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Stormborn posted:

Why not welcome to Brazil where a class of whites force the entire black population into the margins that they are left to scrounge and forage  like vultures seeking carrion to survive.

This is the same excuse you use for Blacks in Guyana, blaming the Indians for keeping them down.  But you and caribJ need to look around the world and see that Blacks are always at the bottom of the barrel which is no coincidence. 


Well, the friends and family network, facilitated by rabid racists like you were 23 years into crafting such a status quo so in a sense you are right. I  guess when a hungry ass coolie like you can eat crapes and salmon you think everyone else is lower than you. Sorry, you are still at the bottom on the barrel.

Stormborn posted:

Well, the friends and family network, facilitated by rabid racists like you were 23 years into crafting such a status quo so in a sense you are right. I  guess when a hungry ass coolie like you can eat crapes and salmon you think everyone else is lower than you. Sorry, you are still at the bottom on the barrel.

How do you explain Blacks in Guyana being at the bottom even during the PNC 27 years rule? You are running out of excuses for Blacks.  How far have they been elevated over the past year with jackass Granger in power and benefiting from the systematic ethnic cleansing of Indians from public service? 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

Well, the friends and family network, facilitated by rabid racists like you were 23 years into crafting such a status quo so in a sense you are right. I  guess when a hungry ass coolie like you can eat crapes and salmon you think everyone else is lower than you. Sorry, you are still at the bottom on the barrel.

How do you explain Blacks in Guyana being at the bottom even during the PNC 27 years rule? You are running out of excuses for Blacks.  How far have they been elevated over the past year with jackass Granger in power and benefiting from the systematic ethnic cleansing of Indians from public service? 

Why would I affirm or explain what is clearly your ignorance? Most indians are as poor as black people. There were 20 or so rich indian families constituting some 80 percent of indian wealth/ The remaining were on the margins just like Africans. In the PPP era, nepotism, crony capitalism,   the drug trade and smuggling made many more newly rich indians; maybe we have 400 mega rich families  but the vast majority of indians are poor and depend family subsidy from abroad to make it. Some 40 percent are still in deep poverty.

Ravi Dave people Somdat and Mohabir did some work in this area mainly to refute Dr Thomas whose data is widely used as a reliable indicator of poverty in Guyana. They claim the state of indians are far worse than Thomas stated since they are vastly poorer if you considered their mainly rural existence. They suffer disproportionately from quality of life issues, reliable running water, electricity and income sources ( farming, cane cutting, fishing) that are unreliable. According to them, quality of life of indians is also  disproportionately affected compared to Africans because they benefit less from from access to government services. 


Unlike you I do not live in the reflected glow of awee pon top but look for fairness in the system where  the government, the largest source of cash inflow to create wealth can quickly make an impact depending on which ethnic group is in power. I cam assure you, there will be a class of mega rich black folks coming out of the influx of oil cash simply because of who we are as a nation, racially divided. There will be a massive expansion of government, some ten to twenty times the size of our present one and a commensurate increase in the economy.  Indians will be on the disproportionate receiving side of benefits here for sure. I can assure you that  being the racist prick you are would be forced to rethink your views.

seignet posted:

Wear loin cloth and go back to Africa. The high caste African should never have caught ur ancestors and send them to Berbice or Essequibo or Demerara.

Blasted Cooolie Racist. U make too much problems for Indian People.

Man u got some hate in you. Just like Jagdeo ur ugliness coming out of ur pores.

This post was taken to illustrate how bad Black folks in brazil are without examining the context.  I explained briefly the broader cdespotic dispossessed state which blacks endure in Brazil. I do not know what area this brazen criminality takes place in so cannot speak to it. You visited milan and Naples and would know you experience similar problem in the street and busses except from organized gangs of pickpocket and not kids in this instance.

The moron Drugbe takes this video as an illustration  of a generalized state of black people as crooks globally and specifically with respect to Guyana insisting Indians are  vastly their superior by mentioning the myth of indian wealth. I illustrated why that is bunk by examining what is written about the issue by economists. Now what is it about what I said that bothers you?

I am pretty. Jagdeo is ugly as shit. He is an example of a crook that causes his citizens to be impoverished. I did not speak to that in this post. You are simply bothered because the arguments for your supposed superior status has holes. Note, 6000 years as the rear endo of India and also as its footstool should have informed you that relationships in a society can cruely affect quality of life. If Guyanese indians were so smart how come only in Guyana where they were free of the bonds of casteism were they able to remake their entire perspective as humans. Do not make the mistake to recast black people as your new sudras.

Stormborn posted:

Why would I affirm or explain what is clearly your ignorance? Most indians are as poor as black people. There were 20 or so rich indian families constituting some 80 percent of indian wealth/ The remaining were on the margins just like Africans. In the PPP era, nepotism, crony capitalism,   the drug trade and smuggling made many more newly rich indians; maybe we have 400 mega rich families  but the vast majority of indians are poor and depend family subsidy from abroad to make it. Some 40 percent are still in deep poverty.

