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Welshman’s sex allegations against Speaker, others falling apart


- Apartment where sex act reportedly committed 10 years ago didn’t exist – ‘new victim’

Johnny Welshman Jnr, the young man at the centre of an alleged sex scandal against Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, and his father Johnny Welshman Snr, has now implicated a Yarrowkabra businessman, claiming that the man abused him 10 years ago.
But investigators who took the accuser to the Soesdyke/Linden Highway area found that the scene of the alleged rape did not even exist 10 years ago. Like Trotman, the businessman knows Welshman’s father.  Kaieteur News understands that it was shortly after noon on September 29, last, that Welshman, who was in the company of several police ranks, visited the business place at Yarrowkabra, a small community along the trails, just off the highway.
The businessman said that he saw the people walking through his gate and thought they were customers. “I really didn’t take it seriously…but is when they said they had an allegation against me, everything changed.”
Kaieteur News was told that the businessman was told of the allegation, which said that he sexually molested the young man some ten years ago on his property.
The man said that he was shocked and very disturbed about the allegation, and denied it outright in the presence of the police and Welshman.
“I was very vocal about it…Immediately after they told me I said no…This can’t be the same person or house,” the businessman said.
He said that at this point the police requested to search his property, something he initially refused to do. However, after speaking with his wife and another friend he allowed them to enter the house.
According to the businessman, the police instructed the accuser to point to spot where the alleged sex act happened. According to the businessman who asked that his name be kept out of the saga, “Soon as he walked in the house he look dazed….It’s like if he now seeing the place for the first time and feeling his way around.”
The man said that Welshman pointed to a section of the building in which he said he was sexually molested.
The funny thing about that section of the property is that it was only constructed three years ago. “He point to this wall…now everybody in the community knows that I only did this extension to the property recently.”
The businessman, to support his claims, even has dated photographs when the business place was a mere shack. While in the company of the businessman and police, the accuser continuously asked about another one of his father’s friend who lived a short distance away.
“He keep asking for the man, but is a good thing the man living abroad because he would have been dragged into this nonsense, too,” the businessman said.
After pointing to the spot where the “alleged incident” happened, the businessman said that investigators invited him to the Criminal Investigation Department. The man said that this again took him by surprise, but he nevertheless complied.
Upon arriving at the station the man said that the police asked him to give a statement. He said that he started to become agitated. “I told them that I wasn’t giving any statement since I already told them I didn’t know this Welshman character.”
He further told Kaieteur News that the police subsequently drafted up a document which stated that he had refused to give a statement. The business said that he signed that.
Thinking that it was the end of his ordeal, the businessman said he was taken into a dark, rat infested cell. The man said he spent approximately eight hours in the cell, until about 22:00hrs that night before the Crime Chief, Leslie James, said that he could be released.
To date the businessman said that he has not heard back from the police.
Earlier last month Welshman came forward with allegations that Trotman had sexually assaulted him as a child. These allegations have been denied flatly by Trotman, who call the actions of Welshman “malicious”.
The High Court has also granted an injunction barring Welshman from publishing, whether in the print or electronic media, any material relating to allegations he made against Trotman.
That matter is still pending in the courts.
Welshman had also claimed to have met with the Venezuelan Ambassador, something the embassy here in Georgetown has denied, too.

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I am beginning to wonder more and more if Welshman mistook the poeple he is accusing for Jagdeo and Kwame. They are a very close match. What about asking him to visit the presidential palace in case there is where the attacks actually took place?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am beginning to wonder more and more if Welshman mistook the poeple he is accusing for Jagdeo and Kwame. They are a very close match. What about asking him to visit the presidential palace in case there is where the attacks actually took place?

Lil Johnnie 15 mins of time in the spotlight has evaporated. The PPP now needs to give him a TV show right next to kwame on 69.


I am very upset at the depths these people went to explore the dubious claims of a clearly disturbed man some ten years old while neglecting completely the brutal gang rape of a native girl that happened last week. It is sickeningly political and tells us that ordinary person have very little chance at justice. Every thing about this PPP government reeks!


Johnny Welshman is a serial liar like y22.

Welshman even lied that he spoke with chief state prosecutor Shalimar Hack.

Whoever put him up to smear Raphael Trotman is a ruthless creature.

The court may recommend psychiatric treatment for Welshman.


Operation Welshman turned out to be just like the PPP and their multitude of ventures a complete and utter failure.


I tell you fellas and ladies everyday, the PPP is a corrupt thiefman organization that embraces mediocrity. 


They are dumb.....


