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Former Member

When Desmond Hoyte lost the 1992 general elections, he summoned his distraught supporters to a rally in the south of Georgetown. There he told them not to despair; that the PPPC would soon discover how difficult it would be to govern.
Those distraught supporters sure had a long wait. The PPPC may have made that discovery, but they ruled for an unbroken 23 years afterwards.
When a party loses an election, it tries to placate and comfort its supporters by telling them that all is not lost; that their fortunes will change and change soon.
The PNCR is once again singing a familiar melody. Still smarting from its cut-tail at the 2018 local government elections, it is now telling its supporters to be ready to take back, legally, but before 2020, the constituency seats it lost to the PPPC.
The PNCR should be holding an inquisition as to why it performed so poorly in this month’s local government elections, rather than trying to offer unrealizable promises to its membership.
The PNCR is a lost cause. It could not between 2016 and 2018 narrow the gap in the popular vote between itself and the PPPC. The PPPC, in fact, almost doubled that gap in 2018.
There was a low turnout and that turnout will almost double in 2020. But it is hard to see how the PNCR will be able to do two years onwards, what it could not do over the past two years.
And all the PNCR can offer its supporters are false expectations, rather than holding its campaign team’s feet to the fire. Do the supporters of the PNCR really believe that those seats lost to the Opposition are somehow going to be regained before the next local government elections?
Those supporters should have been questioning what went wrong, and who should be held accountable for the PNCR’s performance on November 12, 2018.
The performance of the PNCR at the November 12th local government elections was calamitous. The results of those elections have already been analyzed.
It is no use asking supporters to go and see the margins by which they lost. The PNCR lost in areas where they should not have lost, and the turnout in their strongholds was woeful, especially considering that they needed to steal the popular vote from the PPPC.
They did not, and the party leadership and campaign team must be asked to answer for this performance. If this is the same leadership and campaign team that will pilot the PNCR into the 2020 elections, then they can again expect a sound thrashing.
The future of the PNCR looks bleak.
The present crop of PNCR leaders cannot turn things around. They lack the political experience and the grassroots appeal to avoid the inevitable.
In the meantime, the party faithful will be fed a great deal of diversions and distractions to take their minds off mission impossible: retaining its incumbency in 2020.
If you read carefully between the lines of what the supporters are being told, you will realize that they are being fed excuses about divisions contributing to the party’s loss and threatening the party’s ability to retain power in 2020.
The writing is on the wall for the PNCR. It will not be able to reverse its present fortunes. Time is not on its side and not even oil will save it from the ignominious and inglorious defeat, which awaits it and its coalition partners in free and fair elections in 2020


Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's very difficult to argue against this  article

My two cents (pence ).....

. Harmon takes the top seat they'll be in opposition for another 23years

. Volda, best choice but needs to stop this jingoistic approach and appeal to a broader base particular the young and female vote 

. AFC, still breathing just!! - Remove themselves completely from the PNCR rhetoric go back to the reason why people voted for them, though it could well be too little to late 

. PPP, are the favourites at this point, they have politically out manoeuvred and out thought the PNCR (APNU) as much as I dislike Jagdeo he's played his hand well, question remains and believe who ever takes the top seat could mean they win or lose and its the PPP to lose.

A Jagdeo stooge could leave room for the swing vote again (Young,Mixed,Middleclass) or do they break ties and go with a fresh face?


Last edited by Former Member

Right now the sentiment in Guyana has shifted from the failed promises of jailing PPP for corruption and increasing the standard of living of the population to running back into the arms of the PPP under whom they perceived life to be better. 

Cribby, d2, cain, mars, Ronan, Djangy, Mitwah and others told the people that their lives would better under the PNC as they would curb corruption and save tax payers dollars. Instead they ran the country into a recession from which oil seems to be the only redemption. They told the people that drug money was propping up the economy but then provided zero evidence to support these claims.

Now we will wait to see if the taxpayers will once again be duped by these false claims. 


The article provides points to ponder. PNC leadership is not being honest with their members.

