we all know that, so do you.

That's how the press outs it.

The people would like to know.


Serial killer law enforcement team has forensic anthropologists when the killer is dumping bodies out side in the open. The United Nations sent Dr Owen Betty a world famous forensic anthropologist to Rwanda to investigate the Rwandan genocide. .

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Serial killer law enforcement team has forensic anthropologists when the killer is dumping bodies out side in the open. The United Nations sent Dr Owen Betty a world famous forensic anthropologist to Rwanda to investigate the Rwandan genocide. .

What's your point?

@Ramakant-P posted:

What's your point?

My point is.  The team is needed for the cases to do a comprehensive analysis of the bodies for clues because the bodies were found in the open, weapons were used to inflict damage to the bodies and to train the GPF.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

My point is.  The team is needed for the cases to do a comprehensive analysis of the bodies for clues because the bodies were found in the open, weapons were used to inflict damage to the bodies and to train the GPF.

What is stopping the United Nations?  There is not genocide in Guyana.  Burnham is dead.


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