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Wednesday is Budget

The new People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government will present its first Budget on Wednesday, according to the Order Paper for the second sitting of the 12th Parliament.

The presentation of the Budget for the remainder of the 2020 fiscal year will commence at 10:00h at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Lilliendaal, East Coast Demerara.

“BE IT RESOLVED: That Standing Orders Nos. 10(2) and 38(9)(a) be suspended to enable the Minister with responsibility for Finance to complete uninterrupted the reading of the Budget Speech for 2020 at the Sitting of the National Assembly on Wednesday, 9th September 2020,” the Order Paper states.

The 12th Parliament was convened on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, the House approved a total of $11.2 billion for 16 constitutional agencies for the remainder of the 2020 fiscal year.

Public Works Minister, Juan Anthony Edghill assumed responsibility for the Finance Minister’s portfolio and tabled the current and capital estimates for these bodies. No Finance Minister has been appointed as yet by the new Administration.

Among the agencies that had their 2020 budgets approved in its entirety for the period ending 31st December 2020, is Parliament Office, which got $1,799,248,000.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) received a whopping $4,943,052,000; while the Supreme Court of Judicature got $2,443,164,000.

Another $908,636,000 was approved for the Office of the Auditor General.

The Chamber of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) received $226,822,000, while the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) got $220,802,000 and the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) secured $206,460,000.

The National Assembly further approved a total of $150,636,000 for the Public and Police Service Commissions. The Teaching Service Commission received $117,075,000 for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Ombudsman got $70,001,000 and the Women and Gender Equality received $58,327,000.

An additional $46,095,000 was approved by the House for the Rights of the Child Commission along with $40,911,000 for the Public Service Appellate Tribunal.

The Human Rights Commission secured $25,958,000; while the Indigenous Peoples Commission got $24,392,000 and the Judicial Service Commission received $10,020,000.

The budgets for these constitutional agencies were approved in the absence of the APNU/AFC Opposition members. They had walked out of the National Assembly sitting following the opening remarks by newly-elected Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir.

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Just a few of the wonderful benefits to the Guyanese populace included in the budget this week. The Coalition has to continue licking their chops. They squandered the goodwill that was given to them in 2015. Now all they have to hang on to is sour grapes. Long live the PPP/C.


VAT will be reverse on electricity and water
VAT and duties reversal on machines and equipment
Tax concessions on mining, agriculture and forestry.
Reversal on land lease fees.
Removal of vat on pesticides and agro chemicals
Reversal on VAT on all exports.
Removal of VAT on hinterland travel.
Removal of VAT on all medical supplies.
Removal of VAT on building and construction materials.
Removal of VAT on cell phones.
Remove corporate tax on private education.
Removing corporate tax on private Healthcare.
Mortgage interest relief moves to $30M
Reverse policy on used tires and vehicles.
Effective from January 2020, $15000 schools cash grant for children.
Double school uniform voucher allowance to 4000 per child.
Old age pension is now 25,000 per month.
$800M for Amerindian development fund.
$5 billion budgetary support for GuySuCo.
Free water for pensioners.
Two weeks tax free bonus for joint services.
$150M for Frontline workers
$200M to expand Guyana learning channel.
25000 solar units to the hinterland.
Removing required license for mining equipment.
Revert poultry industry to zero rates status.
Special incentive for corn and soy production.
Tax concessions in agro and cold storage capacities.
Invest in farm to market access road.
50 new 4x4 vehicles for police force.
$1.5 billion for hinterland and urban roads.
Upgrade of hospitals.
$25,000 per household for COVID relief for vulnerable and critical in need.
Special incentives for new hotels.
Committed to liberalization of telecommunication sector.
Build 3 multi purpose sports complex in regions 2, 6 and 10.
Image may contain: 1 person, suit and eyeglasses

On a side note there is a video where Ramjattan claims that the PNC didn't share all the SOPs with the AFC. Imagine this banna was thinking that Granger was going to appoint him PM and still Granger didn't include him in the whole elections details. Meanwhile the PPP shared their SOPs with anyone who cared for them. Heck they even shared them with the PNC led Coalition which saw those SOPs as their worst nightmere.

@Former Member posted:

On a side note there is a video where Ramjattan claims that the PNC didn't share all the SOPs with the AFC. Imagine this banna was thinking that Granger was going to appoint him PM and still Granger didn't include him in the whole elections details. Meanwhile the PPP shared their SOPs with anyone who cared for them. Heck they even shared them with the PNC led Coalition which saw those SOPs as their worst nightmere.

Seems like you have been drinking too much South Florida swamp water.

@Former Member posted:

On a side note there is a video where Ramjattan claims that the PNC didn't share all the SOPs with the AFC. Imagine this banna was thinking that Granger was going to appoint him PM and still Granger didn't include him in the whole elections details. Meanwhile the PPP shared their SOPs with anyone who cared for them. Heck they even shared them with the PNC led Coalition which saw those SOPs as their worst nightmere.

You should concentrate on what the PPP is doing now, and that is developing the country. The things they do to make Guyana safe. The things they do to create an atmosphere of trust.   Their job creation techniques. Don't pat attention to the negative replies you will receive from the token coolies who were only exposed to the criminal doings of the PNC.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

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7) Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not use sweeping generalizations and plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks. For example if a poster(s) states that he thinks 'x' is a good idea, replying that "Anyone who supports 'x' is an idiot" is a personal attack.


Section 7) is also posted prominently on the forum.


The things the PPP is doing now to make Guyana safe and to create an atmosphere of trust, is to have two youth chopped to death by a lunatic,  for possible stealing a few coconuts.  

@Former Member posted:

Privacy Statement - Terms of Use

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7) Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not use sweeping generalizations and plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks. For example if a poster(s) states that he thinks 'x' is a good idea, replying that "Anyone who supports 'x' is an idiot" is a personal attack.


Section 7) is also posted prominently on the forum.

What if 'x' is really an idiot ? 

@Tola posted:

The things the PPP is doing now to make Guyana safe and to create an atmosphere of trust, is to have two youth chopped to death by a lunatic,  for possible stealing a few coconuts.  

Perhaps, you have iron-clad proof that the PPP is responsible for this issue.

@Former Member posted:

Perhaps, you have iron-clad proof that the PPP is responsible for this issue.

Is this the safe and atmosphere of trust previous poster is talking about, that the PPP is creating ?  

@Former Member posted:

Perhaps, you have iron-clad proof that the PPP is responsible for this issue.

@Tola posted:

Is this the safe and atmosphere of trust previous poster is talking about, that the PPP is creating ?  

Iron-clad proof of your statement or; at the extreme best; speculations.

@Former Member posted:

Iron-clad proof of your statement or; at the extreme best; speculations.

My reply resulted from a previous post. Where is the previous poster's iron-clad proof of their statement or; at their extreme best ; speculations ?


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