I wonder if they will blame President Granger for unilaterally picking James Patterson to head GECOM. Will they force old Patto to retire before 2020? PPP should give Patterson a thumbs up now.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

The article provides points to ponder. PNC leadership is not being honest with their members.

I wonder if they will blame President Granger for unilaterally picking James Patterson to head GECOM. Will they force old Patto to retire before 2020? PPP should give Patterson a thumbs up now.

PPP giving Patterson a thumbs up would be very hypocritical...remember they opposed Granger’s unilateral selection and they expressed no confidence in the man...not to mention an almost weekly letter about Patterson and GECOM by the PPP reps in SN

Drugb posted:

Right now the sentiment in Guyana has shifted from the failed promises of jailing PPP for corruption and increasing the standard of living of the population to running back into the arms of the PPP under whom they perceived life to be better. 

Cribby, d2, cain, mars, Ronan, Djangy, Mitwah and others told the people that their lives would better under the PNC as they would curb corruption and save tax payers dollars. Instead they ran the country into a recession from which oil seems to be the only redemption. They told the people that drug money was propping up the economy but then provided zero evidence to support these claims.

Now we will wait to see if the taxpayers will once again be duped by these false claims. 

Who running back to the PPP bhai, their supporters or them PNC supporters ? Regarding the recession, can you tell us what is growth and recession.While pondering on your answers, see if you can find information on growth in Guyana's economy since May 2015.

We know you is a smart fella, and have the answers.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:


Cribby, d2, cain, mars, Ronan, Djangy, Mitwah and others told the people that their lives would better under the PNC as they would curb corruption and save tax payers dollars.

Lying comes to you easier than it does to the orange orangutan. Find one instance where I said the APNU will make a difference. I said to be precise, they will do exactly as the PPP has done only in the reverse; enabling their own friends and family, I advocated change because the PPP had stolen enough and there was an outside chance granger may follow through on constitution reform.

Please find one instance where I stated t he APNU represent change beyond a flip flop of control from the PPP to them. 

Dougla_80 posted:

It's very difficult to argue against this  article

My two cents (pence ).....

. Harmon takes the top seat they'll be in opposition for another 23years

. Volda, best choice but needs to stop this jingoistic approach and appeal to a broader base particular the young and female vote 

. AFC, still breathing just!! - Remove themselves completely from the PNCR rhetoric go back to the reason why people voted for them, though it could well be too little to late 

. PPP, are the favourites at this point, they have politically out manoeuvred and out thought the PNCR (APNU) as much as I dislike Jagdeo he's played his hand well, question remains and believe who ever takes the top seat could mean they win or lose and its the PPP to lose.

A Jagdeo stooge could leave room for the swing vote again (Young,Mixed,Middleclass) or do they break ties and go with a fresh face?


I do not see the APNU recent performance at the polls as a return of the PPP dominance. I saw 2/3 of the electorate staying home since local elections were not something they were of a habit of concerning themselves about. Black people and mixed will turn out in in the high 80 percent rather than in the low 30's we saw at the local polls. Note well Amerindians were not involved here. They hold the 3 seat margin.  The PPP are not be garnering their vote since as the classic supplicants the Amerindian votes will be up for sale here except there is a party dedicated completely to them come on line. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Right now the sentiment in Guyana has shifted from the failed promises of jailing PPP for corruption and increasing the standard of living of the population to running back into the arms of the PPP under whom they perceived life to be better. 

Cribby, d2, cain, mars, Ronan, Djangy, Mitwah and others told the people that their lives would better under the PNC as they would curb corruption and save tax payers dollars. Instead they ran the country into a recession from which oil seems to be the only redemption. They told the people that drug money was propping up the economy but then provided zero evidence to support these claims.

Now we will wait to see if the taxpayers will once again be duped by these false claims. 

Who running back to the PPP bhai, their supporters or them PNC supporters ? Regarding the recession, can you tell us what is growth and recession.While pondering on your answers, see if you can find information on growth in Guyana's economy since May 2015.

We know you is a smart fella, and have the answers.

Oh Skites, Django schooling the sewerage drinker. Hilarious.

That man love to call people name and tell lie. No wonder he ends up making a fool of himself all the time.

