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@Bibi Haniffa 

Ress yuhself with all this nonsense that this lil sandbox of a forum with barely a couple hundred visitors can influence any election in Guyana. The PPP gets free press here. Check out yuh fren Dave - yuh eva see Dave write such good English and be so well versed in laws? I bet Dave renting he ID to some PPP lawyer to post their version of the story hay.

And quit the nonsense about Venezuela. Alyuh hoping for invasion. Yet on the other side of yuh mouth, yuh bashing communism. Yet yuh hoping fuh Maduro come in. You are one confused homan!

Then propaganda that Granger was sworn in. People dying in the streets - not a time for posting lies (I believe you are deliberately lying).

Amral suspended me twice at the request of he pardna Sean and for no reason. Amral is LESS than fair. But to think he is part of some great PNC plot is just insane!


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