Ravi Dave people Somdat and Mohabir did some work in this area mainly to refute Dr Thomas whose data is widely used as a reliable indicator of poverty in Guyana. They claim the state of indians are far worse than Thomas stated since they are vastly poorer if you considered their mainly rural existence. They suffer disproportionately from quality of life issues, reliable running water, electricity and income sources ( farming, cane cutting, fishing) that are unreliable. According to them, quality of life of indians is also  disproportionately affected compared to Africans because they benefit less from from access to government services. 


Unlike you I do not live in the reflected glow of awee pon top but look for fairness in the system where  the government, the largest source of cash inflow to create wealth can quickly make an impact depending on which ethnic group is in power. I cam assure you, there will be a class of mega rich black folks coming out of the influx of oil cash simply because of who we are as a nation, racially divided. There will be a massive expansion of government, some ten to twenty times the size of our present one and a commensurate increase in the economy.  Indians will be on the disproportionate receiving side of benefits here for sure. I can assure you that  being the racist prick you are would be forced to rethink your views.

You are a contradiction, you first argue that the PPP bring Black into poverty now you are claiming that Indians are just as poverty stricken as Blacks. Make up your mind, are the Blacks in Guyana better off than Indians or not and if so then your argument that the PPP repress them is invalid. 

Drugb posted:

You are a contradiction, you first argue that the PPP bring Black into poverty now you are claiming that Indians are just as poverty stricken as Blacks. Make up your mind, are the Blacks in Guyana better off than Indians or not and if so then your argument that the PPP repress them is invalid. 

There is nothing contradictory about what I said. I offer you an explanation why you for example live in the reflected glow of success of a few indians and presume you are fine though poor in general.

I even suggest black folks in the future will be complaining that blacks are mega rich because of their aptitude when differential spending of oil resources will definitely make a few of them tens of times richer than all of Guyanese indians rich currently.We saw this view before when the brits favored its administrative class over Indians.

My argument suggests left on their own devices the status quo would be the distribution of the present rates of povery in the community which is practically identical for 90 percent of the Guyanese population. 

seignet posted:

Many years ago, he run around here critical of the Indian elite writings. I read his comments. Some I agree with and some I disagree.

After all these years, this fella has a deep hatred for Indians of all classes and castes. 

Just read his comments about the Indians, he has some bilge to say about them, rich or poor.

Whose writings were I critical of exclusively? Unfortunately we do not have many social or political writers of renown that one can focus on. If you mean comments on letter writers on SN then you may have a point but there were not elite folks but ordinary folks and my comments cuts across the political spectrum.

I have lots to say about everyone. Your concerns are on what I say of indians and that grieves you good. I have no regrets because I hear similar commentary from the other side on what I write about them

seignet posted:
Lucas posted:

There is nothing wrong with crime. It is just another decent job.

That is why Trump wants his people to have the rights to continue to own guns. You want to take away white people guns so they can be robbed.

I think guns will help white people get rid of colored people in the very near future. Trump is very aware of that.

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Brazilian elites are of a white culture. They create opportunities for their own. Why doan black people try to immitate them and be productive. Instead! 

Bai Seiggy, dah is a hard kwestian fuh de man. Productive in Guyana is being a criminal.

That is a question only a caustically racist mind like the two of you can ask since it is predicated on the prejudicial notion that only you and yours can be productive. Unfortunately for you that is your own self delusion and the dominion of a very few ignoramuses.

I am perplexed that both of you are over seventy years old and are yet to divest yourselves of these patently false beliefs. I wonder what are the range of your interactions with the world that you do not see the beauty in humanity in all its hues and you do not grasp that intellect and phenotype has no feed back loop.  You miss so much and that is to be pitied.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Brazilian elites are of a white culture. They create opportunities for their own. Why doan black people try to immitate them and be productive. Instead! 

Bai Seiggy, dah is a hard kwestian fuh de man. Productive in Guyana is being a criminal.

That is a question only a caustically racist mind like the two of you can ask since it is predicated on the prejudicial notion that only you and yours can be productive. Unfortunately for you that is your own self delusion and the dominion of a very few ignoramuses.

I am perplexed that both of you are over seventy years old and are yet to divest yourselves of these patently false beliefs. I wonder what are the range of your interactions with the world that you do not see the beauty in humanity in all its hues and you do not grasp that intellect and phenotype has no feed back loop.  You miss so much and that is to be pitied.

I wish you would able to see the value and beauty in our Dalit people.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:
But you and caribJ need to look around the world and see that Blacks are always at the bottom of the barrel which is no coincidence. 

The fact that a tiny % of Indians own the vast majority of the wealth in Guyana speaks to income inequality. Were Indians in Guyana all that well off Guyana wouldn't be the 2nd poorest country in the Caribbean.

