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Welcome Ramenauth. GNI is a R&R place for a good laugh.

There is a long held tradition on GNI, that any new member invite all GNI members in their town to a 'buy-in' . That is, they buy the first alcohol or juice drink for all attendees and existing members will buy drinks for the new member until they are no longer able to drink anymore, or collapse on the floor.

The administrator and moderators are usually the designated drivers, because they don't  eat pork cuttas or drink booze.

Have a good time hea, u'hear.    

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Welcome Ramenauth,the lower case reminds of another poster,hopefully you have fire power like him,Skelly can be your sparring partner.

I am not combative; I just hate every ASS****(including myself) in this world.

Damn bhai when a man hate heself,things aint right do some soul searching it may help.

skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:

Welcome. You write like a journalist. 

Looks like this Ram bai is a pro. Don't worry with his lower case letters after a period. He is playing dead to see who is coming to his funeral. Wait until he unleashes his wrath. 

Welcome Ramenauth!!

Except for the deliberate lower case letters, his writing is perfect.  

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Welcome Ramenauth,the lower case reminds of another poster,hopefully you have fire power like him,Skelly can be your sparring partner.

I am not combative; I just hate every ASS****(including myself) in this world.

Damn bhai when a man hate heself,things aint right do some soul searching it may help.

All that matters is that my family and I are happy. If people start threatening me and egging my house, then I have a problem. My soul is clean. All I am saying is I am not a perfect human being.

Django posted:

Welcome Ramenauth,the lower case reminds of another poster,hopefully you have fire power like him,Skelly can be your sparring partner.

thank you. i use lower case because i dont like to capitalize on people and things. i dont like to punctuate. however i can spell well and i did well in comprehension and precis at school. subject and predicate and present tense and past tense easy for me too.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Welcome Ramenauth,the lower case reminds of another poster,hopefully you have fire power like him,Skelly can be your sparring partner.

I am not combative; I just hate every ASS****(including myself) in this world.

Damn bhai when a man hate heself,things aint right do some soul searching it may help.

All that matters is that my family and I are happy. If people start threatening me and egging my house, then I have a problem. My soul is clean. All I am saying is I am not a perfect human being.

On track,we can shake hands.

Ramenauth posted:
Django posted:

Welcome Ramenauth,the lower case reminds of another poster,hopefully you have fire power like him,Skelly can be your sparring partner.

thank you. i use lower case because i dont like to capitalize on people and things. i dont like to punctuate. however i can spell well and i did well in comprehension and precis at school. subject and predicate and present tense and past tense easy for me too.

Bai you sound like you been around for a while. You use words like precis and comprehension...dem big big words, me have fuh fine me student's companion fuh andastan wah you ah rite.


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