Police still investigating Welshman’s sex allegations – Crime Chief


The police are still investigating claims which were made by Johnny Welshman Jnr, that he was sexually abused by Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman and two other persons.
Apart from Trotman, Welshman has alleged that he was molested by his father Johnny Welshman Snr and a Yarrowkabra businessman on separate occasions.
But even though there appears to be grave discrepancies in his stories of being sexually abused, police have not yet closed their probe.
Crime Chief Leslie James told Kaieteur News yesterday that investigators are actively working on the case.
He said that once all the statements have been completed a file would be dispatched to the office of Director of Public Prosecutions for legal advice. James told Kaieteur News that he could not make further pronouncements on the matter.
Earlier last month Welshman came forward with allegations that Trotman had sexually assaulted him as a child. These allegations have been denied flatly by Trotman, who call the actions of Welshman “malicious”.
The High Court has also granted an injunction barring Welshman from publishing, whether in the print or electronic media, any material relating to allegations he made against Trotman.
That matter is still pending in the courts.
Welshman had also claimed to have met with the Venezuelan Ambassador, something the Embassy here in Georgetown has denied, too.
Even Welshman’s father has been calling for his son to stop making malicious allegations against the Speaker and himself. According to the father, Welshman should seek professional help.
“I know that I may have not been the best parent to my son; that I could have been a better father, but from since Johnny was a little boy he has always been a rebel. I had hoped that he would grow out of it but it only got worse,” the father had told Kaieteur News.
The father said that the young man suffers from depression and fits of rage. According to Welshman Snr, this is not the first time his son is making these wild accusations.
In fact, the father alleges that his son did worse. “With this whole fiasco, I ended up travelling to Guyana from Brazil because I want my son to know that I will always love him but he needs help,” said Welshman Snr.
The 47-year-old said that he feels “deeply embarrassed” by his son’s latest actions. He said that his son has repeatedly turned him down every time he tried to help him. The Brazilian resident said, too, that he feels most unhappy about the accusations being made against Trotman who has been nothing more than a dear and respectful friend of the family.
On September 30, last Welshman also made claims that a Yarrowkabra businessman had abused him 10 years ago.
But investigators who took the accuser to the Soesdyke/Linden Highway area found that the scene of the alleged rape did not even exist 10 years ago. Like Trotman, the businessman knows Welshman’s father.
When asked about the fact that they were inconsistencies with the location of the alleged crime, Crime Chief James said that the police would not speculate.


Johnny told the media that he is staying at the Pegasus and he is planning a press conference with the BBC. The part of the building where he said he was assaulted 10 years ago did not even exist at that time. This is the looney that the PPP selected for this dastardly plot.


Trotman likely to be cleared of Welshman's sexual assault allegations


Police were this week due to seek advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) about the sexual assault allegations by a young man against House Speaker, Raphael Trotman but already investigators do not believe that there is sufficient to charge him.

Senior police officers familiar with the probe told Demerara Waves Online News that although the Police Force’s Legal Advisor, Retired Justice Claudette Singh could offer her advice, the law is clear that the DPP must handle such reports.

The Sexual Offences Act states that the DPP must provide advice in such matters.

Asked whether, based on the information collected so far, the Speaker would be charged, one police source said “they don’t have anything there” in suggesting strongly that Trotman would be cleared of the allegations.

Twenty-three year old Johnny Anthony Welshman has alleged that Trotman had sexually assaulted him while he was a teenager. The House Speaker has vehemently denied those accusations and he and his Alliance For Change (AFC) political party have deemed them politically motivated at a time when the opposition-controlled House is preparing to debate a no-confidence motion against the government.

Welshman has also leveled similar allegations against his father and his father’s friend. However, his claim against that man who lives at Linden-Soesdyke Highway community has fallen through based on his account of where the acts were committed.

He has shown police an area of the house that did not exist while he was a teenager.

The House Speaker has already secured a High Court order, restraining Welshman from publishing the allegations locally or on Facebook. Those Facebook posts have since been removed.

Trotman has confirmed knowing Welshman and has acknowledged providing him with a very broad recommendation because he knew the family.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Looks like there may be little Jonney vs Bennschop now

Wallace you have to understand the back story on how these dunces in the PPP work.


When they don't want to deal with an issue they usually send persons to Benschop and CN sharma so these guys can make a big deal about it. When it is in their interest. Both Benschop and Sharma know their tricks.


What manickchand and these fools did is not new ground, what they didn't realize was dat lil johnnie would get caught wid his pants down and so would manick and nandallalala baba ding dong.


As I told a friend these dunces in the PPP are not known for strategic thinking or any thinking for that matter.


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