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Suresh Singh - Political Bullyism Political Bullyism continues...

Political Bullyism

Political Bullyism continues at Every Level by the APNU/AFC Government with only One (1) Year in Office. The upper bracket bullied injustice and irregularities, while their foot soldiers bullied order and respect to an appointed council by the will of the people. In my view, the actions by the Region # 5 APNU/AFC Councillors have displayed an utter disturbing and unacceptable acts by constantly disrupting and bullying the Regional Chairman and Vice Chairman of Region # 5. Their unmannerly and disrespectful acts, have affected the Entire Region, thus far causing the RDC in Region 5 to record NO Statutory Meeting for FIVE (5) Consecutive Months (January, 2016 – May, 2016). For those who might not be aware of the functions of the RDC, let me share an insight:
1. To maintain and protect public property;
2. To protect and improve the physical environment;
3. To improve the working and living conditions;
4. To stimulate economic activities and improve production and efficiency;
5. To promote social and cultural life of the people;
6. To preserve law and order;
7. To raise the level of civic consciousness;
8. To consolidate socialist legality;
9. To safeguard the rights of the people; and
10. To give advice, encourage and support to the people in their daily activities and give leadership by example.

It is justified that stagnation has graced the Agriculturally rich Region with NO functional duties by the RDC, NO economic growth and the social well-being of the hard working citizens of Region # 5. It is disturbing to know the reluctance of Minister Bulkan, whose responsibilities are the efficient and effective maintenance and functioning of these councils; hammered a dull eye and ear to the situation. It has been five (5) months and no intervention. One must analyse the true function of Minister Bulkan as :-
1. The Minister is sleeping on Legitimate Matters of National interest;
2. He is NOT brave enough to advice the APNU/AFC Councillors, in order for the Region’s work to continue;
3. He has juxtaposed the disrespectful behaviours of the APNU/AFC Councillors;
4. He is busy with Jubilee Celebrations like his comrade Minister Ramjattan, who has informed the Business Community in Berbice, when a meeting request was made to discuss the increase crime wave in Berbice; and/or
5. He is incompetent to handle the situation.

All of the above is a result of the Regional Chairman, Vickchand Ramphal, not attending an event which President Granger attended in Region 5. Since the APNU/AFC Government is constantly reminding ALL Guyanese that they are a Government of National Unity, who has Social Cohesion and Guyanese at Heart. Let me use this opportunity to remind you that while the PPP/C was in Government, how many times did PNC/APNU/AFC Leaders disrespected Former Presidents by not attending Events where they were invited to? Were they EVER victimised ? For the record, the PPP/C NEVER acted on disrespectful grounds. Many of us will remember the same behaviours, which are currently being displayed by the APNU/AFC in Region 5 were practised in the National Assembly a few years ago preventing the then Minister Rohee from speaking. I guess the Chip Don’t Fall Far From the Block.

Is this Good Governance?

When will the Childish and irresponsible behaviours by the APNU/AFC Councillors STOP?

Will Minister Bulkan act in the interest of the people?

I am sure the people of Region 5 didn’t vote for stagnation of their Region.

Welcome to CHANGE

Welcome to the NEW LIFE not GOOD LIFE


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I was ahead of Anil. I warned about those Scums called PNC. And look at Uncle Tom and Devany how they standing up for the small people, aint that a great effort. In the history of the World you will not find two Parasites like these. They are beyond Shameless and I say again, Burnham was right to throw Uncle Tom like a DOG on the road!!!!!!!!!!!


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