A Guyanese born, American citizen is furious and is demanding answers after the Animal Quarantine Division at the Cheddi Jagan airport reportedly euthanized his pet dog after he refused to pay a $50,000 bribe for the dog to be allowed into the country.

New York resident Calvin Benjamin said he arrived in Guyana aboard Delta Airlines on Thursday 2nd May with his 15 month old mixed breed pug named “Pat”. According to Mr. Benjamin, all of the necessary flight arrangements for the dog were handled by delta and all was well until he arrived and was asked to visit the Animal Quarantine Division at the airport before the dog could be allowed in the country.

He told News Source that when he reached that division, he was met by three different persons who identified themselves and requested additional information about the dog. He said they wanted to see a recent vaccination record for the pet. One of the persons was a Customs Officer.

“I told them I did not have the vaccination record with me since the airline didn’t tell me its something I needed, but I explained I could have it faxed or emailed within minutes once I make contact with my family back in New York”, Benjamin explained.

He said while he was making efforts to contact his wife and have the documents faxed, he was approached by one of the officers that he met in the same Quarantine Division and the officer told him that they would be willing to allow the dog into the country if he pays them $50,000.

The man said he refused and the officer became upset and told him that they would then have to quarantine the dog until the information arrives. Benjamin said he had no problem with the dog being quarantined and he paid the $10,000 fee they told him was needed for housing the dog. The american man said he left the airport just after to ensure the documents were sent and pave the way for the pet dog to be allowed in the country.

Late Thursday afternoon, Benjamin said he got the shock of his life when he contacted the airport to enquire about the documents that were faxed and was told that a decision was taken to “put the dog down”. He said “I could not believe what they were telling me. Twenty four hours had not even passed and these folks were telling me that they put my dog down for no reason”. The man said he rushed to the airport where he was once again told that the dog was euthanized. He said when he queried about who may have made that decision, he was told by the officers that “the orders came from high up”.

Still in shock and disbelief, Benjamin said he requested that he be given the remains of the dog and this is where he said, the story became even more unbelievable. “When I asked them for the remains of the dog, they told me that there was none since they had burnt it. They claim they cremated it without ever contacting me”, the man said.

An Official close to the Cheddi Jagan Airport said the issue will have to be investigated since there is “something strange” about the way the case was handled. The dog’s owner said he does not believe his dog was euthanized. He said he is convinced that someone at the airport may have decided to take the dog or may have sold it. He said he wants answers and is quietly hoping and praying that his beloved “Pat” is still alive.