Leonora posted:

Django became quite knowledgeable while working in his small mechanic shop.   

Django gets his talking points from Congress Place!  But Django is s brite boy!

Django posted:
Leonora posted:

Django became quite knowledgeable while working in his small mechanic shop.   

He selling old parts.

Hey, leads to reverse engineering.  China became a knowledge-based super-power on that concept!


@Former Member

I don't think dominance is on the cards for either party with the changing ethnic make-up of Guyana but would suggest the PPP have the upper hand, the stakes are high for 2020 who ever wins could be in power for the rest of our (on the board) lives. 

What I do agree with is that the Amerindian community often treated as a nonentity are starting to make there voices heard beyond the handing out of generators come election time, and look forward to seeing what the new party holds but they need to get moving otherwise it well be just another GAP.....Interesting times ahead

Mars posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Right now the sentiment in Guyana has shifted from the failed promises of jailing PPP for corruption and increasing the standard of living of the population to running back into the arms of the PPP under whom they perceived life to be better. 

Cribby, d2, cain, mars, Ronan, Djangy, Mitwah and others told the people that their lives would better under the PNC as they would curb corruption and save tax payers dollars. Instead they ran the country into a recession from which oil seems to be the only redemption. They told the people that drug money was propping up the economy but then provided zero evidence to support these claims.

Now we will wait to see if the taxpayers will once again be duped by these false claims. 

Who running back to the PPP bhai, their supporters or them PNC supporters ? Regarding the recession, can you tell us what is growth and recession.While pondering on your answers, see if you can find information on growth in Guyana's economy since May 2015.

We know you is a smart fella, and have the answers.

Oh Skites, Django schooling the sewerage drinker. Hilarious.

That man love to call people name and tell lie. No wonder he ends up making a fool of himself all the time.

Professor Django!  He putting TK to shades. 

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:

Django became quite knowledgeable while working in his small mechanic shop.   

He selling old parts.

Hey, leads to reverse engineering.  China became a knowledge-based super-power on that concept!

The Koreans were second do that, today they are top of the list in Electronics Manufacturing.The first was Japanese at one time was top of the list, they are still in the game, they know how to diversify their business.

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member

I don't think dominance is on the cards for either party with the changing ethnic make-up of Guyana but would suggest the PPP have the upper hand, the stakes are high for 2020 who ever wins could be in power for the rest of our (on the board) lives. 

What I do agree with is that the Amerindian community often treated as a nonentity are starting to make there voices heard beyond the handing out of generators come election time, and look forward to seeing what the new party holds but they need to get moving otherwise it well be just another GAP.....Interesting times ahead

The PPP has out-witted the PNC.  I don’t know what went wrong with them. Lack of coherency and congruency, no strong point man.   Their message so dissipated!

BJ cannot run for President but he IS the PPP/opposition point man.  They will adopt the Iranian model.  Regardless who is president, “grand ayatollah” Bharat decides.

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member

I don't think dominance is on the cards for either party with the changing ethnic make-up of Guyana but would suggest the PPP have the upper hand, the stakes are high for 2020 who ever wins could be in power for the rest of our (on the board) lives. 

What I do agree with is that the Amerindian community often treated as a nonentity are starting to make there voices heard beyond the handing out of generators come election time, and look forward to seeing what the new party holds but they need to get moving otherwise it well be just another GAP.....Interesting times ahead

That upper hand can only be achieved, if the supporters of the coalition government stayed home come 2020. The tasks are ahead to motivate their supporters to come out and vote,can they achieve such in approx 21 mths,I don't think it's a daunting tasks.

VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The article provides points to ponder. PNC leadership is not being honest with their members.

I wonder if they will blame President Granger for unilaterally picking James Patterson to head GECOM. Will they force old Patto to retire before 2020? PPP should give Patterson a thumbs up now.

