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Former Member

Ramjattan in a televised interview yesterday said that canecutter just want to cut cane and drink rum and refuse to study and have the knowledge to think and have hope for the future. He was talking about the oil wealth that will make Guyana rich for future generations of Guyanese.                                                                                     

He further stated that people have one track mind and listen to what other people are saying rather than thinking for themselves. (He made a good point. we have nuff of them right here on GNI).



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Prince posted:

Ramjattan in a televised interview yesterday said that canecutter just want to cut cane and drink rum and refuse to study and have the knowledge to think and have hope for the future. He was talking about the oil wealth that will make Guyana rich for future generations of Guyanese.                                                                                     

He further stated that people have one track mind and listen to what other people are saying rather than thinking for themselves. (He made a good point. we have nuff of them right here on GNI).



Those without sin, let them cast the first stone.

Prince posted:

Ramjattan in a televised interview yesterday said that canecutter just want to cut cane and drink rum and refuse to study and have the knowledge to think and have hope for the future. He was talking about the oil wealth that will make Guyana rich for future generations of Guyanese.                                                                                     

He further stated that people have one track mind and listen to what other people are saying rather than thinking for themselves. (He made a good point. we have nuff of them right here on GNI).

My brother just returned from Canecutterville in Guyana where his son has done a documentary on the life of the Sugar Worker.  Ramjattan talking sheer shit and he needs to look in the mirror!

Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

Ramjattan in a televised interview yesterday said that canecutter just want to cut cane and drink rum and refuse to study and have the knowledge to think and have hope for the future. He was talking about the oil wealth that will make Guyana rich for future generations of Guyanese.                                                                                     

He further stated that people have one track mind and listen to what other people are saying rather than thinking for themselves. (He made a good point. we have nuff of them right here on GNI).

My brother just returned from Canecutterville in Guyana where his son has done a documentary on the life of the Sugar Worker.  Ramjattan talking sheer shit and he needs to look in the mirror!

I was laughing how he presented the interview. He was indeed all over the place talking shite. Those talks from Ramjattan is just for amusement to speak on education, hope, and prosperity for Guyana base on a foreseeable wealth.    

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

Ramjattan in a televised interview yesterday said that canecutter just want to cut cane and drink rum and refuse to study and have the knowledge to think and have hope for the future. He was talking about the oil wealth that will make Guyana rich for future generations of Guyanese.                                                                                     

He further stated that people have one track mind and listen to what other people are saying rather than thinking for themselves. (He made a good point. we have nuff of them right here on GNI).

My brother just returned from Canecutterville in Guyana where his son has done a documentary on the life of the Sugar Worker.  Ramjattan talking sheer shit and he needs to look in the mirror!

I was laughing how he presented the interview. He was indeed all over the place talking shite. Those talks from Ramjattan is just for amusement to speak on education, hope, and prosperity for Guyana base on a foreseeable wealth.    

I just take exception to an official of the Govt putting down a segment of Guyana's population.  My brother reunited with some of my father's relatives who still live off sugar.  And they have their families and kids in school.  All intend to send their kids to higher Ed and not a life in Sugar.  He met many other similar families with similar aspirations.

Let Rhumjhatt guh haul he ass dahside!


I have to give credit to Ramjattan for making few good points, but it should have been done by someone else to deliver that message. He is not cut out for that. I agree on two points. To get an education and don't give up on life when the odds are against you, eg drinking, killing, suicide, etc. That was common sense in my days but it is encouraging today from a political figure.  

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

I have to give credit to Ramjattan for making few good points, but it should have been done by someone else to deliver that message. He is not cut out for that. I agree on two points. To get an education and don't give up on life when the odds are against you, eg drinking, killing, suicide, etc. That was common sense in my days but it is encouraging today from a political figure.  

Prince quote posted a day ago  ... “ I was laughing how he presented the interview. He was indeed all over the place talking shite. Those talks from Ramjattan is just for amusement to speak on education, hope, and prosperity for Guyana base on a foreseeable wealth.    “ 

Prince, I man is not a educated fella... but I trying to undastand those two comments by you. Or did someone else use yo handle.


Dave posted:
Prince posted:

I have to give credit to Ramjattan for making few good points, but it should have been done by someone else to deliver that message. He is not cut out for that. I agree on two points. To get an education and don't give up on life when the odds are against you, eg drinking, killing, suicide, etc. That was common sense in my days but it is encouraging today from a political figure.  

Prince quote posted a day ago  ... “ I was laughing how he presented the interview. He was indeed all over the place talking shite. Those talks from Ramjattan is just for amusement to speak on education, hope, and prosperity for Guyana base on a foreseeable wealth.    “ 

Prince, I man is not a educated fella... but I trying to undastand those two comments by you. Or did someone else use yo handle.


I don't have to like Ramjattan, but I can give him credit for some of the good points that he made. I always give Jack his jacket when he deserves it. I know what I said yesterday wasn't too amusing because he delivers his interview like he already owns the unseen wealth he was talking about. You should listen to the interview and give your own take on it. This forum yearns for opinions besides mine. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Why is Ramjattan criticizing canecutters. Doesn't he realize that he is currently useless? 

Dat bai Ramjattan has reduced himself to cane cutter status.

Yuji, you want keep this post or change it? This is an insult to cane cutters you know. 

Too late..he got caught with that one.

cain posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Why is Ramjattan criticizing canecutters. Doesn't he realize that he is currently useless? 

Dat bai Ramjattan has reduced himself to cane cutter status.

Yuji, you want keep this post or change it? This is an insult to cane cutters you know. 

Too late..he got caught with that one.

Is he going to apologise to my belated grandfather and all the veterans canecutters who sweat to put many of us through school?  Yuji is a nice guy, right? Can you count on him to do the honorable thing?

Last edited by Former Member

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