And we now observe an increasing number of Indians also engaging in criminal activity.

Druggie I know that your self esteem rests upon thinking that you are better off than blacks, but to most of the world you are just a ni99er with straight hair.  Ask the Arabs if they see any difference between blacks and Indians.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

Wear loin cloth and go back to Africa. The high caste African should never have caught ur ancestors and send them to Berbice or Essequibo or Demerara.

Blasted Cooolie Racist. U make too much problems for Indian People.

Man u got some hate in you. Just like Jagdeo ur ugliness coming out of ur pores.

Here you go showing what a racist you are.

FYI Africans were in Guyana before Indians.

FYI Africans define themselves primarily as GUYANESE, unlike folks ike you whose main identity is built around India.

If any group should return to the lands of their ancestors it is NOT blacks, few of whom have any interest in Africa.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Brazilian elites are of a white culture. They create opportunities for their own. Why doan black people try to immitate them and be productive. Instead! 

Bai Seiggy, dah is a hard kwestian fuh de man. Productive in Guyana is being a criminal.

That is a question only a caustically racist mind like the two of you can ask since it is predicated on the prejudicial notion that only you and yours can be productive. Unfortunately for you that is your own self delusion and the dominion of a very few ignoramuses.

I am perplexed that both of you are over seventy years old and are yet to divest yourselves of these patently false beliefs. I wonder what are the range of your interactions with the world that you do not see the beauty in humanity in all its hues and you do not grasp that intellect and phenotype has no feed back loop.  You miss so much and that is to be pitied.

I wish you would able to see the value and beauty in our Dalit people.

This coolie hater is a useless piece of rubbish. He needs to take his bi-polar meds and go back to shelf stocking at the Chinese 99 cents store.
You(stormy) think criminals equate with black people? You are a moron.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:


This post was taken to illustrate how bad Black folks in brazil are without examining the context. 

And in fact poverty (and crime) is just as concentrated among the mixed mestizo populations who arrive from the poorest parts of Brazil.

Venezuela and Honduras as well as El Salvador. Some of the most dangerous countries, and yet the vast majority of the poor are NOT black.

Druggie merely shows his hatred of blacks.  I guess because he was constantly taunted by blacks for being the imbecile that he is.

Drugb posted:

You are a contradiction, you first argue that the PPP bring Black into poverty now you are claiming that Indians are just as poverty stricken as Blacks. Make up your mind, are the Blacks in Guyana better off than Indians or not and if so then your argument that the PPP repress them is invalid. 

Where is the contradiction.  50 years of misrule by both the PNC and the PPP have left Guyanese as the poorest nation in the English speaking Caribbean, with large numbers being forced to forage in other CARICOM nations.

Now we hear that Guyanese might be as much as 20% of Antigua's population, meaning that almost 20k live there.

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:


This post was taken to illustrate how bad Black folks in brazil are without examining the context. 

And in fact poverty (and crime) is just as concentrated among the mixed mestizo populations who arrive from the poorest parts of Brazil.

Venezuela and Honduras as well as El Salvador. Some of the most dangerous countries, and yet the vast majority of the poor are NOT black.

Druggie merely shows his hatred of blacks.  I guess because he was constantly taunted by blacks for being the imbecile that he is.

Identity is complex in Brazil. Most lighter complected black people do not consider themselves black. And even black people think the indigenous people are the lesser than other. This conflict of identity among the non whites causes whites to dominate.

Stormborn posted:

Identity is complex in Brazil. Most lighter complected black people do not consider themselves black. And even black people think the indigenous people are the lesser than other. This conflict of identity among the non whites causes whites to dominate.

I am a slightly more "African" version of Denzil W. I was accused by a Brazilian of being an anti white racist because I refused to identify as mulatto. 

When asked what about me looks "mulatto," other than the fact that I don't look 100% African this person couldn't say.

The truth was that he was angered that a well educated person chose to identify as "black" rather than clinging to my 15% non African ancestry.  Clearly, given the ability to "escape" blackness, and not doing so must have meant that I hated whites.

He then screamed that people from the English speaking Caribbean are a bunch of anti white racists, because the English refused to marry us, so we remain so "black".  He thought this so tragic.

The thing is that the poor guy couldn't see how racist his whole premise is.  This because, until recently, blacks haven't had a voice in Brazil, so their views remained absent from the national discourse on race.

So in Brazil one drop of non African ancestry means that you aren't black.  Education past secondary school means that you aren't black.  Reaching the upper middle class also means that you aren't black.

Of course at 2AM none of this applies when a cop decides that he wants to kill a "suspect", then none of this matters as all they see in front of them is a "black".

So yes racial identities in Brazil are complex. A wealthy woman looking like Halle Berry is "white".  A poor woman looking like her is mulata, or even black, if she is a maid, which most black females in urban Brazil seem to be.


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