PPP giving Patterson a thumbs up would be very hypocritical...remember they opposed Granger’s unilateral selection and they expressed no confidence in the man...not to mention an almost weekly letter about Patterson and GECOM by the PPP reps in SN

One can attack someone consistently and still recognize the virtues of that someone. No man is 100% devilry. I insist: PPP owes Patterson a Thank You card for not tampering with LGE ballots. And yes, Gilly was one of those who opposed Patterson's appointment. And in future if he does someting wrong I shall criticize him.

Django posted:

Peeping Tom aka Freddie Kissoon, doing a great job with the double role acting.

Labba seh the man is bad minded.

Peeping Tom is not one person. Different writers play different strokes under certain columns like Peeping Tom different days. It's normal newspaper practice at least in Guyana.

Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The article provides points to ponder. PNC leadership is not being honest with their members.

I wonder if they will blame President Granger for unilaterally picking James Patterson to head GECOM. Will they force old Patto to retire before 2020? PPP should give Patterson a thumbs up now.

PPP giving Patterson a thumbs up would be very hypocritical...remember they opposed Granger’s unilateral selection and they expressed no confidence in the man...not to mention an almost weekly letter about Patterson and GECOM by the PPP reps in SN

One can attack someone consistently and still recognize the virtues of that someone. No man is 100% devilry. I insist: PPP owes Patterson a Thank You card for not tampering with LGE ballots. And yes, Gilly was one of those who opposed Patterson's appointment. And in future if he does someting wrong I shall criticize him.

So Granger appointment of ole man Patterson, turns out that the choice wasn't poor in taste and the individual is credible. In my travels in life i have learned to trust people first, and comment or avoid when the distrust arises.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Peeping Tom aka Freddie Kissoon, doing a great job with the double role acting.

Labba seh the man is bad minded.

Peeping Tom is not one person. Different writers play different strokes under certain columns like Peeping Tom different days. It's normal newspaper practice at least in Guyana.

Ok cool.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Right now the sentiment in Guyana has shifted from the failed promises of jailing PPP for corruption and increasing the standard of living of the population to running back into the arms of the PPP under whom they perceived life to be better. 

Cribby, d2, cain, mars, Ronan, Djangy, Mitwah and others told the people that their lives would better under the PNC as they would curb corruption and save tax payers dollars. Instead they ran the country into a recession from which oil seems to be the only redemption. They told the people that drug money was propping up the economy but then provided zero evidence to support these claims.

Now we will wait to see if the taxpayers will once again be duped by these false claims. 

Who running back to the PPP bhai, their supporters or them PNC supporters ? Regarding the recession, can you tell us what is growth and recession.While pondering on your answers, see if you can find information on growth in Guyana's economy since May 2015.

We know you is a smart fella, and have the answers.

Sitting in your armchair in the West and pronouncing on the plight of the Guyanese people is not the most accurate vantage point. You may want to procure from your handlers a road trip to Guyana where you can get firsthand feedback from the public rather than playing armchair quarterback.

D2 posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

It's very difficult to argue against this  article

My two cents (pence ).....

. Harmon takes the top seat they'll be in opposition for another 23years

. Volda, best choice but needs to stop this jingoistic approach and appeal to a broader base particular the young and female vote 

. AFC, still breathing just!! - Remove themselves completely from the PNCR rhetoric go back to the reason why people voted for them, though it could well be too little to late 

. PPP, are the favourites at this point, they have politically out manoeuvred and out thought the PNCR (APNU) as much as I dislike Jagdeo he's played his hand well, question remains and believe who ever takes the top seat could mean they win or lose and its the PPP to lose.

A Jagdeo stooge could leave room for the swing vote again (Young,Mixed,Middleclass) or do they break ties and go with a fresh face?


I do not see the APNU recent performance at the polls as a return of the PPP dominance. I saw 2/3 of the electorate staying home since local elections were not something they were of a habit of concerning themselves about. Black people and mixed will turn out in in the high 80 percent rather than in the low 30's we saw at the local polls. Note well Amerindians were not involved here. They hold the 3 seat margin.  The PPP are not be garnering their vote since as the classic supplicants the Amerindian votes will be up for sale here except there is a party dedicated completely to them come on line. 

The same apathy in the US saw Trump ascend to power.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Peeping Tom aka Freddie Kissoon, doing a great job with the double role acting.

