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Man shot after bandits attack overseas-based Guyanese at Herstelling

1 hour ago

The police say they are investigating an alleged robbery under arms committed on an overseas based Guyanese, during which a 42 year old, Peter’s Hall resident was shot in his neck, at Herstelling, EBD, about 0300h. this morning by four masked men, two of whom were armed with handguns.

Enquiries disclosed that the female overseas based victim had a family reunion at her Herstelling property and shortly after the guests left, the bandits pounced and relieved her of a quantity of gold jewellery. The male victim, during the process put up a struggle with one of the gunmen and was shot in his neck, after which the men escaped.

The shot victim was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Hospital and was transferred to the GPHC where he underwent surgery, police said. His condition is regarded as stable but serious.

A 21 year old male of Herstelling is in police custody assisting with the investigation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mars posted:
kp posted:
gogo posted:

if U think crime suddenly appear in Guyana then U're a shit-head.

The PNC platform was to stop crime within the first 100 days in government.So shit brain crime got worst.

No one promised to stop crime completely. That is simply unrealistic in Guyana. 

In other words crime reduction is not important, or how the government is handling the situation is fine with you?

Prince posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:
gogo posted:

if U think crime suddenly appear in Guyana then U're a shit-head.

The PNC platform was to stop crime within the first 100 days in government.So shit brain crime got worst.

No one promised to stop crime completely. That is simply unrealistic in Guyana. 

In other words crime reduction is not important, or how the government is handling the situation is fine with you?

Do you understand English? I said that no one promised to stop crime completely.

Crime reduction is absolutely important and the new government has taken steps towards achieving a reduction in crime. It is paying off as we have seen a 21% reduction in serious crime in 2016 compared to 2015. However, there is still a long way to go as the PPP left the country in the midst of widespread out of control crime. 

Mars posted:

Do you understand English? I said that no one promised to stop crime completely.

Crime reduction is absolutely important and the new government has taken steps towards achieving a reduction in crime. It is paying off as we have seen a 21% reduction in serious crime in 2016 compared to 2015. However, there is still a long way to go as the PPP left the country in the midst of widespread out of control crime. 

It appears that your appetite to justify PNC incompetence knows no bounds. You are safe and sound in the West so you can afford to trivialize the situation in Guyana, claiming 21% reduction when clearly this is not the case. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Do you understand English? I said that no one promised to stop crime completely.

Crime reduction is absolutely important and the new government has taken steps towards achieving a reduction in crime. It is paying off as we have seen a 21% reduction in serious crime in 2016 compared to 2015. However, there is still a long way to go as the PPP left the country in the midst of widespread out of control crime. 

It appears that your appetite to justify PNC incompetence knows no bounds. You are safe and sound in the West so you can afford to trivialize the situation in Guyana, claiming 21% reduction when clearly this is not the case. 

When did I ever trivialize the crime situation in Guyana?

Where was your crime blog when the crime situation in Guyana was completely out of control under the PPP? Instead we saw you make up petty lies to excuse incompetence by the PPP government. You think that serious crime started in Guyana the day the corrupt PPP clowns were kicked out of office. You must know how to count the crime statistics better than the Guyana Police Force.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

Where was your crime blog when the crime situation in Guyana was completely out of control under the PPP? Instead we saw you make up petty lies to excuse incompetence by the PPP government. You think that serious crime started in Guyana the day the corrupt PPP clowns were kicked out of office. You must know how to count the crime statistics better than the Guyana Police Force.

The PPP incompetence was to retain crooked cops from the PNC to do the crime fighting. As long as PNC bais are tasked with the defense of Indians, they will continue to be robbed and killed as the PNC look the other way and even send in their henchmen to rob and kill Indians. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Where was your crime blog when the crime situation in Guyana was completely out of control under the PPP? Instead we saw you make up petty lies to excuse incompetence by the PPP government. You think that serious crime started in Guyana the day the corrupt PPP clowns were kicked out of office. You must know how to count the crime statistics better than the Guyana Police Force.

The PPP incompetence was to retain crooked cops from the PNC to do the crime fighting. As long as PNC bais are tasked with the defense of Indians, they will continue to be robbed and killed as the PNC look the other way and even send in their henchmen to rob and kill Indians. 

The PPP facilitated the Drug Barons in Guyana because it was bringing in revenue as a major export. Along with cocaine came the accompanying serious crime. Guns, drugs and crime became widespread under PPP rule.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Where was your crime blog when the crime situation in Guyana was completely out of control under the PPP? Instead we saw you make up petty lies to excuse incompetence by the PPP government. You think that serious crime started in Guyana the day the corrupt PPP clowns were kicked out of office. You must know how to count the crime statistics better than the Guyana Police Force.

The PPP incompetence was to retain crooked cops from the PNC to do the crime fighting. As long as PNC bais are tasked with the defense of Indians, they will continue to be robbed and killed as the PNC look the other way and even send in their henchmen to rob and kill Indians. 

The PPP facilitated the Drug Barons in Guyana because it was bringing in revenue as a major export. Along with cocaine came the accompanying serious crime. Guns, drugs and crime became widespread under PPP rule.

The US state department stated that the PPP were not involved in the drug trade.  So who are we to believe you or them?

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Where was your crime blog when the crime situation in Guyana was completely out of control under the PPP? Instead we saw you make up petty lies to excuse incompetence by the PPP government. You think that serious crime started in Guyana the day the corrupt PPP clowns were kicked out of office. You must know how to count the crime statistics better than the Guyana Police Force.

The PPP incompetence was to retain crooked cops from the PNC to do the crime fighting. As long as PNC bais are tasked with the defense of Indians, they will continue to be robbed and killed as the PNC look the other way and even send in their henchmen to rob and kill Indians. 

The PPP facilitated the Drug Barons in Guyana because it was bringing in revenue as a major export. Along with cocaine came the accompanying serious crime. Guns, drugs and crime became widespread under PPP rule.

The US state department stated that the PPP were not involved in the drug trade.  So who are we to believe you or them?

You're very naive if you believe that there were no ties between the drug barons and the PPP. When Roger Khan was arrested with illegal weapons and the spy equipment that they helped him to acquire, the PPP ordered the police to free him. The same with Peter Morgan when he was caught with a shipment of weapons. Dataram was protected by the PPP when the US wanted to extradite him on drug charges. Did you see how Jagdeo helped Buddy to build a hotel and wash his drug proceeds? The PPP did all they could to deny the US DEA from setting up shop in Guyana, same for Scotland Yard. They were protecting their cocaine cartel interests while their supporters were being slaughtered by very crime which became a byproduct of the cocaine trade. Jagdeo complained bitterly when Khan fell in to the hands of the US. How did everyone know that Brahma, Dataram, Morgan, Khan, Buddy, Kalamadeen and many others were major drug traffickers and the PPP never moved a finger to stop them but instead facilitated their drug business? The money coming in to the economy and the kickbacks in the PPP pockets were huuuuge so they turned a blind eye.

Last edited by Mars

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