Labba seh the man is bad minded.

Peeping Tom is not one person. Different writers play different strokes under certain columns like Peeping Tom different days. It's normal newspaper practice at least in Guyana.

Ok cool.

It's a crying shame that Drugb did not school you on this point. He slipping up. It breaks my heart to correct your mistakes.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Right now the sentiment in Guyana has shifted from the failed promises of jailing PPP for corruption and increasing the standard of living of the population to running back into the arms of the PPP under whom they perceived life to be better. 

Cribby, d2, cain, mars, Ronan, Djangy, Mitwah and others told the people that their lives would better under the PNC as they would curb corruption and save tax payers dollars. Instead they ran the country into a recession from which oil seems to be the only redemption. They told the people that drug money was propping up the economy but then provided zero evidence to support these claims.

Now we will wait to see if the taxpayers will once again be duped by these false claims. 

Who running back to the PPP bhai, their supporters or them PNC supporters ? Regarding the recession, can you tell us what is growth and recession.While pondering on your answers, see if you can find information on growth in Guyana's economy since May 2015.

We know you is a smart fella, and have the answers.

Sitting in your armchair in the West and pronouncing on the plight of the Guyanese people is not the most accurate vantage point. You may want to procure from your handlers a road trip to Guyana where you can get firsthand feedback from the public rather than playing armchair quarterback.

Is that your answer ?  so tell us smart fella , what are the plights of the Guyanese people.

Don't forget we live in a advanced technological world, were first hand information are easy to access. Gone are the days when we have to wait for the news paper man.

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member

I don't think dominance is on the cards for either party with the changing ethnic make-up of Guyana but would suggest the PPP have the upper hand, the stakes are high for 2020 who ever wins could be in power for the rest of our (on the board) lives. 

What I do agree with is that the Amerindian community often treated as a nonentity are starting to make there voices heard beyond the handing out of generators come election time, and look forward to seeing what the new party holds but they need to get moving otherwise it well be just another GAP.....Interesting times ahead

The Amerindians can be part of the swing vote....holding both parties feet to the fire..

I am not sure how you make the quantum leap to make the argument for a party to be in power for the rest of our (on the board) lives for whichever party wins in 2020, especially if there are interesting times ahead.

Clearly the political dynamics are changing, and with international eyes on Guyana due to the oil discovery, it will be more difficult to me the opposite might happen, that is Guyana moving to become a more democratic country, especially if the traditional two party (PNC, PPP) bases are transformed. 

Django posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member

I don't think dominance is on the cards for either party with the changing ethnic make-up of Guyana but would suggest the PPP have the upper hand, the stakes are high for 2020 who ever wins could be in power for the rest of our (on the board) lives. 

What I do agree with is that the Amerindian community often treated as a nonentity are starting to make there voices heard beyond the handing out of generators come election time, and look forward to seeing what the new party holds but they need to get moving otherwise it well be just another GAP.....Interesting times ahead

That upper hand can only be achieved, if the supporters of the coalition government stayed home come 2020. The tasks are ahead to motivate their supporters to come out and vote,can they achieve such in approx 21 mths,I don't think it's a daunting tasks.

They are canvassing some 250K people which is about where their ceiling is, Their base is around 150K it means they have to focus on about a 100K in 21 months. They will have the list first and they will get more touch time with their own so will know precisely where they are lacking and where they can leech more votes. They already had a good US numbers firm which was able to reach directly down to households. I am sure they can do it. 

The PPP had the upper hand the last time with control of the assets of the state and they lost....two times in a row,  They will lose again because they are yet to get with the modern targeting tools and think bottom house shouting will do it. 

Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

Alyuh be careful, the PPP might very well engage Putin!

that's the main problem I have with them...

Well, datts you problem.  I say bring on the Vladdy!

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

Alyuh be careful, the PPP might very well engage Putin!

that's the main problem I have with them...

Well, datts you problem.  I say bring on the Vladdy!

No surprise here...Trump lover.

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

Alyuh be careful, the PPP might very well engage Putin!

that's the main problem I have with them...

Well, datts you problem.  I say bring on the Vladdy!

while his country got big economic problems...

Gilbakka posted:

The article provides points to ponder. PNC leadership is not being honest with their members.

I wonder if they will blame President Granger for unilaterally picking James Patterson to head GECOM. Will they force old Patto to retire before 2020?

PPP should give Patterson a thumbs up now.

Where should be the thumbs?

Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

Alyuh be careful, the PPP might very well engage Putin!

that's the main problem I have with them...

Well, datts you problem.  I say bring on the Vladdy!

while his country got big economic problems...

Ah, datts nuttin’.  Burnham economy was collapsing and he send troops to Angola.  Guyana gatt nuff poverty but PPP send nuff money to Haiti!  Ethiopia had famine but was exporting beef!

You have to walk and chew gum same time.  

Gilbakka posted:

The article provides points to ponder. PNC leadership is not being honest with their members.

I wonder if they will blame President Granger for unilaterally picking James Patterson to head GECOM. Will they force old Patto to retire before 2020? PPP should give Patterson a thumbs up now.

And neither is the PPP if they think that they can govern Guyana by fielding black stooges who they then dump. Where is Mrs. Harper?

You cannot run a country based on ethnic triumphalism when only 37% of the population will be Indian by 2020, if the trends which began in 1991 and continued with every census continue.

So what is the PPP doing to tell blacks that a PPP victory isnt a return to the Black Holocaust that they thought that they escaped from in 2015.

Will Jagdeo govern blacks by terror and the use of para militias run by drug terrorists as he did when he was in office?

D2 posted:


. Black people and mixed will turn out in in the high 80 percent rather than in 

I doubt that they will unless APNU displays attributes which they haven't.  The PNC base felt excluded, discriminated against, and at times even harassed by the PPP. 

They have seen no sign that the PPP corrupt will be dealt with.  They see people like BK, who did well under the PPP, benefitting again under this new gov't.  They hear that certain ministers have a "pay to play" scheme, which means that its the same narrow group of oligarchs (few of them PNC supporters/many Jagdeo's rich friends) who benefit. Vendors harassed, teachers and civil servants ignored.

And when these complaints were made Granger called them lazy people just looking for handouts and told them to sell plantain chips, which of course they already do when they aren't running from the PNC city councilors.

So they feel that they got nothing out of turning out in record numbers in 2015.  So the PNC members voted for Volda as they are angry with Harmon (who they think is owned by BK).   The PNC base stayed home.

So who knows what will happen in 2020. And I expect a myriad of reactions if/when the PPP wins.   As is the coalition margin of victory was quite narrow, so it doesn't take too many staying home to allow the PPP to win.  

2020 will be a very different election.  I dont think that either political group understands this.  But I assume that APNU will be trying to get an advance from oil to squander in PNC and Amerindian areas to garner their votes.

Drugb posted:

Sitting in your armchair in the West and pronouncing on the plight of the Guyanese people is not the most accurate vantage point. You may want to procure from your handlers a road trip to Guyana where you can get firsthand feedback from the public rather than playing armchair quarterback.

Given the turn out in the LGE was abysmal (34% vs 47% a mere 2 years ago) I suggest to you that none of the parties can boast of strong support.

You can run around your Indo KKK bunch and buy roti for a few black people so that they can lie to you but these are the facts.

Baseman posted:

The PPP has out-witted the PNC.  I

For the time being but your hero BJ has this habit of getting arrogant and stuffing his foot in his mouth. So now he isnt as paranoid about losing the Indian vote as he was in 2015, but you know that the PPP cannot win just based on the Indian vote.

Even Jagdeo conceded that blacks (inclusive of mixed) told him that they didn't intend to vote for APNU and had absolutely no intention of supporting him.   So I guess he will do as he did last time and that is to tell Amerindians that if the Coalition returns to office all "straight hair" people will be killed.

The Indian population was 49% in 1991 (meaning that more than 50% of the voting age population were Indians).  In 2012 it was under 40% and it will be even lower in 2020.  So maybe 40% of the voting age population will be Indian.

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